You can use this module only together with block AutoAttendance. Please add an autoattendand block before adding this module.
This module need for semi-automatic attendance and include grades of attendances to main course\'s grades.'; $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Autoattend'; $string['modulenamesimple'] = 'Autoattend'; $string['misconfigured'] = 'Course is misconfigured'; $string['modidincorrect'] = 'Course Module ID was incorrect'; $string['modincorrect'] = 'Course module is incorrect
It is possible that Auto Attenndance Block is not installed'; $string['session_num'] = 'The number of sessions'; $string['autoattendmod_options'] = 'Options of Auto Attendance module'; $string['permit_homeroom_title'] = 'For Homeroom Module'; $string['permit_homeroom'] = 'Permit access from Homeroom Module'; $string['permit_homeroom_help'] = 'If you check off this, Homeroom module does not access this autoattend module/block'; $string['disp_localhostname_title'] = 'Display Local Hostname'; $string['disp_localhostname'] = 'Display hostname instead of local IP address'; $string['disp_localhostname_help'] = 'If the IP address is local, display local host name instead of IP address'; $string['feedback_title'] = 'Feedback Link'; $string['feedback_disp'] = 'Display Feedback link'; $string['feedback_disp_help'] = 'If you check off this, links to the Feedback are not displayed'; $string['email_enable_title'] = 'Notification Result to Teachers'; $string['email_enable'] = 'Enable e-mail notification of attenance data to Teachers'; $string['email_enable_help'] = 'If you check on this, when a session ended, attendance data is sent to teachers using e-mail. However, you must add "Teacher" to the autoattendmod:receivemail capability.'; $string['email_allrep_title'] = 'Send all Reports'; $string['email_allrep'] = 'Send all reports to teachers by e-mail'; $string['email_allrep_help'] = 'If e-mail is enable and you check on this, all days attendances reports are sent by e-mail. And you check off this, only one attendance report is sent'; $string['email_key_title'] = 'Notification Keyword to Teachers'; $string['email_key'] = 'Enable e-mail notification of attendance keyword to Teachers'; $string['email_key_help'] = 'If you check on this, when a session started, attendance keyword is sent to teachers using e-mail. However, you must add "Teacher" to the autoattendmod:receivemail capability.'; $string['email_user_title'] = 'Notification to Students'; $string['email_user'] = 'Enable e-mail notification of attendance to Students'; $string['email_user_help'] = 'If you check on this, when attendance of student changes, notification is sent to student using e-mail. However, you must add "Student" to the autoattendmod:receivemail capability.'; $string['backup_block_title'] = 'Backup of Attendance Data'; $string['backup_block'] = 'When this course is backupped, attendance data is backedupped that Autoattendance block maneged.'; $string['backup_block_help'] = 'In this version, Autoattendance block manages attendance data. Even if you delete a autoattendmod, attendamce data of the course remains on the database.'; $string['excelver_title'] = 'Use old Excel2007'; $string['excelver_disp'] = 'Use old Excel (Excel2007) format when downloading'; $string['excelver_disp_help'] = 'If you fail to download Excel Report, please check this.'; $string['summertime_title'] = 'Use Summer Time'; $string['summertime_disp'] = 'Summer Time can be set at sessions.'; $string['summertime_disp_help'] = 'You can set Summer Time st some sessions. '; $string['firstinstallblock'] = 'Please install the Auto Attendance Block first.'; $string['firstinstanceblock'] = 'Please create an instance of Auto Attendance Block first in this course.'; $string['onlyonemodule'] = 'Only one Auto Attendance Module instance can be created per one course.';