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1: 2012-07-28 (土) 00:44:44 iseki ソース 現: 2012-07-28 (土) 00:48:24 iseki ソース
Line 1: Line 1:
-**** Webdot (オプション) CGI でグラフを作るツール [#j69d5f04]+** Webdot [#na80c6a8] 
 +- CGI でグラフを作るツール 
 +- http://www.graphviz.org/ 
 +- see [[Graphviz]], [[Doxygen]] 
 +*** Install [#x3eb92fc]
 #  wget http://www.graphviz.org/pub/graphviz/sta​ble/SOURCES/webdot-2.26.tar.gz  #  wget http://www.graphviz.org/pub/graphviz/sta​ble/SOURCES/webdot-2.26.tar.gz
Line 5: Line 11:
 # Location for the webdot cgi program  # Location for the webdot cgi program
 CGI-BIN_DIR=/home/apache/cgi-bin  CGI-BIN_DIR=/home/apache/cgi-bin
 # Location for some example web pages using webdot  # Location for some example web pages using webdot
 HTML_DIR=/home/apache/htdocs  HTML_DIR=/home/apache/htdocs
 # A place that the webdot cgi program can cache its generated images  # A place that the webdot cgi program can cache its generated images
 # (make install creates a webdot subdirectory in this dir.)  # (make install creates a webdot subdirectory in this dir.)
 CACHE_DIR=/var/cache  CACHE_DIR=/var/cache
 # The uid:gid in effect when cgi-bin programs are running, only this  # The uid:gid in effect when cgi-bin programs are running, only this
 # user should be able to read/write the webdot cache.  # user should be able to read/write the webdot cache.
 HTTPD-USER-GROUP=apache:apache  HTTPD-USER-GROUP=apache:apache
 # Location of tclsh8.3 (or later) executable  # Location of tclsh8.3 (or later) executable
 TCLSH_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/tclsh8.3  TCLSH_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/tclsh8.3
 # Direct reference to libtcldot.so to avoid directory searching overhead  # Direct reference to libtcldot.so to avoid directory searching overhead
 # of tcl package mechanism.  # of tcl package mechanism.
 LIBTCLDOT=/usr/lib/graphviz/libtcldot.s​o.0.0.0  LIBTCLDOT=/usr/lib/graphviz/libtcldot.s​o.0.0.0
 + [root@pleiades cgi-bin]:577# ls -l /var/cache/
 + total 20
 + drwxr-xr-x  5 root root 4096 May  7 09:45 apt/
 + drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Jul 16  2006 gstreamer-0.10/
 + drwxrwxr-x 15 root man  4096 Jul 21 04:04 man/
 + drwx------  2 www  www  4096 Aug  2  2009 mod_ssl/
 + drwx------  2 www  www  4096 Jul 21 19:29 webdot/
 + #!/usr/bin/tclsh8.4
 + set LIBTCLDOT /usr/local/lib/graphviz/tcl/libtcldot.so​.0.0.0
 + set CACHE_ROOT /var/cache/webdot
 + set GS /usr/bin/gs
 + set PS2EPSI /usr/bin/ps2epsi

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