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2: 2012-09-22 (土) 17:27:46 iseki ソース 3: 2012-09-22 (土) 21:19:37 iseki ソース
Line 2: Line 2:
&ref(File_Player_jp.png); &ref(File_Player_jp.png);
#br #br
- +*** 再生設定 [#oc25f8c1] 
-**** Repeat [#jd572030]+**** リピート再生 [#jb0fce90]
- Animation is repeated. - Animation is repeated.
-**** Re-calculation of Quaternion [#w8ec594c]+**** クオータニオンの再計算 [#m7929c74]
- Included Quaternion data is not used. And Quaternion is re-calculated from position data of Joints. - Included Quaternion data is not used. And Quaternion is re-calculated from position data of Joints.
- If file does not include Quaternion data, please check this box. - If file does not include Quaternion data, please check this box.
-**** Mirroring [#j45a6b3b]+**** ミラーリング [#f19d3387]
- Animation is Mirrored. - Animation is Mirrored.
-**** Unit of Length is cm [#k177c53b+**** 開始位置の初期化 [#n9e6581a
-- File Player recognizes unit of length of Position as cm+- First position data in file is start position of Animation. 
-- If you save the data by Rinions, do not check this box. Length unit of Rinions is m.+#br 
 +**** サイズ [#j5c9c52d] 
 +- ''meter, cm, inch''
-**** Initialize of Start Position [#g1ab4019] +- ''補正'' 
-- First position data in file is start position of Animation.+-
 +- 設定例 
-**** Time Scale [#oe117760]+**** タイムスケール [#hf2321ae]
- Playback speed of Animation - Playback speed of Animation
-- Ex.) -- Ex.)
Line 31: Line 39:
- Attention: Slider is exponential scale. - Attention: Slider is exponential scale.
- If between time of Animation Frame is over the 5sec, warning dialog is displayed. - If between time of Animation Frame is over the 5sec, warning dialog is displayed.
 +*** BVH [#if5672a2]
 +**** 形式 [#e624037e]
 +**** FPS [#xb369069]
 +**** 分割時間 [#q6e76c69]
#br #br

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