flagflag  If you want to see English page, please click "English" Button at Left.
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Usage anchor.png

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Simplest Conversion (First Time) anchor.png

  1. Open OAR File.
    1. Select "File" menu -> "Open OAR File", and select OAR file. (ex. ABC.oar)
  2. OAR file is extracted.
    1. OAR folder is created with prefix "OAR_" at same folder as the OAR file. (ex. OAR_ABC)
  3. Information dialog of OAR file is popped up.
    1. "Convert Data" sub menu becomes active automatically.
  4. Convert OAR files
    1. Select "File" menu -> "Convert Data"
    2. Conversion starts and DAE folder is created with prefix "DAE_" at same folder as the OAR folder. (ex. DAE_ABC)
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If you have already extracted OAR folder anchor.png

  1. Open OAR Folder.
    1. Select "File" menu -> "Open OAR Folder", and select OAR folder. (ex. OAR_ABC)
  2. or Open archive.xml file in extracted OAR folder.
    1. Select "File" menu -> "Open OAR File", and select archive.xml. (ex. OAR_ABC\archive.xml)
  3. Information dialog of OAR file is popped up.
    1. "Convert Data" sub menu becomes active.
  4. Convert OAR file
    1. Select "File" menu -> "Convert Data"
    2. Conversion starts and DAE folder is created with prefix "DAE_" at same folder as the OAR folder. (ex. DAE_ABC)
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to Unity anchor.png

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【Important】 forUnity3D\Editor\SelectOARShader.cs anchor.png

  • Before drag and drop converted dae folder to the project view of Unity, please drag and drop to Unity3D\Editor folder to the project view first.
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Menu Bar anchor.png

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File anchor.png

File.png, SIZE:200x153(4.4KB)

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Open OAR File anchor.png
  • Select OAR file or archive.xml file in extracted OAR folder.
  • When OAR file is selected, OAR file is extracted at the same folder as the OAR file and with "OAR_"(default) prefix folder name.
  • If OAR file is read correctoly, "Information of OAR" Dialog is poped up and OAR path displayed at status line.
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Open OAR Folder anchor.png
  • Select extracted OAR folder.
  • If OAR file is read correctoly, "Information of OAR" Dialog is popped up and OAR path displayed at status line.
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Convert Data anchor.png
  • Convert OAR files to DAE/STL files.
  • DAE folder with prefix "DAE_"(default) is created at the same folder as the OAR file/folder.
  • STL folder with prefix "STL_"(default) is created at the same folder as the OAR file/folder.
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Exit anchor.png
  • Exit from application.
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Tools anchor.png

Tools.png, SIZE:173x103(3.2KB)

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Log Window anchor.png
  • Show Log Window
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Objects List anchor.png
  • Show Objects List Dialog
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Settings anchor.png
  • Show Settings Dialog
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Help anchor.png

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About anchor.png
  • Show Information Dialog of this application

Help.png, SIZE:388x195(8.4KB)

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Child Windows and Dialog Windows anchor.png

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Information of OAR Dialog anchor.png

Info.png, SIZE:275x218(4.9KB)

  • Information of OAR (Region).
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Settings Dialog anchor.png

Setting.png, SIZE:256x563(11.0KB)

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Start Num anchor.png
  • Number of objects to start the conversion.
  • 0 or less is specified, it is considered 1.
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Stop Num anchor.png
  • Number of objects to stop the conversion.
  • -1 means infinity.
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DAE anchor.png
  • When "File"-> "Convert Data" is selected, DAE files are outputed.
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STL anchor.png
  • When "File"-> "Convert Data" is selected, STL files are outputed.
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Output of Terrain Data anchor.png
  • If checked, Terrain data is converted, too.
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Terrain Texture Scale anchor.png
  • Repeat factor of Terrain Image.
  • Usually 7 is used at SL/OS Viewer.
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Debug Mode anchor.png
  • Debug information are displayed at Log Window
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Shift anchor.png
  • Specify position shift of objects
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Folder anchor.png
  • Specify prefix names of OAR, DAE and STL folders
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Log Window anchor.png

Log.png, SIZE:432x271(5.6KB)

  • Display Log Messages
  • Floppy Icon
    • Save Log Messages
  • Copy Icon
    • Copy selected area to cripboard.
  • Eraser Icon
    • Clear Log
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Objects List Dialog anchor.png

List.png, SIZE:613x415(41.5KB)

  • Display name list of read objects.
  • While this Dialog is displayed, File Menu is disabled.
  • Double Click a object name
    • Show Preview Shape Window
  • Select some object names and click "Convert" button
    • Selected objects are converted.
  • Select some object names and click "3D Preview" button
    • Selected objects are displayed on Preview Shape Window.
    • At most 5 windows are displayed at a once.
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Preview Shape Window anchor.png

Preview.png, SIZE:319x366(10.7KB)

  • Display a preview a shape of object using BREP.
  • Texture is not displayed. This is a Preview.
  • Wire Icon
    • Display wire frame.
  • Solid Icon
    • Display planes of Solid.
    • Illegal surface is displayed as Red Plane.
  • Question Icon
    • Display solid (BREP) information of this object.
  • Floppy + "D" Icon
    • Save as DAE file.
  • Floppy + "S" Icon
    • Save as STL file.

添付ファイル: fileTools.png 307件 [詳細] fileList.png 319件 [詳細] filePreview2.png 309件 [詳細] filePreview.png 311件 [詳細] fileLog.png 305件 [詳細] fileSetting.png 329件 [詳細] fileInfo.png 301件 [詳細] fileHelp.png 292件 [詳細] fileFile.png 309件 [詳細] fileQuick.png 308件 [詳細]

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