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4: 2013-09-25 (水) 09:43:10 iseki ソース 5: 2014-04-09 (水) 23:52:09 iseki ソース
Line 3: Line 3:
#br #br
-*** support module for [[autoattend>autoattend (E)]] block of Moodle 2.4/2.5 [#m9e5f0a7]+*** support module for [[autoattend>autoattend (E)]] block or attendance module of Moodle 2.4-2.6 [#m9e5f0a7]
- homeroom module displays attendances of all the courses. - homeroom module displays attendances of all the courses.
- This is very dangerous depending on usage. So, only manager and admin can add instance of this module. :-) - This is very dangerous depending on usage. So, only manager and admin can add instance of this module. :-)
Line 21: Line 21:
*** Download [#w71c3414] *** Download [#w71c3414]
-- v1.0.0beta http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/SoftW​are/Moodle/homeroom-1.0.0b.zip+- v1.0.1beta http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/SoftW​are/Moodle/homeroom-1.0.1b.zip
- download of dev version: svn co http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/php/mod_ho​meroom/trunk - download of dev version: svn co http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/php/mod_ho​meroom/trunk
#br #br
 +*** Attention [#k7eadda8]
 +- If you use Attendance module, forget to select ''Attendance(Experimental)'' at ''Reading Plugin'' of Homeroom Options (Edit Settings).
*** under construct..... [#w7932111] *** under construct..... [#w7932111]
- Sorry - Sorry
 +*** Screen Shots [#ef7c30e3]
#br #br

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