. /** * Strings for component 'apply', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package mod_apply * @copyright Fumi.Iseki {@link http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp}, 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['pluginname'] = 'Application Form'; $string['pluginadministration'] = 'Apply administration'; $string['modulename'] = 'Application Form'; $string['modulename_help'] = 'You can make simple Application Forms and make a user submit it.'; $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Application Forms'; $string['messageprovider:submission'] = 'Operation of Entry'; $string['messageprovider:message'] = 'Message'; $string['messageprovider:processed'] = 'Operation was Processed'; $string['accept_entry'] = 'accept'; $string['acked_accept'] = 'Accept'; $string['acked_notyet'] = 'Not Yet'; $string['acked_reject'] = 'Reject'; $string['add_item'] = 'Add entry item to activity'; $string['add_items'] = 'Add entry items to activity'; $string['add_pagebreak'] = 'Add a page break for depending'; $string['adjustment'] = 'Adjustment'; $string['apply_is_not_ready'] = 'Apply is not ready yet. Please edit items first.'; $string['apply:addinstance'] = 'Add a new apply'; $string['apply:applies'] = 'issue a apply'; $string['apply:createprivatetemplate'] = 'Create private template'; $string['apply:createpublictemplate'] = 'Create public template'; $string['apply:deletetemplate'] = 'Delete template'; $string['apply:deletesubmissions'] = 'Delete submissions'; $string['apply:edititems'] = 'Edit Items'; $string['apply:edittemplates'] = 'Edit Templates'; $string['apply:mapcourse'] = 'Map courses to global applys'; $string['apply:operatesubmit'] = 'Operation of Entry'; $string['apply:preview'] = 'Preview'; $string['apply:receivemail'] = 'Receive email notification'; $string['apply:submit'] = 'Submit a Entry'; $string['apply:preview_submit'] = 'Submit Screen Preview'; $string['apply:view'] = 'View a Apply'; $string['apply:viewentries'] = 'List of Entries'; $string['apply:viewanalysepage'] = 'View the analysis page after submit'; $string['apply:viewreports'] = 'View reports'; $string['apply_is_already_submitted'] = 'Application is already submitted'; $string['apply_is_closed'] = 'Application period is closed'; $string['apply_is_disable'] = 'You ca not use this Apply.'; $string['apply_is_not_open'] = 'Application is not opened yet'; $string['apply_options'] = 'Apply options'; $string['average'] = 'Average'; $string['back_button'] = ' Back '; $string['before_apply'] = 'Before submit'; $string['cancel_entry'] = 'Cancel'; $string['cancel_entry_button'] = ' Cancel '; $string['cancel_moving'] = 'Cancel moving'; $string['cannot_save_templ'] = 'saving templates is not allowed'; $string['captcha'] = 'Captcha'; $string['check'] = 'Check Box'; $string['checkbox'] = 'Check Boxes'; $string['class_cancel'] = 'Cancel'; $string['class_draft'] = 'Draft'; $string['class_newpost'] = 'New Post'; $string['class_update'] = 'Update'; $string['confirm_cancel_entry'] = 'Are you sure you want to cancel this entry?'; $string['confirm_delete_entry'] = 'Are you sure you want to Withdraw this entry?'; $string['confirm_delete_item'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this element?'; $string['confirm_delete_submit'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this application?'; $string['confirm_delete_template'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this template?'; $string['confirm_rollback_entry'] = 'Are you sure you want to withdraw this entry?'; $string['confirm_use_template'] = 'Are you sure you want to use this template?'; $string['count_of_nums'] = 'Count of numbers'; $string['creating_templates'] = 'Save these questions as a new template'; $string['delete_entry'] = 'Withdraw'; $string['delete_entry_button'] = ' Withdraw '; $string['delete_item'] = 'Delete item'; $string['delete_submit'] = 'Delete application'; $string['delete_template'] = 'Delete template'; $string['delete_templates'] = 'Delete template...'; $string['depending'] = 'Dependencies'; $string['depending_help'] = 'It is possible to show an item depending on the value of another item.
Here is an example.
The item structure should look like this.
  1. Item Q: Do you have a car? A: yes/no
  2. Pagebreak for depending
  3. Item Q: What colour is your car?
    (this item depends on item 1 with value = yes)
  4. Item Q: Why don\'t you have a car?
    (this item depends on item 1 with value = no)
  5. ... other items
'; $string['dependitem'] = 'Dependence item'; $string['dependvalue'] = 'Dependence value'; $string['description'] = 'Description'; $string['display_button'] = ' Display '; $string['do_not_analyse_empty_submits'] = 'Do not analyse empty submits'; $string['dropdown'] = 'Dropdown List'; $string['edit_entry'] = 'Edit'; $string['edit_entry_button'] = ' Edit '; $string['edit_item'] = 'Edit question'; $string['edit_items'] = 'Edit Items'; $string['export'] = 'Export'; $string['email_entry'] = 'Send email to applicant'; $string['email_notification'] = 'Send email notifications to admin'; $string['email_notification_help'] = 'If enabled, administrators receive email notification of apply submissions.'; $string['email_notification_user'] = 'send email notifications to applicants'; $string['email_notification_user_help'] = 'If enabled, administrator can send email of apply processes to applicants.'; $string['email_confirm_text'] = ' : \'{$a->apply}\' You can view it here: {$a->url}'; $string['email_confirm_html'] = ' : \'{$a->apply}\'

You can view it here.'; $string['email_teacher'] = '{$a->username} has submitted apply activity'; $string['email_user_done'] = 'Your application is processing has been completed'; $string['email_user_accept'] = 'Your application was accepted'; $string['email_user_reject'] = 'Your application was rejected'; $string['email_user_other'] = 'The administrator has processed your application'; $string['email_noreply'] = 'This email is automatically. Please do not reply to this email.'; // $string['only_acked_accept'] = 'Reception Only'; $string['only_acked_accept_help'] = 'Enable to only accept reception. Specify when processing is not required.'; $string['enable_deletemode'] = 'Delete Mode'; $string['enable_deletemode_help'] = 'This enables a teacher to delete all applications.
Usually, please set to "No" for safety.'; $string['can_discard'] = 'Can Discard'; $string['can_discard_help'] = 'Enable cancellation of application.'; $string['date_format'] = 'Display format of date(time)'; $string['date_format_default'] = '%m/%d/%y %H:%M'; $string['date_format_help'] = 'Specify display format of date and time. The default is %m/%d/%y %H:%M'; $string['entries_list_title'] = 'List of Entries'; $string['entry_saved'] = 'Your applocation has been saved. Thank you.'; $string['entry_saved_draft'] = 'Your applocation has been saved as Draft.'; $string['entry_saved_operation'] = 'Your request has been processed.'; $string['execd_done'] = 'Done'; $string['execd_entry'] = 'done'; $string['execd_notyet'] = 'Not Yet'; $string['exist'] = 'Exist'; $string['export_templates'] = 'Export templates'; $string['hide_no_select_option'] = 'Hide the "Not selected" option'; $string['horizontal'] = 'horizontal'; $string['import_templates'] = 'Import templates'; $string['info'] = 'Information'; $string['infotype'] = 'Information-Type'; $string['item_label'] = 'Label'; $string['item_label_help'] = 'Special Labels
'; $string['item_name'] = 'Item Name'; $string['items_are_required'] = 'Answers are required to starred items.'; $string['label'] = 'Label'; $string['maximal'] = 'maximal'; $string['move_here'] = 'Move here'; $string['move_item'] = 'Move this question'; $string['movedown_item'] = 'Move this question down'; $string['moveup_item'] = 'Move this question up'; $string['multichoice'] = 'Multiple choice'; $string['multichoice_values'] = 'Multiple choice values'; $string['multichoicerated'] = 'Multiple choice (rated)'; $string['multichoicetype'] = 'Multiple choice type'; $string['multiple_submit'] = 'Multiple Submissions'; $string['multiple_submit_help'] = 'If enabled for anonymous surveys, users can submit apply an unlimited number of times.'; $string['name'] = 'Name'; $string['name_required'] = 'Name required'; $string['next_page_button'] = ' Next page '; $string['no_itemlabel'] = 'No label'; $string['no_itemname'] = 'No itemname'; $string['no_items_available_yet'] = 'No questions have been set up yet'; $string['no_settings_captcha'] = 'Setting of CAPTCHA cannot be edited. '; $string['no_submit_data'] = 'Specified entry data does not exist'; $string['no_templates_available_yet'] = 'No templates available yet'; $string['no_title'] = 'No Title'; $string['not_selected'] = 'not Selected'; $string['not_exist'] = 'not Exist'; $string['numeric'] = 'Numeric answer'; $string['numeric_range_from'] = 'Range from'; $string['numeric_range_to'] = 'Range to'; $string['only_one_captcha_allowed'] = 'Only one captcha is allowed in a apply'; $string['operate_is_disable'] = 'You ca not use this Operation'; $string['operate_submit'] = 'Operate'; $string['operate_submit_button'] = ' Process '; $string['operation_error_execd'] = 'When you do not accept entry, you can not checke "done"'; $string['overview'] = 'Overview and Submit'; $string['pagebreak'] = 'Page break for depending'; $string['position'] = 'Position'; $string['preview'] = 'Preview'; $string['preview_help'] = 'In the preview you can change the order of questions.'; $string['previous_apply'] = 'Previous submit'; $string['previous_page_button'] = ' Previous page '; $string['public'] = 'Public'; $string['radio'] = 'Radio Button'; $string['radiobutton'] = 'Radio Button'; $string['radiobutton_rated'] = 'Radio Button (Rated)'; $string['radiorated'] = 'Radio Button (Rated)'; $string['reject_entry'] = 'reject'; $string['related_items_deleted'] = 'All your user\'s responses for this question will also be deleted'; $string['required'] = 'Required'; $string['resetting_data'] = 'Reset apply responses'; $string['responsetime'] = 'Responsestime'; $string['returnto_course'] = 'Return'; $string['rollback_entry'] = 'Withdraw'; $string['rollback_entry_button'] = ' Withdraw '; $string['save_as_new_item'] = 'Save as new question'; $string['save_as_new_template'] = 'Save as new template'; $string['save_draft_button'] = ' Save as draft '; $string['save_entry_button'] = ' Submit this entry '; $string['save_item'] = 'Save item'; $string['saving_failed'] = 'Saving failed'; $string['saving_failed_because_missing_or_false_values'] = 'Saving failed because missing or false values.'; $string['separator_decimal'] = '.'; $string['separator_thousand'] = ','; $string['show_all'] = 'Show all {$a}'; $string['show_perpage'] = 'Show {$a} per page'; $string['start'] = 'Start'; $string['started'] = 'started'; $string['stop'] = 'End'; $string['subject'] = 'Subject'; $string['submit_form_button'] = ' New Application '; $string['submit_new_apply'] = 'Submit a new Apply'; $string['submitted'] = 'submitted'; $string['switch_item_to_not_required'] = 'switch to: answer not required'; $string['switch_item_to_required'] = 'switch to: answer required'; $string['template_saved'] = 'Template saved'; $string['templates'] = 'Templates'; $string['textarea'] = 'Longer text answer'; $string['textarea_height'] = 'Number of lines'; $string['textarea_width'] = 'Width'; $string['textfield'] = 'Short text answer'; $string['textfield_maxlength'] = 'Maximum characters accepted'; $string['textfield_size'] = 'Textfield width'; $string['outside_style'] = 'Border style of item'; $string['outside_style_default'] = 'border: 0px solid'; $string['outside_style_help'] = 'The style of the border around the item. This setting is ignored in the table. The default is ( border: 0px solid )'; $string['item_style'] = 'Style of item'; $string['item_style_default'] = ''; $string['item_style_help'] = 'The style of the item. The Default is ( )'; $string['time_close'] = 'Time to close'; $string['time_close_help'] = 'You can specify times when the apply is accessible for people to answer the applications. If the checkbox is not ticked there is no limit defined.'; $string['time_open'] = 'Time to open'; $string['time_open_help'] = 'You can specify times when the apply is accessible for people to answer the applications. If the checkbox is not ticked there is no limit defined.'; $string['title_ack'] = 'Recept.'; $string['title_before'] = 'Before Submit'; $string['title_check'] = 'Check'; $string['title_class'] = 'Status'; $string['title_draft'] = 'Draft'; $string['title_exec'] = 'Exec. '; $string['title_title'] = 'Title'; $string['title_version'] = 'Ver.'; $string['update_entry'] = 'Update'; $string['update_entry_button'] = ' Update '; $string['update_item'] = 'Save changes to question'; $string['use_calendar'] = 'Use Calendar'; $string['use_calendar_help'] = 'The period for submission of an application is registered into a calendar.'; $string['use_item'] = 'use {$a}'; $string['use_one_line_for_each_value'] = 'Use one line for each value!'; $string['use_this_template'] = 'Use this template'; $string['user_pic'] = 'Picture'; $string['username_manage'] = 'Manage of Username'; $string['username_manage_help'] = 'You can select displied name pattern in this module.'; //$string['firstname'] = get_string('firstname'); //$string['lastname'] = get_string('lastname'); $string['firstlastname'] = 'firstname lastname'; $string['lastfirstname'] = 'lastname firstname'; $string['using_templates'] = 'Use a template'; $string['vertical'] = 'vertical'; $string['view_entries'] = 'Show Entries'; $string['wiki_url'] = 'http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/xpwiki/?mod_apply%20%28E%29'; $string['yes_button'] = ' Yes '; $string['submit_num'] = 'Submitted number'; // for new added items (1.3.0) $string['fixedtitle'] = 'Fixed Title'; $string['tablestart'] = 'Table Start'; $string['tableend'] = 'Table End'; $string['no_table'] = 'Table is not started!'; $string['nested_table'] = 'Table is nested!'; $string['not_close_table'] = 'The table is not closed'; $string['table_columns'] = 'Number of columns'; $string['table_border'] = 'Border size of inside table'; $string['table_border_help'] = 'The border size of the frame of table is incremented by 1'; $string['table_border_style'] = 'Border style of inside table'; $string['table_border_style_help'] = 'The border style of outside table is solid (fix)'; $string['table_th_sizes'] = 'Width(px) of each column'; $string['table_th_sizes_help'] = 'Specify the width (px unit) of each column separated by commas.'; $string['table_th_strings'] = 'Title of each column'; $string['table_th_strings_help'] = 'Describe the title of each column separated by line feed. That is, one title is written on one line.'; $string['table_disp_iname'] = 'Display item name'; $string['table_disp_iname_help'] = 'Display the name of the item in table.'; // $string['printpagebreak'] = 'Add a page break for printing'; $string['pagebreak_title'] = 'Page Break for Printing'; $string['pagebreak_style'] = 'Style of page break line'; $string['pagebreak_style_default'] = '1px solid'; $string['pagebreak_style_help'] = 'The style of the page break line (< hr />). The Default is ( 1px solid ). In case of empty, the line is not drawn on print screen. The page break line is not displayed on the submit screen and the preview of the submit screen.'; // $string['downloadexcel'] = ' Download in Excel '; $string['downloadtext'] = ' Download in Text ';