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5: 2009-03-03 (火) 02:46:01 iseki ソース 現: 2014-06-28 (土) 16:47:20 iseki ソース
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** Outline [#f1f72fb2] ** Outline [#f1f72fb2]
-- ''sl_proxy'' is a Proxy System for Second Life. +- ''sl_proxy'' is a Proxy System for Second Life/OpenSim
-- This system consists of a Packet Relay Server(''[[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]'') , a Texture Cache Server(''[[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]]'') and an Information Server(''[[sl_info>sl_info (E)]]'') all running on Linux. +- This system consists of a Packet Relay Server(''[[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]'') , a Texture Cache Server(''[[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]]''), an Information Server(''[[sl_info>sl_info (E)]]'') and a Voice Chat Realy System(''[[sl_voice_relay>sl_voice_relay​ (E)]]'') all running on Linux. 
-- So, ''sl_proxy = [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]] + [[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]] + [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]]''.+- So, ''sl_proxy = [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]] + [[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]] + [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]]'' + ''[[sl_voice_relay>sl_voice_relay (E)]]''.
- ''[[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]'' relays UDP/HTTP(S) packets to a Second Life SIM Server. - ''[[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]'' relays UDP/HTTP(S) packets to a Second Life SIM Server.
-- ''[[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]]'' caches UDP Texture data from a SIM Server.+- ''[[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]]'' caches UDP Texture data from a SIM Server. (But, sl_cache seems to be useless since SL Viwer 2.1.1. So SL Viewer use "HTTP Get Texture" since v2.1.1)
- ''[[sl_info>sl_info (E)]]'' gathers agents and SIMs infomation from ''[[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]''. It is also possible to limit access to inappropriate or undesirable SIMs through the use of a white list. - ''[[sl_info>sl_info (E)]]'' gathers agents and SIMs infomation from ''[[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]''. It is also possible to limit access to inappropriate or undesirable SIMs through the use of a white list.
 +- ''[[sl_voice_relay>sl_voice_relay (E)]]'' relay the vivox's SIP, RTP and RTCP packets for voice chat.
- You can run a Second Life viewer from a PC with private IP address behind a firewall. - You can run a Second Life viewer from a PC with private IP address behind a firewall.
Line 16: Line 17:
- Its use is free for educational institutions (''free for non-commercial use''). - Its use is free for educational institutions (''free for non-commercial use'').
-- Current version is ''1.6.1'' (6 Oct. '08).+- Current version is ''1.10.4'' (30 July. '12).
-- ''Note:'' ''sl_proxy'' is not [[SLProxy>http://www.libsecondlife.org/wiki/SLProxy]].+- ''Note:'' ''sl_proxy'' is not ''[[GridProxy>http://www.openmetaverse.org/wiki/GridProxy]] (this old name is SLProxy)'' 
-** sl_relay [#v776448d]+*** [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]] [#v776448d]
- [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]] is a Relay Server for Second Life. It relays UDP/HTTP(S) packets to a Second Life SIM Server. - [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]] is a Relay Server for Second Life. It relays UDP/HTTP(S) packets to a Second Life SIM Server.
- For more information please see [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]. - For more information please see [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]].
-** sl_cache [#i3fc150e]+*** [[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]] [#i3fc150e]
- [[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]] is a Texture Cache Server for Second Life. - [[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]] is a Texture Cache Server for Second Life.
- For more information please see [[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]]. - For more information please see [[sl_cache>sl_cache (E)]].
-** sl_info [#lce74dbc]+*** [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]] [#lce74dbc]
- [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]] is an Information Server. - [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]] is an Information Server.
- [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]] gathers agents and SIM infomation from [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]].  It is used to monitor usage of [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]]. - [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]] gathers agents and SIM infomation from [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]].  It is used to monitor usage of [[sl_relay>sl_relay (E)]].
- [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]] is also used to provide the white list of SIMs. - [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]] is also used to provide the white list of SIMs.
- For more information please see [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]]. - For more information please see [[sl_info>sl_info (E)]].
-** Bugs [#x23e704b]+*** [[sl_voice_relay>sl_voice_relay (E)]] [#ne4e90ef] 
 +- [[sl_voice_relay>sl_voice_relay (E)]] relays the packets of the SIP system of the Vivox, and enables to use of the voice chat of Second Life for PC in the firewall. 
 +- For more information please see [[sl_voice_relay>sl_voice_relay (E)]]. 
 +** Change Log [#n3c526e2] 
 +**** 1.10.2 [#j496901b] 
 +- Corrects bug of update for Note Card and LSL Script. 
 +**** 1.10.1 [#b1e377c7] 
 +- Corrects bug of license agreement when login. 
 +**** 1.10.0 [#n4bb5f67] 
 +- Support of ''Get Grid Information'' Protocol (by advice from [[kittin>http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops​/userinfo.php?uid=180]]) 
 +- Support of ''Get Mesh'' Protocol 
 +- Support of ''[[Aurora-Sim]]'' 
 +- Support of ''Cygwin'' (only compile) (by advice from [[kittin>http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops​/userinfo.php?uid=180]]) 
 +- a few bug fix 
 +**** 1.9.4 [#lfa0407c] 
 +- Support of SL Viewer 2.7 
 +- a few bug fix 
 +** Known Bugs [#x23e704b]
- You  might see the same message two or more times in IM or chat. The cause is unknown. - You  might see the same message two or more times in IM or chat. The cause is unknown.
** Installation [#ef6ee474] ** Installation [#ef6ee474]
*** Download [#l99bf46f] *** Download [#l99bf46f]
-- http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&ci​d=4&lid=1+- http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&ci​d=4&lid=1&ml_lang=en 
 +*** Patch for sl_proxy 1.9.3 for Mac and Cygwin by [[kittin>http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops​/userinfo.php?uid=180]] [#g1ff7217] 
 +- http://kittin-ninetails.blogspot.com/201​1/01/patch-for-slproxy-193-for-mac-and.h​tml 
 +- Thanks to [[kittin>http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops​/userinfo.php?uid=180]] 
*** Compile and Install [#zaeef45e] *** Compile and Install [#zaeef45e]
Line 48: Line 82:
 # zcat sl_proxy-X.Y.Z.tar.gz|tar xfv -  # zcat sl_proxy-X.Y.Z.tar.gz|tar xfv -
- # cd TUIS_Lib+ # cd JunkBox_Lib
 # ./configure  --enable-db  # ./configure  --enable-db
 # make  # make
Line 55: Line 89:
 # make  # make
 # make install  # make install
- If you use ''Gentoo Linux'', please read [["Install to Gentoo Linux Documention">sl_proxy (E)/Install/Gentoo]] by Uwe.  Original File: [[README_on_gentoo>http://www.nsl.tuis.a​c.jp/etc/SL/README_on_gentoo_1.6.1]] - If you use ''Gentoo Linux'', please read [["Install to Gentoo Linux Documention">sl_proxy (E)/Install/Gentoo]] by Uwe.  Original File: [[README_on_gentoo>http://www.nsl.tuis.a​c.jp/etc/SL/README_on_gentoo_1.6.1]]
 +** Execution and Stop [#b92adcc8]
*** Running sl_proxy[#i98de792] *** Running sl_proxy[#i98de792]
- Execution - Execution
 + # /etc/init.d/sl_voice_relay start
 # /etc/init.d/sl_info start  # /etc/init.d/sl_info start
 # /etc/init.d/sl_cache start  # /etc/init.d/sl_cache start
Line 71: Line 107:
 # /etc/init.d/sl_cache stop  # /etc/init.d/sl_cache stop
 # /etc/init.d/sl_info stop  # /etc/init.d/sl_info stop
 + # /etc/init.d/sl_voice_relay stop
*** SL Viewer (MS Windows) Setting [#re0a899d] *** SL Viewer (MS Windows) Setting [#re0a899d]
Line 77: Line 114:
- FQDN is proxy server's FQDN or IP address. 8100 is port number the Viewer connects to.(-p option) - FQDN is proxy server's FQDN or IP address. 8100 is port number the Viewer connects to.(-p option)
- Changes are made by editing the Target filed of the Second Life shortcut icon. - Changes are made by editing the Target filed of the Second Life shortcut icon.
** Second Life Protocol Information  [#k8bdfee4] ** Second Life Protocol Information  [#k8bdfee4]
-- [[Protocol Transform>Second Life/Protocol]] (Japanese only)+- [[Protocol Transform>Second Life/Protocol]] (Japanese text only) 
 +- [[Login Sequence>Second Life/Protocol/login]]
-- Login Sequence 
--- [[Login request  >http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/etc/SL/Login_​Req.html]] (Viewer -> Login Server) 
--- [[Login response>http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/etc/S​L/Login_Res.html]] (Login Server -> Viewer) 
-- [[UDP>Second Life/Protocol/UDP]] (Japanese only)+- [[UDP>Second Life/Protocol/UDP]] (Japanese text only) 
** Etc. etc. [#z90fd9fa] ** Etc. etc. [#z90fd9fa]
- [[FAQ & Troubleshooting>./FAQ]] - [[FAQ & Troubleshooting>./FAQ]]
** License. [#o6af16c3] ** License. [#o6af16c3]
Line 103: Line 143:
** Acknowledgments. [#s49e6ef3] ** Acknowledgments. [#s49e6ef3]
-This product uses software developed by the ''OpenSSL'' Project for use in the ''OpenSSL'' Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/ ) and the ''zlib'' library  (http://www.zlib.net/ ).  ''Berkeley DB'' is an optional component of the software.+This product uses software developed by the ''OpenSSL'' Project for use in the ''OpenSSL'' Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/ ).~ 
 +This software used the ''zlib'' library  (http://www.zlib.net/ ).  And ''Berkeley DB'' is an optional component of the software.
-Information on Second Life protocols has been obtained from the ''libsecondlife''(http://www.libsecondlife.org/ ) web pages.+Information on Second Life protocols has been obtained from the ''openmetaverse'' (http://lib.openmetaverse.org/ ) web pages.
GNU ''autoconf'' is used for the construction of this program and ''Subversion'' is used for the version management. GNU ''autoconf'' is used for the construction of this program and ''Subversion'' is used for the version management.

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