Install errors
投稿数: 2
I am trying to install Xoopensim, but the module won't install correctly. In the xoops cube interface, these are the last three lines of the install log:
# Config activate_disclaimer added.
# Could not insert config 'disclaimer_content'
# Installation of 'XoopenSim' module has failed.
# Force Uninstallation is started.
It seems it's a database error, in the popup I get this:
INSERT INTO a82t0f_config (conf_id, conf_modid, conf_catid, conf_name, conf_title, conf_value, conf_desc, conf_formtype, conf_valuetype, conf_order) VALUES (0, 12, 0, 'disclaimer_content', '_MI_XPNSM_CFG_DSCLMR_CNTNT', 'Disclaimer.', '_MI_XPNSM_CFG_DSCLMR_CNTNT_DESC', 'textarea', 'text', 23)
Error number: 1406
Error message: Data too long for column 'conf_desc' at row 1
Any idea as how to fix this? Thanks in advance!
# Config activate_disclaimer added.
# Could not insert config 'disclaimer_content'
# Installation of 'XoopenSim' module has failed.
# Force Uninstallation is started.
It seems it's a database error, in the popup I get this:
INSERT INTO a82t0f_config (conf_id, conf_modid, conf_catid, conf_name, conf_title, conf_value, conf_desc, conf_formtype, conf_valuetype, conf_order) VALUES (0, 12, 0, 'disclaimer_content', '_MI_XPNSM_CFG_DSCLMR_CNTNT', 'Disclaimer.', '_MI_XPNSM_CFG_DSCLMR_CNTNT_DESC', 'textarea', 'text', 23)
Error number: 1406
Error message: Data too long for column 'conf_desc' at row 1
Any idea as how to fix this? Thanks in advance!
Install errors
(seredw, 2010-7-31 18:16)
- Re: Install errors (seredw, 2010-7-31 18:33)