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Opesim is better than sl

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master  Just can't stay away   投稿数: 138
Yah i said it becuse sl dosent have what we can do.. SL was the spark but not the end game!
Why is it difrent?
Well lets look at it like freedom .. users dont have to be chained to dome limmits now.
we can all finaly all expess who we are at no risk.

This is about YOU the user so you can the what fi's of rl

Its about you having away to show your mind, interact and so on.

The human factor matters now , users rule where they cant in anyway else.

Art is and should be yours

To our grid we just ask yah be nice, not some complex stuff
Art is in you we make shure you can do it and others can see it

Art is what it is.. the rest is morals and drama..
cant do that in sl. they made there bed !

Opensim is not about morals or a one view. anyone can run it.
If you run a grid on opensim tech , you better under stand were not in sl now..
Your god! do it right
投票数:139 平均点:4.10


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