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msg# 1
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿.1 .2 | 投稿日時 2017-8-12 23:46
cloneu  Just popping in   投稿数: 9
if person has no money then a purchase wont go through but they get message to go to second life instead of currency provider. hou can i change this
投票数:40 平均点:3.75

なし Re: messages

msg# 1.1
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿なし | 投稿日時 2017-8-17 1:28
Luisillo  Just can't stay away 居住地: Spain  投稿数: 80
I remember this question in other forums some time ago and I think is viewer side but now I am not sure.
投票数:40 平均点:5.50

なし Re: messages

msg# 1.2
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿なし | 投稿日時 2017-9-5 20:47
manza  Just popping in   投稿数: 6
Yes. It is at viewer side. I am not sure It can config in our server config file ?
If I can do it, I will inform ASAP.
投票数:43 平均点:4.42


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