15: 2015-07-13 (Mon) 14:45:42 iseki source 16: 2015-08-22 (Sat) 17:00:19 iseki source
Line 2: Line 2:
- This system converts from [[OAR]] of OpenSim to Collada files for [[Unity3D]]. - This system converts from [[OAR]] of OpenSim to Collada files for [[Unity3D]].
- If you need more quality, please use [[Tipodean's service>http://www.tipodean.com/converte​r/index.html]]. I think that system of Tipodean would be better quality than our system. - If you need more quality, please use [[Tipodean's service>http://www.tipodean.com/converte​r/index.html]]. I think that system of Tipodean would be better quality than our system.
 +- [[Howto Build Unity Appli >./Unity3D]]
#br #br
Line 10: Line 10:
- [[UnityChan>http://unity-chan.com/]] is supported. - [[UnityChan>http://unity-chan.com/]] is supported.
- Auto selection of Shader and import of parameters using [[SelectOARShader>http://www.nsl.tuis.ac​.jp/svn/linux/oarconv/trunk/Unity3D/Edit​or/SelectOARShader.cs]] - Auto selection of Shader and import of parameters using [[SelectOARShader>http://www.nsl.tuis.ac​.jp/svn/linux/oarconv/trunk/Unity3D/Edit​or/SelectOARShader.cs]]
-- Comming Soon! 
#br #br
Line 24: Line 22:
- サーポートしていないシェーディング方法があります(バンプマップ,スペキュラマップなど). - サーポートしていないシェーディング方法があります(バンプマップ,スペキュラマップなど).
- フレキシブルプリム,リンデンツリーはサポートしていません. - フレキシブルプリム,リンデンツリーはサポートしていません.
-- スクリプトはサポートしてません.+- スクリプト(パーティクルシステム)はサポートしてません.
- 水面・水中はサポートしていません.Unityのアセットを使用してください. - 水面・水中はサポートしていません.Unityのアセットを使用してください.
#br #br
**** Known Bugs (能力限界) [#g556f6ad] **** Known Bugs (能力限界) [#g556f6ad]
-- テクスチャが読み込めない場合があります(OpenJpegライブラリのバグまたは仕様?).+- テクスチャが(正確に)読み込めない場合があります.
- アルファチャネルが正確に表示されない場合があります(アルファブレンディングなど). - アルファチャネルが正確に表示されない場合があります(アルファブレンディングなど).
- 一部テクスチャが正確に貼り付けられない場合があります(チューブプリムの側面など). - 一部テクスチャが正確に貼り付けられない場合があります(チューブプリムの側面など).
#br #br
 +** Version 1.2 [#qc579508]
-** Version 1.0 [#m1f08e19] 
*** Functions. [#wc153255] *** Functions. [#wc153255]
-| Normal Prim | maybe OK |Test is not enough | +| Normal Prim | OK |But Test is not enough | 
-| Sculpted Prim | %%OK%% Middling | |+| Sculpted Prim | OK |But Test is not enough |
| Mesh | OK |Textures are limited to 32 pieces | | Mesh | OK |Textures are limited to 32 pieces |
-| Tree & Grass | not Well | |+| Tree & Grass | Middling |Linden Tree is not supported | 
 +| Flexible Prim | No | |
| Terrain | Middling |Terrain Texture is not well | | Terrain | Middling |Terrain Texture is not well |
| Var Region | OK | | | Var Region | OK | |
| Mega Region | Middling |Regions of non-root useless | | Mega Region | Middling |Regions of non-root useless |
-| Avatar | No | | +| Avatar/NPC | No | | 
-| Particle System | No | |+| Script/Particle System | No | |
| Water | No |Water level of Terrain will be 0m | | Water | No |Water level of Terrain will be 0m |
| Others | No | | | Others | No | |
Line 71: Line 58:
-- oarconv main: http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/linux/oarc​onv/trunk -- oarconv main: http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/linux/oarc​onv/trunk
-- We do not distribute binary code, sorry. Please compile it by yourself.+- ''We do not distribute binary code, sorry. Please compile it by yourself.''
#br #br
Line 78: Line 65:
- zlib devel package - zlib devel package
-- If you can use yum command, please execute ''yum install zlib-devel'' command. -- If you can use yum command, please execute ''yum install zlib-devel'' command.
-- libjpeg devel package + # yum install zlib-devel -y
--- If you can use yum command, please execute ''yum install libjpeg-devel'' command. +
-- [[OpenJpeg]] (2.0 or 2.1) http://www.openjpeg.org/ +
--- Please install openjpeg to ''/usr/local'' +
-- http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project​/openjpeg.mirror/2.0.1/openjpeg-2.0.1.ta​r.gz +
-- http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project​/openjpeg.mirror/2.1.0/openjpeg-2.1.0.tar.gz+
- # wget https://openjpeg.googlecode.com/files/openjpeg-2.0.0.tar.gz +- [[OpenJpeg]] (1.2 or 1.4) http://www.openjpeg.org/ 
- # tar zxfv openjpeg-2.0.0.tar.gz +-- We recommend to install v1.2, because OpenSim use v1.2 
- # cd openjpeg-2.0.0+-- We recommend to install ''v2.1'', too. 
 +--- Why you install two versions of OpenJpeg? 
 +--- Because there is a case v1.2 can not read newer Jpeg2000, and there is a case v2.1 can not read older Jpeg2000. 
 +-- https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/ar​chive/version.1.2.tar.gz 
 +-- https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/ar​chive/version.2.1.tar.gz 
 + # wget https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/archive/version.1.2.tar.gz 
 + # tar zxfv version.1.2.tar.gz 
 + # cd openjpeg-version.1.2
 # cmake .  # cmake .
 # make  # make
 # make install  # make install
 + # cd ..
 + # wget https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/ar​chive/version.2.1.tar.gz
 + # tar zxfv version.2.1.tar.gz
 + # cd openjpeg-version.2.1
 + # cmake .
 + # make
 + # make install
 + # cd ..
**** Compile & Install [#tf329e06] **** Compile & Install [#tf329e06]
Line 97: Line 95:
 # tar zfxv oarconv-x.y.z.tar.gz  # tar zfxv oarconv-x.y.z.tar.gz
 # cd oarconv-x.y.z  # cd oarconv-x.y.z
- # ./configure --enable-jpeg --enable-openjpeg=2.0      (if you installed openjpeg-2.1, use --enable-openjpeg=2.1)+ # ./configure --enable-openjpeg=1.2     (if you use v1.4, please specify -enable-openjpeg=1.4)
 # make  # make
 # cd C++Lib  # cd C++Lib
Line 116: Line 114:
 % mkdir OAR  % mkdir OAR
 % cd OAR  % cd OAR
- % zcat (any directory)/oarfile.oar |tar xfv -+ % tar zxfv (any directory)/oarfile.oar
 % cd ..  % cd ..
- % oarconv -i OAR -o DAE -d+ % oarconv -i OAR -o DAE
-- only xxxx.xml is converted+- convert only xxxx.xml object
- % oarconv -i OAR -o DAE -f OAR/objects/xxxx.xml -d+ % oarconv -i OAR -o DAE -f OAR/objects/xxxx.xml
 +- convert only terrain data
 + %  oarconv -i OAR -o DAE -s 0 -e 0
#br #br
**** Help message [#a90ff5f4] **** Help message [#a90ff5f4]
 oarconv [-i OAR directory] [-o output directory] [-a adding assets directores that separated by ':'] [-f object xml file]  oarconv [-i OAR directory] [-o output directory] [-a adding assets directores that separated by ':'] [-f object xml file]
-         [-s terrain texture scale] [-t convert image file type] [-c convert command from jp2 to other image file+         [-t terrain texture scale] [-m material quality num (0-3)] [-c external convert command of jp2] 
-         [-q] [-d] [-v] [-h]+         [-m material quality num (0-3)] [-s start no.] [-e end no.] [-p] [-d] [-v] [-h]
   -i : specify OAR directory. default is ./    -i : specify OAR directory. default is ./
   -f : specify object xml file. only specified file is converted.    -f : specify object xml file. only specified file is converted.
   -o : specify output directory. default is ./DAE/    -o : specify output directory. default is ./DAE/
-   -a : specify adding assets directores that separated by ':'. default is ./assets/ +   -a : specify adding assets directores that separated by ':'. default is /usr/local/share/oarconv/assets/:./assets/ 
-   -t : specify convert image file type (file extension). default is .tga +   -t : specify terrain texture scale. default is 7.000000 
-   -c : specify convert command from jp2 to other image file. default is "/usr/local/bin/opj_decompress -i %s -o %s >/dev/null 2>&1" +   -m : specify material quality 0 - 3. default is 1. when 3 is specified, very large number of textures are generated
-   -s : specify terrain texture scale. default is 7.000000 +   -c : specify external convert command from jp2 to other image. default is "/usr/local/bin/opj_decompress -i %s -o %s >/dev/null 2>&1" 
-   -q : high quarity mode for Sculpted Prims. need more time and more memory.+   -s : specify start number of xml file. default is 0
 +   -e : specify end number of xml file. default is -1 (minus number means infinity). 
 +   -p : when linked objects include phantom even one, saved to Phantom directory.
   -d : debug mode. display debug information.    -d : debug mode. display debug information.
   -v : display version information.    -v : display version information.
Line 147: Line 149:
*** Bugs or Limitations [#l7c6d7ff] *** Bugs or Limitations [#l7c6d7ff]
**** oarconv [#h97c83df] **** oarconv [#h97c83df]
-- Planar Texture is not supported.+- %%Planar Texture is not supported.%%
- Texture Bumpmap is not supported. - Texture Bumpmap is not supported.
#br #br
**** Unity3D [#r79cdfe6] **** Unity3D [#r79cdfe6]
-- Unity3D does not read some parameters from collada file. ex. specular, emission and  ambient. +- Unity3D does not read some parameters from collada file. ex. %%specular,%% emission %%and  ambient%%
-- コライダー設定(物理設定)は読み込まれない. +- %%コライダー設定(物理設定)は読み込まれない.%%
-#br +
- +
-**** OpenJpeg [#xdb6b9c2] +
-- OpenJpeg2 often outputs the following messages. However, this does not need to care. +
--- WARNING in tgt_create tree->numnodes == 0, no tree created.+
#br #br
Line 169: Line 166:
*** Demo [#m41bf72b] *** Demo [#m41bf72b]
- http://youtu.be/eOd5Vsb85q4 - http://youtu.be/eOd5Vsb85q4
 +- http://moon-light.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/unity/G​ardenOasis/GardenOasis.html  with Unity Chan
 +- http://moon-light.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/unity/B​02/B02.html  with SD Unity Chan
#br #br

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