[Economy] ;# {SellEnabled} {} {Enable selling for 0?} {true false} true ; The default economy module only implements just enough to allow free actions (transfer of objects, etc). ; There is no intention to implement anything further in core OpenSimulator. ; This functionality has to be provided by third party modules. ;; Enables selling things for $0. Default is true. SellEnabled = true CurrencyServer = "https://jogrid.net:8008/" EconomyModule = DTLNSLMoneyModule ; ;ClientCertFilename = "jogrid_region.p12" ;ClientCertPassword = "" ;CheckServerCert = true ;CACertFilename = "jogrid_cacert.crt" ; ;SettlementByWeb = false ;SettlementURL = "http://www.jogrid.net" ;SettlementMessage = "Goto the settlement of accounts Web page. (Testing now)" ;# {PriceUpload} {} {Price for uploading?} {} 0 ;; Money Unit fee to upload textures, animations etc. Default is 0. PriceUpload = 10 ;# {PriceGroupCreate} {} {Fee for group creation} {} 0 ;; Money Unit fee to create groups. Default is 0. PriceGroupCreate = 10