dirroot.'/mod/sloodle/sl_config.php'); /** Include the general Sloodle functions. */ require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/sloodle/lib/general.php'); /** Include the base assignment class, if necessary. */ require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/assignment/lib.php'); // The assignment plugin seems to be calling this with require or include rather than require_once or include_once. // Check if the class exists in case we've already defined it. // mod/assignment/view.php?id=21 if ( !class_exists( 'assignment_sloodleobject' ) ) { /** * Extend the base assignment class for assignments where you submit an SL object in-world. * This has been modified from the "assignment_online" type. * @package sloodle */ //class assignment_sloodleobject extends assignment_base class assignment_sloodleobject extends assignment { function assignment_sloodleobject($cmid=0, $assignment=NULL, $cm=NULL, $course=NULL) { parent::assignment_base($cmid, $assignment, $cm, $course); $this->type = 'sloodleobject'; } function view() { // Bring in the global user data global $USER; // Check that this user can view assignments $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $this->cm->id); require_capability('mod/assignment:view', $context); // Fetch the submission data $submission = $this->get_submission(); $sloodle_submission = new assignment_sloodleobject_submission(); $sloodle_submission->load_submission($submission); $this->view_header(); $this->view_intro(); $this->view_dates(); // Display a texture summary of the submission print_simple_box_start('center', '70%', '', 0, 'generalbox', 'online'); $sloodle_submission->text_summary(false); print_simple_box_end(); $this->view_feedback(); $this->view_footer(); } /* * Display the assignment dates */ function view_dates() { // Bring in the global user and configuration data global $USER, $CFG; // Make sure the time available and time due dates are set if (!$this->assignment->timeavailable && !$this->assignment->timedue) { return; } // Start a display box print_simple_box_start('center', '', '', 0, 'generalbox', 'dates'); echo ''; // Display the time the assignment is available from if ($this->assignment->timeavailable) { echo ''; echo ' '; } // Display the time the assignment is due by if ($this->assignment->timedue) { echo ''; echo ' '; } // Is there a submission by this user? $submission = $this->get_submission($USER->id); if ($submission) { // Convert the submission to a Sloodle assignment object $sloodle_submission = new assignment_sloodleobject_submission(); $sloodle_submission->load_submission($submission); // Display the date it was last updated echo ''; echo ' '; } echo '
'.get_string('lastedited').':'.userdate($submission->timemodified); // Display the number of prims in the submission $num_prims = $sloodle_submission->num_prims; if ($num_prims == 0) $num_prims = '?'; echo ' ('.get_string('numprims', 'sloodle', $num_prims).')
'; print_simple_box_end(); } /** * Update the submission with the provided data. * @param int $userid Integer ID of the user making the submission * @param assignment_sloodleobject_submission $data A structure containing data about the Sloodle assignment submission * @return bool True if successful, or false otherwise. */ function update_submission($userid, $data) { $submission = $this->get_submission($userid, true); $update = new object(); $update->id = $submission->id; $update->data1 = "{$data->obj_name}|{$data->num_prims}"; $update->data2 = "{$data->primdrop_name}|{$data->primdrop_uuid}|{$data->primdrop_region}|{$data->primdrop_pos}"; $update->timemodified = time(); return sloodle_update_record('assignment_submissions', $update); } function print_student_answer($userid, $return=true){ global $CFG; $text = ''; if (!($submission = $this->get_submission($userid))) { $text = ''; } else { // Output the Submission data $sloodle_submission = new assignment_sloodleobject_submission(); $sloodle_submission->load_submission($submission); //$text = ''.shorten_text(trim(strip_tags($sloodle_submission->obj_name)), 20).'
'; $text = '
'. 'html'. link_to_popup_window ($CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/assignment/type/sloodleobject/file.php?id='.$this->cm->id.'&userid='. $submission->userid, 'file'.$userid, shorten_text(trim(strip_tags($sloodle_submission->obj_name)), 20), 450, 580, get_string('submission', 'assignment'), 'none', true). '
'; } if ($return) return $text; echo $text; } function print_user_files($userid, $return=false) { global $CFG; if (!$submission = $this->get_submission($userid)) { return ''; } // Construct a Sloodle submission object $sloodle_submission = new assignment_sloodleobject_submission(); $sloodle_submission->load_submission($submission); // Display the number of prims $num_prims = $sloodle_submission->num_prims; if ($num_prims == 0) $num_prims = '?'; print_simple_box_start('center', '', '', 0, 'generalbox', 'wordcount'); echo ' ('.get_string('numprims', 'sloodle', $num_prims).')'; print_simple_box_end(); // Display the text summary of this submission print_simple_box($sloodle_submission->text_summary(), 'center', '100%'); } function preprocess_submission(&$submission) { } function setup_elements(&$mform) { global $CFG, $COURSE; $ynoptions = array( 0 => get_string('no'), 1 => get_string('yes')); $mform->addElement('select', 'resubmit', get_string("allowresubmit", "assignment"), $ynoptions); $mform->setHelpButton('resubmit', array('resubmit', get_string('allowresubmit', 'assignment'), 'assignment')); $mform->setDefault('resubmit', 0); $mform->addElement('select', 'emailteachers', get_string("emailteachers", "assignment"), $ynoptions); $mform->setHelpButton('emailteachers', array('emailteachers', get_string('emailteachers', 'assignment'), 'assignment')); $mform->setDefault('emailteachers', 0); } } /** * Defines a submission for a Sloodle assignment. * @package sloodle */ class assignment_sloodleobject_submission { /** * Indicates whether or not a submission is loaded * @var bool * @access public */ var $is_loaded = false; /** * Name of the object which has been submitted. * @var string * @access public */ var $obj_name = ''; /** * Number of prims in the object which has been submitted * @var int * @access public */ var $num_prims = 0; /** * Name of the PrimDrop object into which this object was submitted. * @var string * @access public */ var $primdrop_name = ''; /** * UUID of the PrimDrop object into which this object was submitted. * @var string * @access public */ var $primdrop_uuid = ''; /** * Name of the region where this object was submitted * @var string * @access public */ var $primdrop_region = ''; /** * Position where this object was submitted (as a vector, "") * @var string * @access public */ var $primdrop_pos = ''; /** * Parses the data from a Submission database record object. * @var object $submission The submission database record object. */ function load_submission($submission) { // Make sure the submission is valid $this->is_loaded = false; if ($submission == false || $submission == null) return; // Parse the data lines $object_data = explode('|', $submission->data1); $primdrop_data = explode('|', $submission->data2); // Make sure there's enough data in both if (count($object_data) < 2 || count($primdrop_data) < 4) return; // Extract the data items $this->obj_name = $object_data[0]; $this->num_prims = (int)$object_data[1]; $this->primdrop_name = $primdrop_data[0]; $this->primdrop_uuid = $primdrop_data[1]; $this->primdrop_region = $primdrop_data[2]; $this->primdrop_pos = $primdrop_data[3]; $this->is_loaded = true; } /** * Sets the position as 3 components. * @param float x The X coordinate * @param float y The Y coordinate * @param float z The Z coordinate */ function set_pos($x, $y, $z) { $this->primdrop_pos = "<$x,$y,$z>"; } /** * Gets the X coordinate of the position * @return float The X coordinate of the position */ function get_x() { $arr = sloodle_vector_to_array($this->primdrop_pos); if (!$arr) return 0.0; return (float)$arr['x']; } /** * Gets the Y coordinate of the position * @return float The Y coordinate of the position */ function get_y() { $arr = sloodle_vector_to_array($this->primdrop_pos); if (!$arr) return 0.0; return (float)$arr['y']; } /** * Gets the Z coordinate of the position * @return float The Z coordinate of the position */ function get_z() { $arr = sloodle_vector_to_array($this->primdrop_pos); if (!$arr) return 0.0; return (float)$arr['z']; } /** * Construct a text summary of this submission. * @param bool $return If TRUE (default) then the text will be submitted instead of printed. * @return string If parameter $return was TRUE, then it returns the string. Otherwise, an empty string. */ function text_summary($return = true) { // Make sure something is loaded if (!$this->is_loaded) { $text = get_string('emptysubmission', 'assignment'); } else { $text = "Object name: {$this->obj_name}

"; $text .= "Submitted to: {$this->primdrop_name}
"; $text .= " ({$this->primdrop_uuid})

"; $arr = sloodle_vector_to_array($this->primdrop_pos); if (!$arr) $arr = array('x'=>0, 'y'=>0, 'z'=>0); else { $arr['x'] = round($arr['x']); $arr['y'] = round($arr['y']); $arr['z'] = round($arr['z']); } $loc = "secondlife://{$this->primdrop_region}/{$arr['x']}/{$arr['y']}/{$arr['z']}"; $text .= "$loc
"; } if ($return) return $text; echo $text; return ''; } } } ?>