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Some Hacks Make reusing Old wi-redux code a snap!


なし Some Hacks Make reusing Old wi-redux code a snap!

msg# 1
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 | 投稿日時 2010-7-12 1:20
master  Just can't stay away   投稿数: 138
We were running Wi-Redux but are now running this project but there were a few things that our users missed not having so i worked this out.

When a grid client connects there was a screen called Loginscreen.php. This let users pick a region to log into and showed assorted info. So to put this back i coped back the following files/folders from wi-redux to xoops root path.
in settings folder copy config.php and mysql.php to xoops settings folder (these were called by wi-redux modules).
Then copy the folder Loginscreen to xoops root path (this contains the images that were used)
Then copy the file loginscreen.php to the xoops root path.

In your opensim ini there is a line where you can tell the client when it connects to 8002 to load the loginscreen.
The user just updates grid info and it will update there client paths form what you set in the ini.
Other hooks are possable but this was an easy one.
(Remember we still have the same Wi-Redux database tables and are no longer used by this project but the data is still there).
I have tested this on both .69 and .7+ revs and had no problems. It will let users have away to pick what region to log into from this screen.

Hopefully some one more clever than me can can make this less of a hack and apply it properly.
to this project so that the old DB is not needed.

Anyway this was a quick and simple change.

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