course->id, 'course', 'view sloodle user', '', "{$this->course->id}"); // We need to establish some permissions here $this->course_context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $this->courseid); $this->system_context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); // Make sure the user has permission to view this course (but let anybody view the site course details) // Fetch some parameters $this->moodleuserid = required_param('id', PARAM_RAW); $this->deletesloodleentry = optional_param('delete', null, PARAM_INT); $this->userconfirmed = optional_param('confirm', null, PARAM_RAW); $this->courseid = optional_param('course', SITEID, PARAM_INT); $this->searchstr = addslashes(optional_param('search', '', PARAM_TEXT)); $this->deleteuserobjects = optional_param('deleteuserobjects', null, PARAM_TEXT); // If we are viewing 'all' avatar entries, then revert to the site course if (strcasecmp($this->moodleuserid, 'all') == 0) $this->courseid = SITEID; // Fetch our Moodle and SLOODLE course data if (!$this->course = sloodle_get_record('course', 'id', $this->courseid)) error('Could not find course.'); $this->sloodle_course = new SloodleCourse(); if (!$this->sloodle_course->load($this->course)) error(get_string('failedcourseload', 'sloodle')); $this->start = optional_param('start', 0, PARAM_INT); if ($this->start < 0) $this->start = 0; // Moodle 2 rendering functions like to know the course. // They get upset if you try to pass a course into sloodle_print_footer() that isn't what they were expecting. if ($this->course) { global $PAGE; if (isset($PAGE) && method_exists($PAGE, 'set_course')) { $PAGE->set_course($this->course); } } } /** * Check that the user is logged-in and has permission to alter course settings. */ function check_permission() { global $CFG, $USER; // Ensure the user logs in require_login(); if (isguestuser()) error(get_string('noguestaccess', 'sloodle')); //add_to_log($this->course->id, 'course', 'view sloodle user', '', "{$this->course->id}"); // We need to establish some permissions here $this->course_context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $this->courseid); $this->system_context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); $this->viewingself = false; $this->canedit = false; // Is the user trying to view their own profile? if ($this->moodleuserid == $USER->id) { $this->viewingself = true; $this->canedit = true; } else { // The "all" view should be only available to admins if ( !has_capability('moodle/site:viewparticipants', $this->system_context) ){ error(get_string('insufficientpermissiontoviewpage', 'sloodle')); exit(); } // Does the user have permission to edit other peoples' profiles in the system and/or course? // If not, can they at least view others' profiles for the system or course? if (has_capability('moodle/user:editprofile', $this->system_context) || has_capability('moodle/user:editprofile', $this->course_context)) { // User can edit profiles $this->canedit = true; } else if (!(has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $this->system_context) || has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $this->course_context))) { // If this is the site course, then let it through anyway if ($this->courseid != SITEID) { error(get_string('insufficientpermissiontoviewpage','sloodle')); exit(); } } } } /** * Print the course settings page header. */ function sloodle_print_header() { } /** * Render the view of the module or feature. * This MUST be overridden to provide functionality. */ function render() { global $CFG, $USER; // Were any of the delete parameters specified in HTTP (e.g. from a form)? if (!empty($this->deleteuserobjects) || !empty($this->deletesloodleentry) || !empty($this->userconfirmed)) { // Convert them to session parameters if (!empty($this->deleteuserobjects)) $_SESSION['deleteuserobjects'] = $this->deleteuserobjects; if (!empty($this->deletesloodleentry)) $_SESSION['deletesloodleentry'] = $this->deletesloodleentry; if (!empty($this->userconfirmed)) $_SESSION['userconfirmed'] = $this->userconfirmed; // Construct our full URL, with GET parameters $url = sloodle_get_web_path(); $url .= "?_type=user&id={$this->moodleuserid}"; if (!empty($this->courseid)) $url .= "&course={$this->courseid}"; if (!empty($this->searchstr)) $url .= "&search={$this->searchstr}"; if (!empty($this->start)) $url .= "&start={$this->start}"; // Reload this page without those parameters redirect($url); exit(); } // Extract data from our session parameters if (isset($_SESSION['deleteuserobjects'])) { $this->deleteuserobjects = $_SESSION['deleteuserobjects']; unset($_SESSION['deleteuserobjects']); } if (isset($_SESSION['deletesloodleentry'])) { $this->deletesloodleentry = $_SESSION['deletesloodleentry']; unset($_SESSION['deletesloodleentry']); } if (isset($_SESSION['userconfirmed'])) { $this->userconfirmed = $_SESSION['userconfirmed']; unset($_SESSION['userconfirmed']); } // Check the mode: all, search, pending, or single $allentries = false; $searchentries = false; if (strcasecmp($this->moodleuserid, 'all') == 0) { $allentries = true; $this->moodleuserid = -1; } else if (strcasecmp($this->moodleuserid, 'search') == 0) { $searchentries = true; $this->moodleuserid = -1; } else { // Make sure the Moodle user ID is an integer $this->moodleuserid = (integer)$this->moodleuserid; if ($this->moodleuserid <= 0) error(ucwords(get_string('unknownuser', 'sloodle'))); } // Get the URL and names of the course $courseurl = $CFG->wwwroot.'/course/view.php?_type=user&id='.$this->courseid; $courseshortname = $this->course->shortname; $coursefullname = $this->course->fullname; // This value will indicate if we are currently confirming a deletion $confirmingdeletion = false; // These are localization strings used by the deletion confirmation form $form_yes = get_string('Yes', 'sloodle'); $form_no = get_string('No', 'sloodle'); // Are we deleting a Sloodle entry? $deletemsg = ''; if ($this->deletesloodleentry != NULL) { // Determine if the user is allowed to delete this entry $allowdelete = $this->canedit; // Just go with the editing ability for now... will maybe change this later. -PRB // Has the deletion been confirmed? if ($this->userconfirmed == $form_yes) { if (sloodle_record_exists('sloodle_users', 'id', $this->deletesloodleentry)) { // Is the user allowed to delete this? if ($allowdelete) { // Make sure it's a valid ID if (is_int($this->deletesloodleentry) && $this->deletesloodleentry > 0) { // Attempt to delete the entry $deleteresult = sloodle_delete_records('sloodle_users', 'id', $this->deletesloodleentry); if ($deleteresult === FALSE) { $deletemsg = get_string('deletionfailed', 'sloodle').': '.get_string('databasequeryfailed', 'sloodle'); } else { $deletemsg = get_string('deletionsuccessful', 'sloodle'); } } else { $deletemsg = get_string('deletionfailed', 'sloodle').': '.get_string('invalidid', 'sloodle'); } } else { $deletemsg = get_string('deletionfailed', 'sloodle').': '.get_string('insufficientpermission', 'sloodle'); } } } else if (is_null($this->userconfirmed)) { // User needs to confirm deletion $confirmingdeletion = true; $form_url = SLOODLE_WWWROOT."/view.php"; $deletemsg .= '

'.get_string('delete','sloodle').' '.get_string('ID','sloodle').': '.$this->deletesloodleentry.'

'; $deletemsg .= '
'; $deletemsg .= ''; if ($allentries) $deletemsg .= ''; else if ($searchentries) $deletemsg .= ''; else $deletemsg .= ''; if (!is_null($this->courseid)) $deletemsg .= ''; $deletemsg .= ''; $deletemsg .= ''; $deletemsg .= '  '; $deletemsg .= ''; $deletemsg .= '

'; } else { $deletemsg = get_string('deletecancelled','sloodle'); } } // Are we getting all entries, searching, or just viewing one? if ($allentries) { // All entries $moodleuserdata = null; // Fetch a list of all Sloodle user entries $sloodleentries = sloodle_get_records('sloodle_users'); } else if ($searchentries && !empty($this->searchstr)) { // Search entries $moodleuserdata = null; $LIKE = sloodle_sql_ilike(); $params = array('%'.$this->searchstr.'%', '%'.$this->searchstr.'%'); global $CFG; $fullsloodleentries = sloodle_get_records_sql_params("select * from {$CFG->prefix}sloodle_users where avname $LIKE ? OR uuid $LIKE ?", $params); if (!$fullsloodleentries) $fullsloodleentries = array(); $sloodleentries = array(); // Eliminate entries belonging to avatars who are not in the current course foreach ($fullsloodleentries as $fse) { // Does the Moodle user have permission? if (has_capability('mod/sloodle:courseparticipate', $this->course_context, $fse->userid)) { // Copy it to our filtered list $sloodleentries[] = $fse; } } } else { // Attempt to fetch the Moodle user data $moodleuserdata = sloodle_get_record('user', 'id', $this->moodleuserid); // Fetch a list of all Sloodle user entries associated with this Moodle account $sloodleentries = sloodle_get_records('sloodle_users', 'userid', $this->moodleuserid); } // Post-process the query results if ($sloodleentries === FALSE) $sloodleentries = array(); $numsloodleentries = count($sloodleentries); // Get the localization strings $strsloodle = get_string('modulename', 'sloodle'); $strsloodles = get_string('modulenameplural', 'sloodle'); $strunknown = get_string('unknown', 'sloodle'); // Construct the breadcrumb links $navigation = ""; if ($this->courseid != 1) $navigation .= "$courseshortname -> "; $navigation .= "courseid}\">".get_string('sloodleuserprofiles', 'sloodle') . ' -> '; if ($this->moodleuserid > 0) { if ($moodleuserdata) $navigation .= $moodleuserdata->firstname.' '.$moodleuserdata->lastname; else $navigation .= get_string('unknownuser','sloodle'); } else if ($searchentries) { $navigation .= get_string('avatarsearch', 'sloodle'); } else { $navigation .= get_string('allentries', 'sloodle'); } // Display the header sloodle_print_header(get_string('sloodleuserprofile', 'sloodle'), get_string('sloodleuserprofile','sloodle'), $navigation, "", "", true); echo '
'; // Display the deletion message if we have one if (!empty($deletemsg)) { echo '
'; echo $deletemsg; echo '
'; } echo '
'; // Are we dealing with an actual Moodle account? if ($this->moodleuserid > 0) { echo '

'; // Yes - do we have an account? if ($moodleuserdata) { // Yes - display the name and other general info echo ''. $moodleuserdata->firstname .' '. $moodleuserdata->lastname.''; echo " (wwwroot}/user/view.php?id={$this->moodleuserid}&course={$this->courseid}\">".get_string('moodleuserprofile','sloodle').")
"; } else { echo get_string('moodleusernotfound', 'sloodle').'
'; } echo "

\n"; // Check for issues such as no entries, or multiple entries if ($numsloodleentries == 0) { echo ''; print_string('noentries', 'sloodle'); echo ''; // If it is the profile owner who is viewing this, then offer a link to the loginzone entry page if ($this->moodleuserid == $USER->id) { echo "

wwwroot}/mod/sloodle/classroom/loginzone.php?id={$this->courseid}\">"; print_string('getnewloginzoneallocation', 'sloodle'); echo '

'; } } else if ($numsloodleentries > 1) { echo ''; print_string('multipleentries', 'sloodle'); sloodle_helpbutton('multiple_entries', get_string('help:multipleentries', 'sloodle'), 'sloodle', true, false); echo ''; } echo '

'; } else if ($searchentries) { // Searching for users echo ''.get_string('avatarsearch','sloodle').": \"{$this->searchstr}\"

"; // Check to see if there are no entries if ($numsloodleentries == 0) { echo ''; print_string('noentries', 'sloodle'); echo ''; } } else { // Assume we're listing all entries - explain what this means echo ''.get_string('allentries','sloodle').'
'; echo '

'.get_string('allentries:info', 'sloodle').'

'; // Check to see if there are no entries if ($numsloodleentries == 0) { echo ''; print_string('noentries', 'sloodle'); echo ''; } } // Construct and display a table of Sloodle entries if ($numsloodleentries > 0) { $sloodletable = new stdClass(); $sloodletable->head = array( get_string('avatarname', 'sloodle'), get_string('avataruuid', 'sloodle'), get_string('profilePic', 'sloodle'), get_string('lastactive', 'sloodle'), '' ); $sloodletable->align = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left'); $sloodletable->size = array('28%', '42%', '20%','20%', '10%'); $deletestr = get_string('delete', 'sloodle'); // We want to build a list of Sloodle user objects too $userobjects = array(); // Create a dummy Sloodle Session $sloodle = new SloodleSession(false); // Check if our start is past the end of our results if ($this->start >= count($sloodleentries)) $this->start = 0; // Go through each Sloodle entry for this user $resultnum = 0; $resultsdisplayed = 0; $maxperpage = 20; foreach ($sloodleentries as $su) { // Only display this result if it is after our starting result number if ($resultnum >= $this->start) { // Add this user's Sloodle objects (if we're not in 'all' or search modes) if (!$allentries && !$searchentries) { if ($sloodle->user->load_avatar($su->uuid, '')) { $userobjects += $sloodle->user->get_user_objects(); } } // Is this entry being deleted (i.e. is the user being asked to confirm its deletion)? $deletingcurrent = ($confirmingdeletion == true && $su->id == $this->deletesloodleentry); // Reset the line's content $line = array(); // Fetch the avatar name and UUID $curavname = '-'; $curuuid = '-'; if (!empty($su->avname)) $curavname = $su->avname; if (!empty($su->uuid)) $curuuid = $su->uuid; // If we are in all or searching mode, add a link to the Sloodle user profile if ($allentries || $searchentries) { //$curavname .= " (wwwroot}/mod/sloodle/view.php?_type=user&id={$su->userid}&course={$this->courseid}\">".get_string('sloodleuserprofile','sloodle').")"; $curavname = "wwwroot}/mod/sloodle/view.php?_type=user&id={$su->userid}&course={$this->courseid}\">{$curavname}"; } // Add a red cross beside the avatar name if it is being deleted if ($deletingcurrent) $curavname = 'X '.$curavname; // Add them to the table $line[] = $curavname; $line[] = $curuuid; //grab image $endlink=""; $startlink=""; if (empty($su->profilepic)) { // There is no stored avatar picture URL. // If we know the grid type and if we're only displaying the avatar(s) for a single user, then try to grab the image externally. // Note that this page is also used to display a list of all avatars on the site, so we wouldn't want to do a curl request for each one. if (!empty($CFG->sloodle_gridtype) && !$allentries && !$searchentries) { if ($CFG->sloodle_gridtype=="SecondLife"){ //scrape image $profile_key_prefix = "'); $nameEnd = strpos($body, ''); $nameStr = substr($body,$nameStart+7,$nameEnd-$nameStart-7); $imageStart = strpos($body, $profile_img_prefix); $imageEnd = strpos($body, $profile_img_suffix); $imgStr = substr($body,$imageStart+30,$imageEnd-$imageStart -39); $avimage = $imgStr; if (!$imageStart){ $avimage= $CFG->wwwroot."/mod/sloodle/lib/media/empty.jpg"; }else{ $su->profilepic = $avimage; sloodle_update_record("sloodle_users",$su); } $startlink = ''; $endlink=""; }else{ //grid type is opensim $avimage= $CFG->wwwroot."/mod/sloodle/lib/media/empty.jpg"; } }//gridtype was not specified so just put empty.pngs for the users until admin specifies gridtype else{ $avimage= $CFG->wwwroot."/mod/sloodle/lib/media/empty.jpg"; } }//profile pic is already in db else{ $avimage=$su->profilepic; } $line[]=$startlink.''.$endlink; // Do we know when the avatar was last active if (!empty($su->lastactive)) { // Calculate the time difference $difference = time() - (int)$su->lastactive; if ($difference < 0) $difference = 0; // Add it to the table $line[] = sloodle_describe_approx_time($difference, true); } else { $line[] = '('.$strunknown.')'; } // Display the "delete" action if ($this->canedit || $su->userid == $USER->id) { if ($allentries) $deleteurl = $CFG->wwwroot."/mod/sloodle/view.php?_type=user&id=all&course={$this->courseid}&delete={$su->id}&start={$this->start}"; else if ($searchentries) $deleteurl = $CFG->wwwroot."/mod/sloodle/view.php?_type=user&id=search&course={$this->courseid}&search={$this->searchstr}&delete={$su->id}&start={$this->start}"; else $deleteurl = $CFG->wwwroot."/mod/sloodle/view.php?_type=user&id={$this->moodleuserid}&course={$this->courseid}&delete={$su->id}&start={$this->start}"; $deletecaption = get_string('clicktodeleteentry','sloodle'); $line[] = "$deletestr"; } else { $line[] = ''.get_string('delete','sloodle').''; } // Add the line to the table $sloodletable->data[] = $line; $resultsdisplayed++; } // Have we displayed the maximum number of results for this page? $resultnum++; if ($resultsdisplayed >= $maxperpage) break; } // Construct our basic URL to this page $basicurl = SLOODLE_WWWROOT."/view.php?_type=user&course={$this->courseid}"; if ($searchentries) $basicurl .= "&id=search&search={$this->searchstr}"; else if ($allentries) $basicurl .= "&id=all"; else $basicurl .= "&id={$this->moodleuserid}"; // Construct the next/previous links $previousstart = max(0, $this->start - $maxperpage); $nextstart = $this->start + $maxperpage; $prevlink = null; $nextlink = null; if ($previousstart != $this->start) $prevlink = "<<  "; if ($nextstart < count($sloodleentries)) $nextlink = ">>"; // Display the next/previous links, if we have at least one if (!empty($prevlink) || !empty($nextlink)) { echo '

'; if (!empty($prevlink)) echo $prevlink; else echo '<<  '; if (!empty($nextlink)) echo $nextlink; else echo '>>  '; echo '

'; } // Display the table sloodle_print_table($sloodletable); } // Display a link allowing admin users to add an avatar if this is a single avatar page if (!$allentries && !$searchentries) { if ( has_capability('moodle/site:viewparticipants', $this->system_context) ) { echo "

"; echo "wwwroot}/mod/sloodle/view.php?_type=addavatar&user={$this->moodleuserid}&course={$this->courseid}\" title=\"".get_string('addavatarhere','sloodle')."\">"; echo "wwwroot}/mod/sloodle/lib/media/add.png\" alt=\"[plus icon]\" /> "; print_string('addavatar', 'sloodle'); echo "

\n"; } } // Construct and display a table of Sloodle entries if ($numsloodleentries > 0) { // Display a list of user-authorised objects if (!$allentries && !$searchentries) { echo '

'.get_string('userobjects','sloodle'); sloodle_helpbutton('user_objects', get_string('userobjects','sloodle'), 'sloodle', true, false, '', false); echo "

\n"; // Have we been asked to delete the user objects? if ($this->deleteuserobjects == 'true') { // Yes - display a confirmation form echo '


'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; if (!empty($courseid)) echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; if (!empty($this->courseid)) echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '

'; } else if ($this->deleteuserobjects == 'confirm') { // Delete each one $numdeleted = 0; foreach ($userobjects as $obj) { sloodle_delete_records('sloodle_user_object', 'id', $obj->id); $numdeleted++; } $userobjects = array(); echo get_string('numdeleted','sloodle').': '.$numdeleted.'

'; } // Do we have any objects to display? if (count($userobjects) > 0) { // Yes - prepare the table $sloodletable = new stdClass(); $sloodletable->head = array( get_string('ID', 'sloodle'), get_string('avataruuid', 'sloodle'), get_string('uuid', 'sloodle'), get_string('name', 'sloodle'), get_string('isauthorized', 'sloodle'), get_string('lastused', 'sloodle') ); $sloodletable->align = array('center', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'center', 'left'); //$sloodletable->size = array('5%', '5%', '27%', '35%', '20%', '8%'); // Store the current timestamp for consistency $curtime = time(); // Go through each object foreach ($userobjects as $obj) { $line = array(); $line[] = $obj->id; $line[] = $obj->avuuid; $line[] = $obj->objuuid; $line[] = $obj->objname; if ($obj->authorized) $line[] = ucwords(get_string('yes')); else $line[] = ucwords(get_string('no')); $lastused = (int)$obj->timeupdated; if ($lastused > 0) $line[] = sloodle_describe_approx_time($curtime - $lastused, true); else $line[] = '('.get_string('unknown','sloodle').')'; $sloodletable->data[] = $line; } // Display the table sloodle_print_table($sloodletable); // Display a button to delete all the Sloodle objects if (empty($deleteuserobjects)) { echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; if (!empty($this->courseid)) echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

'; } } else { // No user objects echo ''; print_string('noentries', 'sloodle'); echo ''; } } } echo '
'; } /** * Print the page footer. */ function sloodle_print_footer() { sloodle_print_footer($this->course); } } ?>