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5: 2014-10-31 (金) 10:35:44 iseki ソース 現: 2014-12-08 (月) 01:24:42 iseki ソース
Line 25: Line 25:
-- MOODLE_URL/blocks/autoattend/semiautobut​​ton.php?course=[course id] -- MOODLE_URL/blocks/autoattend/semiautobut​​ton.php?course=[course id]
- If there is no class of semi-automatic mode is taking attendance in the appropriate time, attendance link displays the detailed data of attendance. - If there is no class of semi-automatic mode is taking attendance in the appropriate time, attendance link displays the detailed data of attendance.
 +- If you use semi-auto mode, you should be used ''PHP cache function'' ([[APC]] or [[OPcache]])
 +-- Perhaps, when you indicate keyword to students, students click the attendance button all at once.
 +-- In my case (I have 80-120 students), that time Web server needs 10-13 GByte, if no cache function.
 +-- If your server has 8GByte memory, server will always hang up with many students.
 +-- If you use cache function of PHP, server needs only 2-3GByte memory.
**** Manual mode [#md402146] **** Manual mode [#md402146]

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