PHP 関数拡張
php.ini の設定が反映されない
- php -i |grep php.ini で PHPが実際に読み込んでいる php.ini を調べる
- PHPが WWWサーバのモジュールとしてではなく,php-fpm で動いている場合は,php-fpm を再起動する必要がある.
systemctl restart php-fpm
yum install php-pear yum install php-devel pecl search xmlrpc pecl install xmlrpc (エラー) pecl install channel://pecl.php.net/xmlrpc-1.0.0RC3 vi /etc/php.ini (add extension = xml.so extension = xmlrpc.so systemctl restart php-fpm
- undefined symbol: php_XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber のエラー
- php.ini に extension = xml.so を追加
- php.ini に extension = xml.so を追加
PHP と 拡張機能(サンプル)をコンパイル
cd [php-dorce-dir] cd ext ./ext_skel --extname=ext_test vi ext_test/config.m4 L10-13をコメントアウト(--with-ext_test 関連) cd .. ./buildconf --force ./configure --with-ext_test make
実行 (テスト)
- ./sapi/cli/php -f ext/ext_test/ext_test.php
- Congratulations! You have successfully modified ext/ext_test/config.m4. Module ext_test is now compiled into PHP. が表示されればOK
- Congratulations! You have successfully modified ext/ext_test/config.m4. Module ext_test is now compiled into PHP. が表示されればOK
cd ext ./ext_skel --extname=ext_test cd ext/ext_test config.m4 L10-13をコメントアウト(--with-ext_test 関連) phpize ./configure make
実行 (テスト)
- モジュール(/modules/ext_test.so)を所定のディレクトリにコピー後: php ext_test.php
- または: php -d extension_dir=./modules ext_test.php
- Congratulations! You have successfully modified ext/ext_test/config.m4. Module ext_test is now compiled into PHP. が表示されればOK
- Congratulations! You have successfully modified ext/ext_test/config.m4. Module ext_test is now compiled into PHP. が表示されればOK
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最終更新: 2023-08-15 (火) 20:34:12 (JST) (422d) by iseki