Re: Modlos and OpenSim integration
投稿数: 1581

Hi Alexis,
When you use OpenSim with Grid Mode, I have no idea. Sorry.
When you use OpenSim with Stand Alone Mode, OpenSim does not create "regions" table on MySQL at default.
You need to setup StandAlone.ini and StandAloneCommon.ini for create "users" table on MySQL.
Those are at [GridService] section in StandaloneCommon.ini and [PresenceService] section in Standalone.ini.
When you use OpenSim with Grid Mode, I have no idea. Sorry.
When you use OpenSim with Stand Alone Mode, OpenSim does not create "regions" table on MySQL at default.
You need to setup StandAlone.ini and StandAloneCommon.ini for create "users" table on MySQL.
Those are at [GridService] section in StandaloneCommon.ini and [PresenceService] section in Standalone.ini.
Modlos and OpenSim integration (h3-l105, 2011-6-17 20:56)
Re: Modlos and OpenSim integration (iseki, 2011-6-18 11:10)
Modlos and OpenSim integration: Can not connect OpenSim Data Base (Alexis, 2011-8-18 22:37)
Re: Modlos and OpenSim integration (Alexis, 2011-8-19 1:22)
Re: Modlos and OpenSim integration (iseki, 2011-8-19 12:12)
Re: Modlos and OpenSim integration (iseki, 2011-8-19 15:33)
Re: Modlos and OpenSim integration (Alexis, 2011-8-19 19:42)
Re: Modlos and OpenSim integration (iseki, 2011-8-20 0:14)