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Demo anchor.png

SFSWind.png, SIZE:906x582(696.9KB)

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Theory of Simple Fluid Solver for Wind anchor.png

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DownLoad anchor.png

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Binary DLL anchor.png

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v1.0.0 anchor.png
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Source Code anchor.png

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Compile Source Code (Linux) anchor.png
[Download WindModule-x.y.z.tgz] (x, y, z are integer number)
# cp WindModule-x.y.z.tgz  [OpenSim directory]/bin
# cd [OpenSim directory]/bin
# zcat WindModule-x.y.z.tgz |tar xfv -
# cd WindModule-x.y.z
# ./build.sh                    (if you use 0.9.2, execute ./build.sh 0.9.2)
# cp bin/SimpleFluidSolverWind.dll ..
# cp AForge.NET/AForge.Math.dll ..
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Install & Settings anchor.png

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Install anchor.png

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Download SimpleFluidSolverWind.dll anchor.png
  1. Download SimpleFluidSolverWind.dll at this page.
  2. Copy downloaded SimpleFluidSolverWind.dll to OpenSim bin folder or directory.
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Download AForge.NET anchor.png
  1. Please download AForge.NET from AForget.NET Download Page. My recommendation is [ Download Libraries Only ]
  2. Extract downloaded zip file.
  3. Copy AForge.Math.dll to OpenSim bin folder or directory (only AForge.Math.dll).
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Settings anchor.png

  • Please Edit bin/OpenSim.ini
    • Sample
         ;# {enabled} {} {Enable wind module?} {true false} true
         ;; Enables the wind module.
         enabled = true
         ;# {wind_update_rate} {enabled:true} {Wind update rate in frames?} {} 150
         ;; How often should wind be updated, as a function of world frames.
         ;; Approximately 50 frames a second
         wind_update_rate = 100
         ;; The Default Wind Plugin to load
         ;wind_plugin = SimpleRandomWind
         wind_plugin = SimpleFluidSolverWind
         AllowOSFunctions = true
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Support Script anchor.png

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SFSW_controller.lsl anchor.png

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Commands anchor.png
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/6000 force value anchor.png
  • Set a kind of the external force
  • value
    • 0 : Random Wind (default)
    • 1 : North Wind
    • 2 : East Wind
    • 3 : South Wind
    • 4 : West Wind
    • 5 : Rotational Wind
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/6000 period value anchor.png
  • Set period of the external force
  • When this Wind module is called times of this value, Wind module restarts.
  • If set 0, Wind module never restart by period.
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/6000 strength value anchor.png
  • Set Wind strength
  • Default is 1.0
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/6000 damping value anchor.png
  • Set damping rate of the external force
  • Default is 0.85
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/6000 wind_visc value anchor.png
  • Set (scaled) viscosity coefficient of the wind
  • Default is 0.001
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/6000 wind_eps value anchor.png
  • Set lower limit of the energy variation rate.
  • When the energy variation rate is under this value, Wind module restarts.
    • energy variation rate = (Previous Wind Energy - Current Wind Energy)/(Current Wind Energy)
  • If set 0.0, Wind module never restart by energy variation rate.
  • Default is 0.004
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/6000 region value anchor.png
  • Set size of the region
  • Normally, the region is automatically set
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/6000 stop anchor.png
  • Stop the wind
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/6000 reset anchor.png
  • Stop the wind and reset script
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/6000 help anchor.png
  • Show the help messages
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Memo anchor.png


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