- The Plane file and Berkeley DB can be used as a Tecture DB in v1.0.0.
- When sl_info is started with -fdb option, Berkelry DB is used. Default is Plane file.
- The speed goes out enough also even if it is Plane file of default.
- It is necessary to specify --enable-db option with configure of sl_proxy and TUIS_Lib to use Berkeley DB.
The data of SIM preserved in DB is
- SIM Name. (32Byte)
- GUID of SIM. (40Byte)
- Region Handler. (8Byte)
- SIM's IP address. (Binary form. 4 Byte)
- SIM's access. (2Byte)
- State of data. (2Byte)
- X coordinate of SIM. (4 Byte)
- Y coordinate of SIM. (4 Byte)
- Update Time. (Linux Time. 4Byte)
Plane File 
- In SIM DB, to make SIM name and the region handler a retrieval key, two kinds of data bases are made. Contents are the same. As for these DB, the file name (key) is only different.
When the region handler is a key (file name) 
- The directory named 'info/sim_handle ' is made for work directory Temp_File_Dir, and the subdirectory named 000, 001, 002, ......., 254, and 255 is made in the directory.
- These subdirectories are assumed to be a modulo to 256 of the X coordinates of SIM, so SIM data is classified, and it preserves it.
- The file name becomes X coordinate(6digits)-Y coordinate(6digits) of SIM.
Ex.) /var/sl_proxy/info/sim_handle/243/001011-000987
When the SIM name is a key (file name) 
- The directory named 'info/sim_name ' is made for work directory Temp_File_Dir, and the subdirectory named @, A, B, ......., Y, and Z is made in the directory.
- These subdirectories are assumed to be an initial of SIM name, SIM data is classified, and it preserves it. @ is used to classify SIM of the initial other than the alphabet.
- The file name when preserving it becomes SIM name.
Ex.) /var/sl_proxy/info/sim_name/T/TUIS
Berkeley DB 
- The directory named 'info ' is made for work directory Temp_File_Dir.
- Two DB files are made by SIM name and region handler as keys.
Ex.) /var/sl_proxy/info/sim_info.db, /var/sl_proxy/info/sim_info_handle.db
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最終更新: 2008-12-21 (日) 03:29:18 (JST) (5901d) by iseki