* The prefix length notation is also possible instead of a subnetmask. =>

* When a part of IP address is omitted, it is regarded as 0.
    202.26./ =>

* When a parts of subnetmask is omitted, it is regarded as 0. =>
    202.26./255.255.255. =>

* When all subnet masks are omitted, the portion omitted by the IP address is 0.
    202. =>

ex.) 192.168.100. '; $string['hourmin'] = 'Hour, Minute'; $string['hour'] = 'Hour'; $string['minute'] = 'Minute'; $string['correctuser'] = 'Correct'; $string['autoattendblock'] = 'Auto Attendance'; $string['autoattend'] = 'Auto Attendance'; $string['attendtable'] = 'Attendances'; $string['sessiontable'] = 'Sessions'; $string['takemanualattend'] = 'Attendance'; $string['calleddate'] = 'Called Date'; $string['calledtime'] = 'Called Time'; $string['callmethod'] = 'Call Method'; $string['callstate'] = 'State'; $string['deleteconfirm'] = 'Do you really delete?'; $string['semiautoconfirm'] = 'You can sumbit an attendance of below session. Do you submit an attendance?'; $string['returntoNconfirm'] = "Do you really return this session to 'Not Started' state?"; $string['returntoNdesc'] = "Even if you return this session to 'Not Started' state, attendances taken by manual and semi-auto mode are not cleared."; $string['deleteok'] = 'Delete'; $string['attendkey'] = 'Keyword'; $string['attendkey_help'] = 'When taking attendance with the semiautomatic mode, the keyword (alphabet) which a student should input is specified. When you check the "Random Key" checkbox, the small letter of five characters is generated automatically.
In the case of automatic and a manual mode, this is disregarded.'; $string['denysameip'] = 'Deny same IP'; $string['starttime'] = 'Start Time'; $string['endtime'] = 'End Time'; $string['ipaddress'] = 'IP Address'; $string['ip'] = 'IP'; $string['notcallthis'] = 'You cannot call this script in that way'; $string['nevererror'] = 'Never Occur ERROR!!!'; $string['refreshdata'] = ' Refresh '; $string['keyword'] = 'Keyword'; $string['setrandomkey'] = 'Random Key'; $string['semiautoattend'] = 'Semi Automatic Attendance'; $string['submitattend'] = 'Submit Attendance'; $string['submitok'] = 'Submit'; $string['attendsubmitted'] = 'Attendance is submitted'; $string['attendsubmiterr'] = 'Error occurred in submitting attendance'; $string['mismatchkey'] = 'Not corresponding keyword'; $string['mismatchip'] = 'Your IP is not corresponding allowed IPs. Your IP is'; $string['sameusedip'] = 'Your IP is corresponding other used IPs. Your IP is'; $string['iperrattention'] = 'If you use web proxy, stop to use proxy for this attendance.'; $string['keyerrattention'] = 'Attendance keyword is mismatch. Please confirm keyword to your teacher.
And try again!!'; $string['needkeyword'] = 'This submition need keyword. Please input attendance keyword.'; $string['iperroccur'] = 'IP address error occurred.'; $string['keyerroccur'] = 'Attendance keyword error is occurred.'; $string['about'] = 'about'; $string['grade'] = 'G'; $string['returntoN'] = "return to 'Not Started'"; $string['toNok'] = 'OK'; $string['toNtitle'] = 'to Not Started'; $string['returnto_course'] = 'Return'; $string['class_settings'] = 'Class Settings'; $string['classname'] = 'Class Name'; $string['allclasses'] = 'All Classes'; $string['unknownclass'] = 'Unknown Class'; $string['nonclass'] = 'No Class'; $string['changeclass'] = 'Change Class'; $string['class_division'] = 'Classifications'; $string['deletingclasses'] = 'Deleting Classes in the Course'; $string['deleteconfirmclasses'] = 'At least one or more classes are already taken attendances.
Do you really delete them?'; $string['allstudents'] = 'All Students'; $string['exclusion'] = 'Excluded'; $string['excludedstudents'] = 'Excluded Students'; $string['monday'] = 'Mon.'; $string['tuesday'] = 'Tue.'; $string['wednesday'] = 'Wed.'; $string['thursday'] = 'Thu.'; $string['friday'] = 'Fri.'; $string['saturday'] = 'Sat.'; $string['sunday'] = 'Sun.'; $string['nowtime'] = 'Time Now'; $string['nowtime_help'] = 'When this displayed time is not in same with the present time, the time of this autoattendance block are inaccurate.
This inaccurate time occurs when user is admin.In that case, please set up a management user\'s timezone correctly.
When a general user\'s (teacher) time does not correspond, probably, it is bug.Please send me bug report.'; $string['wiki_url'] = 'http://docs.moodle.org/25/en/Autoattendance_block'; $string['ipresolv'] = 'Reverse lookup URL of IP address'; $string['ipresolv_desc'] = 'URL for looking up the IP address of student\'s connection origin in reverse is specified. An IP address portion is described to be %s'; $string['ipresolv_url'] = 'http://whois.arin.net/rest/nets;q=%s?showDetails=true'; $string['use_timeoffset'] = 'Use Timeoffset of the Timezone'; $string['use_timeoffset_desc'] = 'Timeoffset of the Timezone is used for Administrator.'; $string['output_idnumber'] = 'Output idnumbers of students'; $string['output_idnumber_desc'] = 'idnumbers of students are included in download data.';