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6: 2010-09-30 (木) 13:05:36 admin ソース 7: 2010-09-30 (木) 14:00:35 admin ソース
Line 83: Line 83:
 MapImageModule = "MapImageModule"  MapImageModule = "MapImageModule"
- OpenSim 0.7.x has bug of World Map function. Therefore, XoopenSim/Modlos can not display the SIM icon on World Map normally. Please patch to the source code with [[patch code:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/​SoftWare/OpenSim/opensim_nsl_r13094_worl​dmap.patch]].  This patch is included in [[our OpenSim Patches for 0.7>http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modu​les/d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefil​e&cid=8&lid=17]], too. - OpenSim 0.7.x has bug of World Map function. Therefore, XoopenSim/Modlos can not display the SIM icon on World Map normally. Please patch to the source code with [[patch code:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/​SoftWare/OpenSim/opensim_nsl_r13094_worl​dmap.patch]].  This patch is included in [[our OpenSim Patches for 0.7>http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modu​les/d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefil​e&cid=8&lid=17]], too.
 +- If you apply this "OpenSim Patches for 0.7" to, rej file is created. But, do not worry because it is a normal result.
#br #br
Line 182: Line 183:
**** Setting of OpenSim.ini [#pa840bdf] **** Setting of OpenSim.ini [#pa840bdf]
-- OpenSim.ini の [DataSnapshot],[Modules],[Search]セクションを以下のように設定する([SEARCH]セクションは追加する).+- [DataSnapshot],[Modules] and [Search] section in OpenSim.ini are set as follows (The [Search] section is added).
-- ex.) for XoopenSim -- ex.) for XoopenSim
 [DataSnapshot]  [DataSnapshot]
Line 195: Line 196:
   SearchURL = "XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/query​.php"    SearchURL = "XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/query​.php"
-- 0.7.1Dev では [Modules]セクションの LoandService は設定する必要はない(他で設定済み)+- At 0.7.1Dev,  ''LoandService'' of the [Modules] section need not be set (It is set at another setting file).
#br #br
**** Setting of cron [#fe1ce7ec] **** Setting of cron [#fe1ce7ec]
 +- It is necessary to execute ''CMS_MODULE_PATH/include/cron.php'' by cron regularly to update retrieval information.
 +- You may call cron.php from an outside machine with ''wget''. URL in this case is as follows.
 +-- ex.) for XoopenSim
 + wget XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/include/cron​.php -O /dev/null
 +- In the case to use ''Modlos'', when you have regularly execute ''admin/cron.php'' already, it is not necessary to set cron for CMS_MODULE_PATH/include/cron.php.
**** RemoteLandServicesConnector [#u484bdd5] **** RemoteLandServicesConnector [#u484bdd5]
 +- At 0.7, 0.7.0.x, execution of OpenSim.exe will be error, when ''LandServices = "RemoteLandServicesConnector"'' is specified at the [Modules] section.
 + 09:26:23 - [REGIONMODULE]: Adding scene TEST to shared module RemoteLandServicesConnector
 + 09:26:23 - [APPLICATION]:
 + APPLICATION EXCEPTION DETECTED: System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs
 + Exception: System.Exception: No IGridService available. This could happen if the config_include folder doesn't exist or if the OpenSim.ini [Architecture] section isn't set.  Please also check that you have the correct version of your inventory service dll.  Sometimes old versions of this dll will still exist.  Do a clean checkout and re-create the opensim.ini from the opensim.ini.example.
 +  at OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene.ge​t_GridService () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 +  at OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnec​torsOut.Land.RemoteLandServicesConnector​.AddRegion (OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 +  at OpenSim.ApplicationPlugins.RegionModules​Controller.RegionModulesControllerPlugin​.AddRegionToModules (OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 +  at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.CreateRegion (OpenSim.Framework.RegionInfo regionInfo, Boolean portadd_flag, Boolean do_post_init, IScene& mscene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 +  at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.CreateRegion (OpenSim.Framework.RegionInfo regionInfo, Boolean portadd_flag, IScene& scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 +  at OpenSim.ApplicationPlugins.LoadRegions.L​oadRegionsPlugin.PostInitialise () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 +  at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.StartupSpecific () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 +  at OpenSim.OpenSim.StartupSpecific () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 +  at OpenSim.Framework.Servers.BaseOpenSimSer​ver.Startup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 +  at OpenSim.Application.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 +- In this case, please patch to the source code with [[patch code:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/​SoftWare/OpenSim/opensim_nsl_0.7_remotel​and.patch]] and recompile OpenSim. This patch is included in our OpenSim Patches for 0.7, too.
 +- If you apply this patch to, rej file is created. But, do not worry because it is a normal result.
 +- At 0.7.1Dev, becase ''RemoteLandServicesConnector'' is already set in config-inculde/Grid.ini, It need not be specified with OpenSim.ini.
**** Recompile of module [#daed1754] **** Recompile of module [#daed1754]
- When ''OpenSimSearch.Modules.dll'' is compiled again, copy ''ossearch'' onto the installation directory of OpenSim, and execute ''build.sh'' command. - When ''OpenSimSearch.Modules.dll'' is compiled again, copy ''ossearch'' onto the installation directory of OpenSim, and execute ''build.sh'' command.
Line 248: Line 279:
*** Money Server [#m98b39a2] *** Money Server [#m98b39a2]
 +- Money Server and XoopenSim/Modlos are different functions. Therefore, Please refer to [[here>http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/m​odules/xpwiki/?OpenSim%2FMoneyServer]] for Money Server.
#br #br
** Menu for Management [#v3da3dd8] ** Menu for Management [#v3da3dd8]
Line 271: Line 297:
*** Clear Texture Cache [#ec5a0b89] *** Clear Texture Cache [#ec5a0b89]
 +- The cash of the texture loaded from OpenSim with XoopenSim/Modlos is cleared. When the program for the image processing is changed, and the display of the texture becomes amusing, you should execute this.
#br #br
*** Clear Login Table [#rf1f7024] *** Clear Login Table [#rf1f7024]
 +- When the region server or the viewer terminate abnormally, it is likely to remain the state in DB that avatar logged in (In this case, ''Avatars List'' displays that avatar logins now, though it doesn't login).
 +- The table of the DB that stores log in information on avatar can be cleared in this case by executing this command.
#br #br
*** Login Screen Management [#sfc1c498] *** Login Screen Management [#sfc1c498]
 +- You can edit ''Alert Information Box'' in Login Screen.
#br #br
Line 283: Line 313:
#br #br
-** Summary of setting files [#r020674b]+** Summary of setting files for XoopenSim/Modlos [#r020674b] 
*** Robust.ini [#c9df2413] *** Robust.ini [#c9df2413]
- for Modlos - for Modlos

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