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5: 2009-03-03 (火) 02:46:01 iseki ソース 6: 2009-03-13 (金) 03:22:15 iseki ソース
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** Outline [#f1f72fb2] ** Outline [#f1f72fb2]
- ''sl_proxy'' is a Proxy System for Second Life. - ''sl_proxy'' is a Proxy System for Second Life.
-- This system consists of a Packet Relay Server(''[[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]'') , a Texture Cache Server(''[[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]]'') and an Information Server(''[[sl_info>sl_info (E)]]'') all running on Linux. +- This system consists of a Packet Relay Server(''[[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]'') , a Texture Cache Server(''[[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]]''), an Information Server(''[[sl_info>sl_info (E)]]'') and a Voice Chat Realy System(''[[sl_voice_relay>sl_voice_relay​ (E)]]'') all running on Linux. 
-- So, ''sl_proxy = [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]] + [[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]] + [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]]''.+- So, ''sl_proxy = [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]] + [[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]] + [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]]'' + ''[[sl_voice_relay>sl_voice_relay (E)]]''.
- ''[[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]'' relays UDP/HTTP(S) packets to a Second Life SIM Server. - ''[[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]'' relays UDP/HTTP(S) packets to a Second Life SIM Server.
- ''[[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]]'' caches UDP Texture data from a SIM Server. - ''[[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]]'' caches UDP Texture data from a SIM Server.
- ''[[sl_info>sl_info (E)]]'' gathers agents and SIMs infomation from ''[[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]''. It is also possible to limit access to inappropriate or undesirable SIMs through the use of a white list. - ''[[sl_info>sl_info (E)]]'' gathers agents and SIMs infomation from ''[[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]''. It is also possible to limit access to inappropriate or undesirable SIMs through the use of a white list.
 +- ''[[sl_voice_relay>sl_voice_relay (E)]]'' relay the vivox's SIP, RTP and RTCP packets for voice chat.
- You can run a Second Life viewer from a PC with private IP address behind a firewall. - You can run a Second Life viewer from a PC with private IP address behind a firewall.
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- Its use is free for educational institutions (''free for non-commercial use''). - Its use is free for educational institutions (''free for non-commercial use'').
-- Current version is ''1.6.1'' (6 Oct. '08).+- Current version is ''1.7.0'' (5 March '08).
- ''Note:'' ''sl_proxy'' is not [[SLProxy>http://www.libsecondlife.org/w​iki/SLProxy]]. - ''Note:'' ''sl_proxy'' is not [[SLProxy>http://www.libsecondlife.org/w​iki/SLProxy]].
-** sl_relay [#v776448d]+*** sl_relay [#v776448d]
- [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]] is a Relay Server for Second Life. It relays UDP/HTTP(S) packets to a Second Life SIM Server. - [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]] is a Relay Server for Second Life. It relays UDP/HTTP(S) packets to a Second Life SIM Server.
- For more information please see [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]. - For more information please see [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]].
-** sl_cache [#i3fc150e]+*** sl_cache [#i3fc150e]
- [[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]] is a Texture Cache Server for Second Life. - [[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]] is a Texture Cache Server for Second Life.
- For more information please see [[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]]. - For more information please see [[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]].
-** sl_info [#lce74dbc]+*** sl_info [#lce74dbc]
- [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]] is an Information Server. - [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]] is an Information Server.
- [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]] gathers agents and SIM infomation from [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]].  It is used to monitor usage of [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]. - [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]] gathers agents and SIM infomation from [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]].  It is used to monitor usage of [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]].
- [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]] is also used to provide the white list of SIMs. - [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]] is also used to provide the white list of SIMs.
- For more information please see [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]]. - For more information please see [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]].
 +*** sl_voice_relay [#ne4e90ef]
 +- [[sl_voice_relay>sl_voice_relay (E)]] relays the packets of the SIP system of the Vivox, and enables to use of the voice chat of Second Life for PC in the firewall.
 +- For more information please see [[sl_voice_relay>sl_voice_relay (E)]].
** Bugs [#x23e704b] ** Bugs [#x23e704b]
- You  might see the same message two or more times in IM or chat. The cause is unknown. - You  might see the same message two or more times in IM or chat. The cause is unknown.
** Installation [#ef6ee474] ** Installation [#ef6ee474]
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- If you use ''Gentoo Linux'', please read [["Install to Gentoo Linux Documention">sl_proxy (E)/Install/Gentoo]] by Uwe.  Original File: [[README_on_gentoo>http://www.nsl.tuis.a​c.jp/etc/SL/README_on_gentoo_1.6.1]] - If you use ''Gentoo Linux'', please read [["Install to Gentoo Linux Documention">sl_proxy (E)/Install/Gentoo]] by Uwe.  Original File: [[README_on_gentoo>http://www.nsl.tuis.a​c.jp/etc/SL/README_on_gentoo_1.6.1]]
 +** Execution and Stop [#b92adcc8]
*** Running sl_proxy[#i98de792] *** Running sl_proxy[#i98de792]
- Execution - Execution
Line 77: Line 89:
- FQDN is proxy server's FQDN or IP address. 8100 is port number the Viewer connects to.(-p option) - FQDN is proxy server's FQDN or IP address. 8100 is port number the Viewer connects to.(-p option)
- Changes are made by editing the Target filed of the Second Life shortcut icon. - Changes are made by editing the Target filed of the Second Life shortcut icon.
** Second Life Protocol Information  [#k8bdfee4] ** Second Life Protocol Information  [#k8bdfee4]

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