// // A Simple Fluid Solver Wind Module for OpenSim // // Using AForge.NET for FFT // // by Fumi.Iseki // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Security; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using log4net; using OpenMetaverse; using Mono.Addins; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Interfaces; using OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Wind; [assembly: Addin("SimpleFluidSolverWind", "1.0")] [assembly: AddinDependency("OpenSim.Region.Framework", OpenSim.VersionInfo.VersionNumber)] namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Wind.Plugins { [Extension(Path = "/OpenSim/WindModule", NodeName = "WindModel", Id = "SimpleFluidSolverWind")] class SimpleFluidSolverWind : Mono.Addins.TypeExtensionNode, IWindModelPlugin { private const int m_mesh = 16; // private int m_extr_force = 0; // Kind of the external force private float m_damping_rate = 0.85f; // Damping rate of the externl force private float m_viscosity = 0.001f; // Viscosity coefficient of the wind private int m_region_size = 256; private float m_energy_eps = 0.004f; // Lower limit of the energy variation rate private float m_energy = 0.0f; private int m_energy_cnt = 0; private int m_period = 0; // Period of external the external force private int m_period_cnt = 0; private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private Vector2[] m_windSpeeds = null; private float m_strength = 1.0f; private Random m_rndnums = null; private float[] m_windSpeeds_u = null; private float[] m_windSpeeds_v = null; private float[] m_windForces_u = null; private float[] m_windForces_v = null; private float[] m_extrForces_u = null; private float[] m_extrForces_v = null; private float[] m_work_u = null; private float[] m_work_v = null; private AForge.Math.Complex[,] m_comp_u = null; private AForge.Math.Complex[,] m_comp_v = null; #region IPlugin Members public string Version { get { return ""; } } public string Name { get { return "SimpleFluidSolverWind"; } } public void Initialise() { m_rndnums = new Random(Environment.TickCount); m_windSpeeds_u = new float[m_mesh*m_mesh]; m_windSpeeds_v = new float[m_mesh*m_mesh]; m_windForces_u = new float[m_mesh*m_mesh]; m_windForces_v = new float[m_mesh*m_mesh]; m_extrForces_u = new float[m_mesh*m_mesh]; m_extrForces_v = new float[m_mesh*m_mesh]; // m_windSpeeds = new Vector2[m_mesh*m_mesh]; m_work_u = new float[m_mesh*m_mesh]; m_work_v = new float[m_mesh*m_mesh]; m_comp_u = new AForge.Math.Complex[m_mesh, m_mesh]; m_comp_v = new AForge.Math.Complex[m_mesh, m_mesh]; clearForces(); clearSpeeds(); addForces(m_extr_force); } #endregion #region IDisposable Members public void Dispose() { m_windSpeeds = null; // m_windSpeeds_u = null; m_windSpeeds_v = null; m_windForces_u = null; m_windForces_v = null; m_extrForces_u = null; m_extrForces_v = null; m_work_u = null; m_work_v = null; // m_comp_u = null; m_comp_v = null; } #endregion #region IWindModelPlugin Members public void WindConfig(OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene scene, Nini.Config.IConfig windConfig) { if (windConfig != null) { if (windConfig.Contains("strength")) { m_strength = windConfig.GetFloat("strength", 1.0f); } if (windConfig.Contains("damping")) { m_damping_rate = windConfig.GetFloat("damping", 1.0f); if (m_damping_rate>1.0f) m_damping_rate = 1.0f; } if (windConfig.Contains("force")) { m_extr_force = windConfig.GetInt("force", 0); if (m_extr_force<0) m_extr_force = 0; } if (windConfig.Contains("period")) { m_period = windConfig.GetInt("period", 0); if (m_period<0) m_period = 0; } if (windConfig.Contains("wind_eps")) { m_energy_eps = windConfig.GetFloat("wind_eps", 0.001f); if (m_energy_eps<=0.0f) m_energy_eps = 0.001f; } if (windConfig.Contains("wind_visc")) { m_viscosity = windConfig.GetFloat("wind_visc", 0.001f); if (m_viscosity<0.0f) m_viscosity = 0.001f; } // if (windConfig.Contains("region")) { m_region_size = windConfig.GetInt("region", 256); m_region_size = (((int)Math.Abs(m_region_size)+255)/256)*256; if (m_region_size==0) m_region_size = 256; } else if (scene!=null) { m_region_size = (int)scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX; } } } public void WindUpdate(uint frame) { if (m_windSpeeds!=null) { for (int i=0; i ({0} {1}) ({2} {3})", m_windSpeeds_u[0], m_windSpeeds_v[0], m_windSpeeds_u[center], m_windSpeeds_v[center]); //m_log.InfoFormat("[SFSW]: F ==> ({0} {1}) ({2} {3})", m_extrForces_u[0], m_extrForces_v[0], m_extrForces_u[center], m_extrForces_v[center]); float energy = 0.0f; for (int i=0; i {0} {1}", energy, st_rate); // if (st_rate>=0.0f && st_rate<=m_energy_eps) { m_energy_cnt++; if (m_energy_cnt>5) { m_log.InfoFormat("[SFSW]: Restart Wind by Energy Limit."); // restart wind clearForces(); clearSpeeds(); addForces(m_extr_force); m_period_cnt = 0; m_energy_cnt = 0; } } else m_energy_cnt = 0; } else m_energy_cnt = 0; m_energy = energy; // if (m_period!=0) { m_period_cnt++; if (m_period_cnt>=m_period) { m_log.InfoFormat("[SFSW]: Restart Wind by Priod."); // restart wind clearForces(); clearSpeeds(); addForces(m_extr_force); m_period_cnt = 0; m_energy_cnt = 0; } } } } public Vector3 WindSpeed(float fX, float fY, float fZ) { Vector3 windVector = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if (m_windSpeeds!=null) { int x = (int)fX/m_mesh; int y = (int)fY/m_mesh; if (x<0) x = 0; if (x>m_mesh-1) x = m_mesh - 1; if (y<0) y = 0; if (y>m_mesh-1) y = m_mesh - 1; windVector.X = m_windSpeeds[y*m_mesh + x].X; windVector.Y = m_windSpeeds[y*m_mesh + x].Y; } return windVector; } public Vector2[] WindLLClientArray() { return m_windSpeeds; } public string Description { get { return "Provides a simple fluid solver wind by Jos Stam."; } } public System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary WindParams() { Dictionary Params = new Dictionary(); Params.Add("force", "Kind of the external force"); Params.Add("period", "Period of the external force"); Params.Add("strength", "Wind strength"); Params.Add("damping", "Damping rate of the external force"); Params.Add("wind_visc", "Viscosity coefficient of the wind"); Params.Add("wind_eps", "Lower limit of the energy variation rate"); Params.Add("region", "Size of the region"); Params.Add("stop", "Stop the wind"); return Params; } public void WindParamSet(string param, float value) { switch(param) { case "force": m_extr_force = (int)value; if (m_extr_force<0) m_extr_force = 0; m_log.InfoFormat("[SFSW]: Set Param : force = {0}", m_extr_force); clearForces(); addForces(m_extr_force); break; case "strength": m_strength = value; m_log.InfoFormat("[SFSW]: Set Param : strength = {0}", m_strength); break; case "damping": m_damping_rate = value; if (m_damping_rate>1.0f) m_damping_rate = 1.0f; m_log.InfoFormat("[SFSW]: Set Param : damping = {0}", m_damping_rate); break; case "period": m_period = (int)value; if (m_period<0) m_period = 0; m_log.InfoFormat("[SFSW]: Set Param : period = {0}", m_period); m_period_cnt = 0; break; case "wind_visc": m_viscosity = value; if (m_viscosity<0.0f) m_viscosity = 0.001f; m_log.InfoFormat("[SFSW]: Set Param : wind_visc = {0}", m_viscosity); break; case "wind_eps": m_energy_eps = value; if (m_energy_eps<=0.0f) m_energy_eps = 0.001f; m_log.InfoFormat("[SFSW]: Set Param : wind_eps = {0}", m_energy_eps); m_energy_cnt = 0; break; case "region": m_region_size = (((int)Math.Abs(value)+255)/256)*256; if (m_region_size==0) m_region_size = 256; m_log.InfoFormat("[SFSW]: Set Param : region = {0}", m_region_size); break; case "stop": m_log.InfoFormat("[SFSW]: Command : stop"); clearForces(); clearSpeeds(); break; } } public float WindParamGet(string param) { switch (param) { case "force": return (float)m_extr_force; case "strength": return m_strength; case "damping": return m_damping_rate; case "period": return (float)m_period; case "wind_visc": return m_viscosity; case "wind_eps": return m_energy_eps; case "region": return (float)m_region_size; default: throw new Exception(String.Format("Unknown {0} parameter {1}", this.Name, param)); } } #endregion public void clearSpeeds() { if (m_windSpeeds!=null) { for (int i=0; i