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Re: Balances return to default?


なし Re: Balances return to default?

msg# 1.4
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿.1 | 投稿日時 2014-1-18 8:30
tenchi999  Just popping in   投稿数: 4
I wrote mydomain.com for personal reasons, on the config file there is actually the real domain name


SellEnabled = "true"
CurrencyServer = "https://mydomainname.com:8008/"
UserServer = "http://mydomainname.com:8002/"
EconomyModule = DTLNSLMoneyModule

;; Money Unit fee to upload textures, animations etc
PriceUpload = 10

;; Money Unit fee to create groups
PriceGroupCreate = 100


; Place to create a PID file
; PIDFile = "/tmp/money.pid"

;Connection parameters of MySQL
hostname = localhost ; Name of MySQL Server
database = moneyserverdb
username = dbuser
password = dbpassword

pooling = false
port = 3306

; Max DB connections kept by money server.
MaxConnection = 10

; If the user is not found in database,he/she will be created with the default balance.
DefaultBalance = 1000

; Name of this Server
HostName = localhost

; If "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" is specified, all avatars can get money from system.
; If "" is specified, nobody can get money.
BankerAvatar = ""

; If you want to use llGiveMoney() function normally even when payer doesn't login to OpenSim,
; please set true to this valiable
EnableForceTransfer = true

; send money to avatar by MoneyScript (for Bonus)
;EnableScriptSendMoney = false
;MoneyScriptAccessKey = "123456789" ;; specify same secret key in include/config.php or WI(XoopenSim/Modlos)
;MoneyScriptIPaddress = "" ;; not use

; Message that displayed in blue dialog, when balance is updated.
; If "" is specified, blue dialog is not displayed.
; You can use {0} and {1} in message string.
; {0} means amount and {1} means avatar name or object owner name
BalanceMessageLandSale = "Paid the Money UW${0} for Land." ;; for buy the land
BalanceMessageScvLandSale = "" ;; for get the money of the sold land
BalanceMessageSendGift = "Sent Gift UW${0} to {1}." ;; for send gift to other avatar
BalanceMessageReceiveGift = "Received Gift UW${0} from {1}." ;; for receieve gift from other avatar
BalanceMessagePayCharge = "" ;; for upload and group creation charge
BalanceMessageBuyObject = "Bought the Object UW${0} from {1}." ;; for buy the object
BalanceMessageGetMoney = "Got the Money UW${0} from {1}." ;; for get the money from object by llGiveMoney()
BalanceMessageBuyMoney = "Bought the Money UW${0}." ;; for buy the money from system
BalanceMessageReceiveMoney = "Received UW${0} from System." ;; for receive the money from system by send_money() script
BalanceMessageRollBack = "RollBack the Transaction: UW${0} from/to {1}." ;; when roll back ocuurred

; for HTTPS
ServerCertFilename = "SineWaveCert.pfx"
ServerCertPassword = "*******"


The entries

00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000@ 16110
0e0dc74d-8871-4218-90a9-49a0c0a1d18b@ 1000
a14b8538-7395-4d38-b4ed-cad10758c0cf@ 2147483556
a14b8538-7395-4d38-b4ed-cad10758c0cf@ 1000
c5c1d714-713a-4439-832d-e8718accd2d9@ 1000
ffaffb88-41ce-4ca1-9e4d-66d18a220f50@ 2147483617
ffaffb88-41ce-4ca1-9e4d-66d18a220f50@ 2147483647
投票数:55 平均点:4.00



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