Cur: 2010-07-16 (Fri) 12:24:28 iseki source
Line 1: Line 1:
 +--autologin None Login in as last saved user. AutoLogin
 +--channel <name> Channel name Specify version channel name. (For Testing) VersionChannelName
 +--console <show> TRUE or FALSE Show a debugging console (Windows only) ShowConsoleWindow
 +--cooperative <ms to yield> Milliseconds to yield per frame Yield specified time to host on each frame. YieldTime
 +--crashonstartup None Crashes on startup. For debugging. N/A
 +--debugviews None Enable UI view debugging information. DebugViews
 +--drop <percentage> Percentage to drop (0 - 100) Specify a percentage of packets to drop. PacketDropPercentage
 +--god None Login in god mode if you are authorized. ConnectAsGod
 +--grid <grid choice> Grid name or IP Specify the grid to connect to. Can be an IP address. GridChoice
 +--help None Show a message box with available options listed. N/A
 +--helperuri <URI> URI Helper web cgi prefix to use ??? HelperURI
 +--ignorepixeldepth None Ignore pixel depth settings. IgnorePixelDepth
 +--inbw <bits> Bits per second Specify input bandwidth limit. InBandwidth
 +--loginpage <URL> URL of page Login authentication page to use.
 +--loginuri <URI> URI Login server to connect to. LoginURI
 +--log None Log network messages. LogMessages
 +--logfile <filename> File name Specify a file name for log output. UserLogFile
 +--login <firstname> <lastname> <password> Account first name, last name, and password with which to log in. Specify login values. UserLoginInfo
 +--multiple None Allow multiple viewers running concurrently. AllowMultipleViewers
 +--noaudio None Disable sound from the client. NoAudio
 +--noinvlib None Do not request inventory library. NoInventoryLibrary
 +--no-verify-ssl-cert None Disable SSL certificate verification. NoVerifySSLCert
 +--nopreload None Disable precaching of sound and bitmaps used by the client. NoPreload
 +--noprobe None Disable hardware checking at startup. NoHardwareProbe
 +--noquicktime None Disable use of quicktime by the client. NoQuickTime
 +--nosound None Disable sound from the client. NoAudio
 +--novoice None Disable voice chat. DisableVoice
 +--outbw <bits> Bits per second Specify output bandwidth limit. OutBandwidth
 +--purge None Force the client to clear cached downloads during startup. PurgeCacheOnNextStartup
 +--port <n> Port number Set the TCP port for the client; useful to run multiple instances of SL on the same local home network. Values that may work: 13000 and 13001 (Valid numbers are 13000 to 13050) ViewerPort
 +--qa None Enable UI features for used for testing. QAMode
 +--quitafter <secs> Number of seconds to wait before quitting Have the client quit after the specified duration. QuitAfterSeconds
 +--rotate None Force the avatar to rotate to the right. (For Testing) RotateRight
 +--safe None Reset preferences and run in safe mode. SafeMode
 +--set <parameter> <value> First argument is the name of setting; second is the value to assign to it. Specify the value of the named setting. Maps to <setting> arg.
 +--settings <filename> Local file name Specify the name of the user settings file. UserSettingsFile
 +--skin <folder> Folder name Specify the skin folder to use. (eg. korean, spanish) SkinFolder
 +--url <SLurl> SLurl Specify the starting region and position (for example, secondlife://Ahern/128/128).
 +This must be the last parameter on the command line.
 +    SecondLifeURL

  • Backup diff of Second Life/viewer_parameters(No. All)
    • Cur: 2010-07-16 (Fri) 12:24:28 iseki

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