
mdl_modlos_group_notice anchor.png

| Field        | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id           | bigint(11)   | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| groupid      | varchar(64)  | NO   | MUL |         |                |
| noticeid     | varchar(64)  | NO   |     |         |                |
| timestamp    | bigint(11)   | NO   | MUL | 0       |                |
| fromname     | varchar(255) | NO   |     |         |                |
|  subject      | varchar(255) | NO   |     |         |                |
| message      | longtext     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| binarybucket | longblob     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| id | groupid                              | noticeid                             | timestamp  | fromname           | subject                      | message                                                             | binarybucket |
|  1 | 0858c9e4-da95-4c06-833f-6c32ef2cdff4 | 0ad13b28-baa6-47ac-862e-d3b6ae6e35df | 1417666230 | Shinobar Martinek  | LIWSON Cafe 15:00 JST  Today | 月曜木曜は3時のお茶。今日も午後3時~ LIWSON CAFEでお待ちしtます。   | ...          |
|  2 | 0858c9e4-da95-4c06-833f-6c32ef2cdff4 | 8a4db5f2-f74c-43e8-8f3a-4c134cd50716 | 1418003318 | Shinobar Martinek  | Todays cafe 15:00 at LIWSON  | 今日、月曜日は3時のお茶。                                           | ...          |
|  3 | 0858c9e4-da95-4c06-833f-6c32ef2cdff4 | ee977bfa-bda0-455d-b199-df5587653ef1 | 1418259129 | Shinobar Martinek  | Todays cafe                  | 今日は木曜日。毎週月木の日本時間3時から LIWSON CAFE でお茶してます。| ...          |

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Counter: 739, today: 1, yesterday: 1
Last-modified: 2016-07-20 (Wed) 16:38:23 (JST) (2837d) by iseki

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