SLKinect v1 
- I will not support version 1.x of SLKiect
- Please use SLKinect2
- Latest Version is v1.0.4 (25 Dec. 2011)
- SLKinect send animation data from Kinect to SecondLife/OpenSim Viewer in real time using shared memory.
- This is the first version, so functions are very simple.
- Animation is in Local Viewer only now. (Not synchronize on the network.)
- No Save/Load data. Please see Future Works.
- There is a few bugs yet.
Version 2: SLKinect2 
Version 3: Rinions 
Release Binary File 
- SLKinect-1.0.4.zip
- Correct Resizing Bug of Log Window
- Not need to install. Please double click the extracted SLKinect.exe
Release Source Code 
- newest: http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/vc++/SLKinect/branches/1.0/
- Please change Include/Library Path of project file according to your environment.
- First, compile JunkBox_Lib++. Next, compile JunkBox_Win_Lib. Finally, compile SLKinect please.
- Most important main code is convertRot2SLData
Development Source Code 
- Those repository of subversion are for development. No Question Please.
- JunkBox_Lib++
- JunkBox_Win_Lib
- SLKinect (2.0.0beta with Network support)
Replace and Add Files for Source Code of Imprudence or another Viewers 
- We recompiled Viewer using Imprudence Viewer source code. We did not try with another Viewers.
- There are strings as "by Fumi.Iseki" at modified points (about llkeyframemotion.cpp and llkeyframemotion.h).
- llcharacter/llkeyframemotion.cpp
- llcharacter/llkeyframemotion.h
- llcharacter/nslExternalAnimation.cpp
- llcharacter/nslExternalAnimation.h
- ExternalAnimation.ini
- The Mechanism of this System is very simple.
- Red blocks of Viewer are our modified points.
- Red blocks of Viewer are our modified points.
- Data Structure of Shared Memory
- Multi Avatar is not supported by SLKinect yet
- If you send data according to this interface, you can animate avatar in real time even if it does not use Kinect.
Support of Network and Remote Viewers 
- Please see SLKinect2
Known Bug 
- Ummmm, sometimes Camera Image is broken (not synchronized)....?? But, Depth Image is OK
- Is my Kinect broken? Does anyone know the solution of this bug?
- If your Camera Image is broken too, please uncheck "Use Camera Image" CheckBox in "View Mode" Dialog.

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最終更新: 2012-03-28 (水) 10:25:49 (JST) (4698d) by iseki