Can't buy land (failed to receive data)
- このフォーラムに新しいトピックを立てることはできません
- このフォーラムではゲスト投稿が禁止されています
投稿数: 22

i have been messing around with the money sever for a while now and i cant figure this out
my problem:
when i put land for sale no one can buy it, it says that there is an error while fetching the data, when i click on my balance it gives the same problem even though it does do the user 2 user transactions correctly and buy items and it balance shows correctly, it is really just when i try to buy land, if anyone could help me i would be very great full and i am open for Team Viewer assistance if wanted.
Hope to get a reply soon.
i have been messing around with the money sever for a while now and i cant figure this out
my problem:
when i put land for sale no one can buy it, it says that there is an error while fetching the data, when i click on my balance it gives the same problem even though it does do the user 2 user transactions correctly and buy items and it balance shows correctly, it is really just when i try to buy land, if anyone could help me i would be very great full and i am open for Team Viewer assistance if wanted.
Hope to get a reply soon.
投稿数: 1581

Hi tinytime,
Do you install land.php and currency.php (helper scripts) in helper URI correctly?
And tell me about error more detail.
Version of OpenSim and Currency Server. OS (Windows/Linux) of System. Kind of Web Interface....
Are there any log? (Region Server, Money Server and PHP)
Do you install land.php and currency.php (helper scripts) in helper URI correctly?
And tell me about error more detail.
Version of OpenSim and Currency Server. OS (Windows/Linux) of System. Kind of Web Interface....
Are there any log? (Region Server, Money Server and PHP)
投稿数: 22

i installed xampp and edited the php.ini to enable the raw data (witch still gives an error), i dont use a web interface and i changed the helper URI to http://[myip}/currency/helper/ in all the .ini files and it does show when you click get grid info, when i look in the server consoles i don't see any activity at all so i'm not sure if it is logged and to my own understanding it isn't
i have the latest opensim version 0.7.2 running on windows
tnx your reply :)
i have the latest opensim version 0.7.2 running on windows
tnx your reply :)
投稿数: 1581

Please edit currency/helper/land.php and delete // of top of err_log at the last portion.
Please check PHP log and Apache log. And show me those.
# Process XMLRPC request
$request_xml = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA;
//error_log("landtool.php: ".$request_xml);
# Process XMLRPC request
$request_xml = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA;
error_log("landtool.php: ".$request_xml);
Please check PHP log and Apache log. And show me those.
投稿数: 22

access log: [21/Jan/2012:13:35:36 +0100] "POST /currency/helper/landtool.php HTTP/1.1" 200 2074 "-" "-"
error log: contains nothing related to this
php log: [21-Jan-2012 12:35:36] landtool.php: <?xml version="1.0"?><methodCall><methodName>preflightBuyLandPrep</methodName><params><param><value><struct><member><name>agentId</name><value><string>b7d70de8-3d46-11e1-a2e9-0019b9ebd4e5</string></value></member><member><name>secureSessionId</name><value><string>4ce444a2-1bda-4957-9903-2f4cdbea85f0</string></value></member><member><name>billableArea</name><value><int>0</int></value></member><member><name>currencyBuy</name><value><int>0</int></value></member></struct></value></param></params></methodCall> [21-Jan-2012 12:35:36] PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in C:\xampp\htdocs\currency\include\opensim.mysql.php on line 2024
hope it helps :)
error log: contains nothing related to this
php log: [21-Jan-2012 12:35:36] landtool.php: <?xml version="1.0"?><methodCall><methodName>preflightBuyLandPrep</methodName><params><param><value><struct><member><name>agentId</name><value><string>b7d70de8-3d46-11e1-a2e9-0019b9ebd4e5</string></value></member><member><name>secureSessionId</name><value><string>4ce444a2-1bda-4957-9903-2f4cdbea85f0</string></value></member><member><name>billableArea</name><value><int>0</int></value></member><member><name>currencyBuy</name><value><int>0</int></value></member></struct></value></param></params></methodCall> [21-Jan-2012 12:35:36] PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in C:\xampp\htdocs\currency\include\opensim.mysql.php on line 2024
hope it helps :)
投稿数: 1581

What is the version of PHP?
If you use PHP-5.3.x, please use PHP-5.2.x
Please see
If you use PHP-5.3.x, please use PHP-5.2.x
Please see
投稿数: 22

just had t switch to php 5.2 tnx! :D