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10: 2015-10-28 (水) 20:50:05 iseki ソース 現: 2020-08-27 (木) 15:25:53 iseki ソース
Line 1: Line 1:
** OARConvWin [#m029e8c3] ** OARConvWin [#m029e8c3]
 +- [[日本語は ここ>/OARConvWin (J)]]
- [[OAR Converter]] with Windows UI - [[OAR Converter]] with Windows UI
-- This software got great contributions and advices from Prof. ''[[Austin Tate>http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/~bat/]]''.​ Thank you very much!! +- This software was developed by [[Fumi Iseki>Fumi.Hax]], ''[[Austin Tate>http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/~bat/]]'', Daichi Mizumaki and Kohe Suzuki 
-- Latest Version is v1.0.4 (at 20015/10/26).+-- Blog of introductions by Austin: http://blog.inf.ed.ac.uk/atate/2015/10/24/opensim-oa​r-convert-to-unity-scene-with-windows-in​terface/ 
 +- Latest Version is v1.0.6 (at 2016/5/11). 
 +-- v1.0.6 is based on oarconv-1.4.4
- Please see also [[OAR Converter]] and [[OAR Converter Demo Video (on Linux)>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L​UhqNJHLCuM&feature=youtu.be]] - Please see also [[OAR Converter]] and [[OAR Converter Demo Video (on Linux)>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L​UhqNJHLCuM&feature=youtu.be]]
#br #br
Line 14: Line 18:
-- svn co http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/linux/oarc​onv/trunk  (within Windows code) -- svn co http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/linux/oarc​onv/trunk  (within Windows code)
-- Binary Code: [[OARConvWin-1.0.4.zip download page>http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/mod​ules/d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefi​le&cid=7&lid=47]]+- External Library 
 +-- zlib: http://www.gzip.org/zlib/ 
 +-- OpenJpeg: http://www.openjpeg.org/ 
 +-- libjpeg: http://www.ijg.org/ 
 +-- tar32: http://openlab.ring.gr.jp/tsuneo/tar32/i​ndex-e.html 
 +- Binary Code: [[OARConvWin-1.0.6.zip download page>http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/mod​ules/d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefi​le&cid=7&lid=47]]
-- Sorry, this is not a direct download link. I want to know the number of downloads. -- Sorry, this is not a direct download link. I want to know the number of downloads.
-- Extract OARConvWin-x.y.z.zip, and double click the OARConvWin.exe -- Extract OARConvWin-x.y.z.zip, and double click the OARConvWin.exe
Line 24: Line 34:
*** Address of thanks. [#g24aa86c] *** Address of thanks. [#g24aa86c]
- This software uses the source code and resource of OpenSim in part. see also http://opensimulator.org/ - This software uses the source code and resource of OpenSim in part. see also http://opensimulator.org/
-- This software uses the source code of OpenMetaverse in part. see also http://openmetaverse.org/+- This software uses the source code of OpenMetaverse in part. see also %%http://openmetaverse.org/ %%  https://github.com/openmetaversefoundati​on
- This software uses OpenJpeg command and library. see also http://www.openjpeg.org/ - This software uses OpenJpeg command and library. see also http://www.openjpeg.org/
- This software uses zlib library. see also http://www.zlib.net/ - This software uses zlib library. see also http://www.zlib.net/

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