Re: problem adding user to a new role group
投稿数: 245

Please download
and replace it.
directory is XOOPS_TOP/modules/xoopensim/flotsam_XmlRpcGroup
Thanks for your bug report!!
Please download
and replace it.
directory is XOOPS_TOP/modules/xoopensim/flotsam_XmlRpcGroup
Thanks for your bug report!!
problem adding user to a new role group (Luisillo, 2014-3-3 0:30)
Re: problem adding user to a new role group (Luisillo, 2014-3-3 1:23)
Re: problem adding user to a new role group (iseki, 2014-3-3 15:33)
Re: problem adding user to a new role group (Luisillo, 2014-3-4 0:32)
Re: problem adding user to a new role group (admin, 2014-3-4 16:07)
Re: problem adding user to a new role group (admin, 2014-3-4 17:15)
Re: problem adding user to a new role group (Luisillo, 2014-3-4 0:32)
Re: problem adding user to a new role group (Luisillo, 2014-3-5 4:21)
Re: problem adding user to a new role group (Luisillo, 2014-3-5 4:22)