Re: (Only as a historical record. No answer is required.) 0.9.3Dev (Dotnet6) fail compiling

Re: (Only as a historical record. No answer is required.) 0.9.3Dev (Dotnet6) fail compiling
msg# 1.2
居住地: Spain
投稿数: 80

Thank you very much for your quick response. I am happy to find you here again.
I have downloaded from github the modified module and compiled it with dotnet 6 and it works perfectly in
Thank you very much again for your great work.
I have downloaded from github the modified module and compiled it with dotnet 6 and it works perfectly in
Thank you very much again for your great work.
(Only as a historical record. No answer is required.) 0.9.3Dev (Dotnet6) fail compiling (Luisillo, 2023-4-5 22:25)
Re: (Only as a historical record. No answer is required.) 0.9.3Dev (Dotnet6) fail compiling (iseki, 2023-4-19 14:37)
Re: (Only as a historical record. No answer is required.) 0.9.3Dev (Dotnet6) fail compiling (Luisillo, 2023-4-20 1:37)