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Money server don't work with internet access

  • このフォーラムに新しいトピックを立てることはできません
  • このフォーラムではゲスト投稿が禁止されています
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿.1 .2 | 投稿日時 2013-2-21 2:54
turaseida  Just popping in   投稿数: 3
Hello! I have the money server running on the local server, but when I access from internet does not work opensim money in the purchase and sale of objects.

In opensim.ini [economy] I put the ip of my machine or external ip?
thanks a lot.

投票数:64 平均点:6.25
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿なし | 投稿日時 2013-2-21 11:07
admin  Webmaster   投稿数: 245

I think that it is problem of firewall (BB router).
Money Server uses 8008 TCP port. Dose it open?

>> In opensim.ini [economy] I put the ip of my machine or external ip?
It is IP that of Money Server seen from Region Server (Sim) .

If you need more detail advice, please show me your MoneyServer.ini, OpenSim.ini and network environment.
投票数:58 平均点:4.83
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿.1 | 投稿日時 2013-2-26 4:50
turaseida  Just popping in   投稿数: 3
Yes, 8008 tcp port is open on the firewall...

The region server is running on standalone mode..and i can access from internet normally with port 9000...


; Place to create a PID file
PIDFile = "/tmp/money.pid"

;Connection parameters of MySQL
hostname = localhost
database = opensim
username = opensim
password = xxxxxx
pooling = false
port = 3306

; Max DB connections kept by money server.
MaxConnection = 40

; If the user is not found in database,he/she will be created with the default balance.
DefaultBalance = 1000

; If "" is specified, nobody can get money.
BankerAvatar = ""

; If you want to use llGiveMoney() function normally even when payer doesn't login to OpenSim,
; please set true to this valiable
EnableForceTransfer = true

; send money to avatar by MoneyScript (for Bonus)
;EnableScriptSendMoney = false
;MoneyScriptAccessKey = "123456789"
;MoneyScriptIPaddress = ""

; Message that displayed in blue dialog, when balance is updated.
; If "" is specified, blue dialog is not displayed.
; You can use {0} and {1} in message string.
; {0} means amount and {1} means avatar name or object owner name
BalanceMessageLandSale = "Paid the Money L${0} for Land." ;; for buy the land
BalanceMessageScvLandSale = "" ;; for get the money of the sold land
BalanceMessageSendGift = "Sent Gift L${0} to {1}." ;; for send gift to other avatar
BalanceMessageReceiveGift = "Received Gift L${0} from {1}." ;; for receieve gift from other avatar
BalanceMessagePayCharge = "" ;; for upload and group creation charge
BalanceMessageBuyObject = "Bought the Object L${0} from {1}." ;; for buy the object
BalanceMessageGetMoney = "Got the Money L${0} from {1}." ;; for get the money from object by llGiveMoney()
BalanceMessageBuyMoney = "Bought the Money L${0}." ;; for buy the money from system
BalanceMessageReceiveMoney = "Received L${0} from System." ;; for receive the money from system by send_money() script
BalanceMessageRollBack = "RollBack the Transaction: L${0} from/to {1}." ;; when roll back ocuurred

; for HTTPS
ServerCertFilename = "SineWaveCert.pfx"
ServerCertPassword = "123"


and opensim.ini

SellEnabled = "true"
CurrencyServer = "https://TheSameExternIPofTheRegion:8008/"
UserServer = "http://TheSameExternIPofTheRegion:9000/"
EconomyModule = DTLNSLMoneyModule

;; Money Unit fee to upload textures, animations etc
PriceUpload = 0

;; Money Unit fee to create groups
PriceGroupCreate = 100

thanks a lot!
投票数:54 平均点:5.00
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿なし | 投稿日時 2013-2-28 10:42
iseki  Home away from home   投稿数: 1581

I want to check your environment.

Local network is OK (You can login OpenSim, and Money server works)
     PC (Viewer) ----->  |  Sim(Region) / Money server|

Internet is NG (You can login OpenSim, but Money server does not work)

   the Iternet     |  Local
                   |     +---------------------------+
     PC (Viewer) --|-->  | Sim(Region) / Money server|
                   |     +---------------------------+
                NAT(BB router)
Are these right?

turaseida wrotes:
Yes, 8008 tcp port is open on the firewall...
Sorry, Viewer does not connect to Money Server directly.
If Region and Money Server are work same PC, 8008 port may not be open.

SellEnabled = "true"
CurrencyServer = "https://TheSameExternIPofTheRegion:8008/"
UserServer = "http://TheSameExternIPofTheRegion:9000/
IP of Region Server(local machine) may be sufficient as Private IP (Local IP).
投票数:74 平均点:4.46


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