- このフォーラムに新しいトピックを立てることはできません
- このフォーラムではゲスト投稿が禁止されています
投稿数: 8

With Linux onn a Grid Opensim (not hyper Grid) I have this error:
When I try to buy a land or buy money I have « Can’t resolve host name »
I have also in Opensim consol: [NSL CERT VERIFY]: ValidateServerCertificate: Policy is (RemoteCertificateNameMismatch, RemoteCertificateChainErrors)
everything else working.
Thank you :)
With Linux onn a Grid Opensim (not hyper Grid) I have this error:
When I try to buy a land or buy money I have « Can’t resolve host name »
I have also in Opensim consol: [NSL CERT VERIFY]: ValidateServerCertificate: Policy is (RemoteCertificateNameMismatch, RemoteCertificateChainErrors)
everything else working.
Thank you :)
投稿数: 1581

Since the information is a few, I can not say it accurate.
I guess
1. Robust Server name is not in hosts file. or
2. Robust Server name is not in DNS server. or
3. Right Certification files (both at MoneyServer and OpenSim) are not used.
I recommend to set "CheckServerCert" to false at "[Economy]" section in OpenSim.ini
Since the information is a few, I can not say it accurate.
I guess
1. Robust Server name is not in hosts file. or
2. Robust Server name is not in DNS server. or
3. Right Certification files (both at MoneyServer and OpenSim) are not used.
I recommend to set "CheckServerCert" to false at "[Economy]" section in OpenSim.ini
投稿数: 8

thank you for your reply.
I have: 0.8.1 for OpenSim-0.8.1 (Binaries are included. not need to compile) on Linux server.
I did: CheckServerCert = false and I don't have the error message about the certificat any more.
But still the same error, when I try to buy a land or buy currency, "couldn't resolve host name".
This message is on the viewer window you have when you buy a land or buy currency.
Here my files (I have changed host by
Thanks a lot.
;# {SellEnabled} {} {Enable selling for 0?} {true false} true
; The default economy module only implements just enough to allow free actions (transfer of objects, etc).
; There is no intention to implement anything further in core OpenSimulator.
; This functionality has to be provided by third party modules.
;; Enables selling things for $0. Default is true.
SellEnabled = true
CurrencyServer = ""
EconomyModule = DTLNSLMoneyModule
;# {PriceUpload} {} {Price for uploading?} {} 0
;; Money Unit fee to upload textures, animations etc. Default is 0.
PriceUpload = 0
;# {PriceGroupCreate} {} {Fee for group creation} {} 0
;; Money Unit fee to create groups. Default is 0.
PriceGroupCreate = 100
;ClientCertFilename = "jogrid_region.p12"
;ClientCertPassword = ""
CheckServerCert = false
;CACertFilename = "jogrid_cacert.crt"
;SettlementByWeb = false
;SettlementURL = ""
;SettlementMessage = "Goto the settlement of accounts Web page. (Testing now)"
UserServer = "" ;; not use localhost or
; Place to create a PID file
; PIDFile = "/tmp/"
;Connection parameters of MySQL
hostname = localhost ; Name of MySQL Server
database = money
username = money
password = ********
pooling = false
port = 3306
; Max DB connections kept by money server.
MaxConnection = 10
; If the user is not found in database,he/she will be created with the default balance.
DefaultBalance = 0
; Name of this Server
;HostName = localhost
; If "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" is specified, all avatars can get money from system.
; If "" is specified, nobody can get money.
BankerAvatar = "684208a-a842-4667-888e-cd09347c087e"
; If you want to use llGiveMoney() function normally even when payer doesn't login to OpenSim,
; please set true to this valiable
EnableForceTransfer = true
; send money to avatar by MoneyScript (for Bonus)
EnableScriptSendMoney = true
MoneyScriptAccessKey = "123456" ;; specify same secret key in include/config.php or WI(XoopenSim/Modlos)
MoneyScriptIPaddress = "" ;; not use
; Message that displayed in blue dialog, when balance is updated.
; If "" is specified, blue dialog is not displayed.
; You can use {0} and {1} in message string.
; {0} means amount and {1} means avatar name or object owner name
BalanceMessageLandSale = "Paid the Money L${0} for Land." ;; for buy the land
BalanceMessageScvLandSale = "" ;; for get the money of the sold land
BalanceMessageSendGift = "Sent NM${0} to {1}." ;; for send gift to other avatar
BalanceMessageReceiveGift = "Received Gift L${0} from {1}." ;; for receieve gift from other avatar
BalanceMessagePayCharge = "" ;; for upload and group creation charge
BalanceMessageBuyObject = "Bought the Object L${0} from {1}." ;; for buy the object
BalanceMessageGetMoney = "Got the Money L${0} from {1}." ;; for get the money from object by llGiveMoney()
BalanceMessageBuyMoney = "Bought the Money L${0}." ;; for buy the money from system
BalanceMessageReceiveMoney = "Received L${0} from System." ;; for receive the money from system by send_money() script
BalanceMessageRollBack = "RollBack the Transaction: L${0} from/to {1}." ;; when roll back ocuurred
; for HTTPS Server
ServerCertFilename = "SineWaveCert.pfx"
ServerCertPassword = "123"
;ServerCertFilename = "server_cert.p12"
;ServerCertPassword = "123"
; for Client Authentication from MoneyModule
;CheckClientCert = true;
;CACertFilename = "cacert.crt"
;ClientCrlFilename = "clcrl.crt"
; for XML RPC Client Authentication to MoneyModule
;CheckServerCert = false;
;ClientCertFilename = "client_cert.p12"
;ClientCertPassword = ""
; helper uri: optional: if it exists if will be used to tell the client to use
; this for all economy related things
;economy = ${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}/currency/helper/
economy =
config.php (in config and include)
// Please set this hepler script URL and directory
if (!defined('ENV_HELPER_URL')) define('ENV_HELPER_URL', '');
if (!defined('ENV_HELPER_PATH')) define('ENV_HELPER_PATH', '/var/www/currency/helper/');
// Valiables for OpenSim
// Please set MySQL DB access information
define('OPENSIM_DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('OPENSIM_DB_NAME', 'money');
define('OPENSIM_DB_USER', 'money');
define('OPENSIM_DB_PASS', '***********');
define('OPENSIM_DB_MYSQLI', true); // if you use MySQLi interface, please set true
// Money Server Access Key
// Please set same key with MoneyScriptAccessKey in MoneyServer.ini
define('CURRENCY_SCRIPT_KEY', '123456');
// Group Module Access Keys
// Please set same keys with at [Groups] section in OpenSim.ini (case of Aurora-Sim, it is Groups.ini)
define('XMLGROUP_RKEY', '1234'); // Read Key
define('XMLGROUP_WKEY', '1234'); // Write key
thank you for your reply.
I have: 0.8.1 for OpenSim-0.8.1 (Binaries are included. not need to compile) on Linux server.
I did: CheckServerCert = false and I don't have the error message about the certificat any more.
But still the same error, when I try to buy a land or buy currency, "couldn't resolve host name".
This message is on the viewer window you have when you buy a land or buy currency.
Here my files (I have changed host by
Thanks a lot.
;# {SellEnabled} {} {Enable selling for 0?} {true false} true
; The default economy module only implements just enough to allow free actions (transfer of objects, etc).
; There is no intention to implement anything further in core OpenSimulator.
; This functionality has to be provided by third party modules.
;; Enables selling things for $0. Default is true.
SellEnabled = true
CurrencyServer = ""
EconomyModule = DTLNSLMoneyModule
;# {PriceUpload} {} {Price for uploading?} {} 0
;; Money Unit fee to upload textures, animations etc. Default is 0.
PriceUpload = 0
;# {PriceGroupCreate} {} {Fee for group creation} {} 0
;; Money Unit fee to create groups. Default is 0.
PriceGroupCreate = 100
;ClientCertFilename = "jogrid_region.p12"
;ClientCertPassword = ""
CheckServerCert = false
;CACertFilename = "jogrid_cacert.crt"
;SettlementByWeb = false
;SettlementURL = ""
;SettlementMessage = "Goto the settlement of accounts Web page. (Testing now)"
UserServer = "" ;; not use localhost or
; Place to create a PID file
; PIDFile = "/tmp/"
;Connection parameters of MySQL
hostname = localhost ; Name of MySQL Server
database = money
username = money
password = ********
pooling = false
port = 3306
; Max DB connections kept by money server.
MaxConnection = 10
; If the user is not found in database,he/she will be created with the default balance.
DefaultBalance = 0
; Name of this Server
;HostName = localhost
; If "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" is specified, all avatars can get money from system.
; If "" is specified, nobody can get money.
BankerAvatar = "684208a-a842-4667-888e-cd09347c087e"
; If you want to use llGiveMoney() function normally even when payer doesn't login to OpenSim,
; please set true to this valiable
EnableForceTransfer = true
; send money to avatar by MoneyScript (for Bonus)
EnableScriptSendMoney = true
MoneyScriptAccessKey = "123456" ;; specify same secret key in include/config.php or WI(XoopenSim/Modlos)
MoneyScriptIPaddress = "" ;; not use
; Message that displayed in blue dialog, when balance is updated.
; If "" is specified, blue dialog is not displayed.
; You can use {0} and {1} in message string.
; {0} means amount and {1} means avatar name or object owner name
BalanceMessageLandSale = "Paid the Money L${0} for Land." ;; for buy the land
BalanceMessageScvLandSale = "" ;; for get the money of the sold land
BalanceMessageSendGift = "Sent NM${0} to {1}." ;; for send gift to other avatar
BalanceMessageReceiveGift = "Received Gift L${0} from {1}." ;; for receieve gift from other avatar
BalanceMessagePayCharge = "" ;; for upload and group creation charge
BalanceMessageBuyObject = "Bought the Object L${0} from {1}." ;; for buy the object
BalanceMessageGetMoney = "Got the Money L${0} from {1}." ;; for get the money from object by llGiveMoney()
BalanceMessageBuyMoney = "Bought the Money L${0}." ;; for buy the money from system
BalanceMessageReceiveMoney = "Received L${0} from System." ;; for receive the money from system by send_money() script
BalanceMessageRollBack = "RollBack the Transaction: L${0} from/to {1}." ;; when roll back ocuurred
; for HTTPS Server
ServerCertFilename = "SineWaveCert.pfx"
ServerCertPassword = "123"
;ServerCertFilename = "server_cert.p12"
;ServerCertPassword = "123"
; for Client Authentication from MoneyModule
;CheckClientCert = true;
;CACertFilename = "cacert.crt"
;ClientCrlFilename = "clcrl.crt"
; for XML RPC Client Authentication to MoneyModule
;CheckServerCert = false;
;ClientCertFilename = "client_cert.p12"
;ClientCertPassword = ""
; helper uri: optional: if it exists if will be used to tell the client to use
; this for all economy related things
;economy = ${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}/currency/helper/
economy =
config.php (in config and include)
// Please set this hepler script URL and directory
if (!defined('ENV_HELPER_URL')) define('ENV_HELPER_URL', '');
if (!defined('ENV_HELPER_PATH')) define('ENV_HELPER_PATH', '/var/www/currency/helper/');
// Valiables for OpenSim
// Please set MySQL DB access information
define('OPENSIM_DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('OPENSIM_DB_NAME', 'money');
define('OPENSIM_DB_USER', 'money');
define('OPENSIM_DB_PASS', '***********');
define('OPENSIM_DB_MYSQLI', true); // if you use MySQLi interface, please set true
// Money Server Access Key
// Please set same key with MoneyScriptAccessKey in MoneyServer.ini
define('CURRENCY_SCRIPT_KEY', '123456');
// Group Module Access Keys
// Please set same keys with at [Groups] section in OpenSim.ini (case of Aurora-Sim, it is Groups.ini)
define('XMLGROUP_RKEY', '1234'); // Read Key
define('XMLGROUP_WKEY', '1234'); // Write key
投稿数: 1581

Tanks for information.
Please check /etc/hosts (both Robust Server and OpenSim)
Or /etc/resolv.conf (both Robust Server and OpenSim) and your DNS Server
And, Do other functions of Money Server work correctly?
Please check /etc/hosts (both Robust Server and OpenSim)
Or /etc/resolv.conf (both Robust Server and OpenSim) and your DNS Server
And, Do other functions of Money Server work correctly?
投稿数: 8

Hello Iseki,
Yes everything else working. I can send and receive money from an other avatar, pay an object, and an object can send money. It's working for upload and group fees.
---------- localhost servxxxx (The IP is the server IP)
domain local
search local
nameserver (Here the IP of the provider where I rent the server)
Thank you for your help
Yes everything else working. I can send and receive money from an other avatar, pay an object, and an object can send money. It's working for upload and group fees.
---------- localhost servxxxx (The IP is the server IP)
domain local
search local
nameserver (Here the IP of the provider where I rent the server)
Thank you for your help
投稿数: 1581

Sorry, I have no idea.
投稿数: 8

A picture to show you:
If I click the link it can't find the path to the server so it go on:
Thank you
If I click the link it can't find the path to the server so it go on:
Thank you
投稿数: 1581

This is not a dialog about "Buy Land", but this ia a dialog about "Buy Currency"
Avatar has not enough money to buy land, so a dialog about "Buy Currency" up.
If your avatar is not Banker Avatar, your avatar has to get money beforehand.
* about « Can’t resolve host name »
Please check "Helper URL" of Grid Manager of your viewer.
This is not a dialog about "Buy Land", but this ia a dialog about "Buy Currency"
Avatar has not enough money to buy land, so a dialog about "Buy Currency" up.
If your avatar is not Banker Avatar, your avatar has to get money beforehand.
* about « Can’t resolve host name »
Please check "Helper URL" of Grid Manager of your viewer.
投稿数: 8

Hello iseki
It's same probl with Buy a land:
thanks, You gave me an important information changing the helper url to test but still errors
But the message change (for buy money and land) when I change the helper URL.
If I use I have : Internal server error
If I use I have : Error while fetching information
If I use I have : Error information not found
So maybe it's with this url I did an error
Thank you.
It's same probl with Buy a land:
thanks, You gave me an important information changing the helper url to test but still errors
But the message change (for buy money and land) when I change the helper URL.
If I use I have : Internal server error
If I use I have : Error while fetching information
If I use I have : Error information not found
So maybe it's with this url I did an error
Thank you.
投稿数: 8

I found why I had all this errors ... By default php5-xmlrpc was not installed. I did it but, it's come back at the beginning, even I set CheckServerCert = false I still have error:
[NSL CERT VERIFY]: ValidateServerCertificate: Policy is (RemoteCertificateNameMismatch, RemoteCertificateChainErrors)
And can buy a land I have the error : Unable to authentificate :o(
[NSL CERT VERIFY]: ValidateServerCertificate: Policy is (RemoteCertificateNameMismatch, RemoteCertificateChainErrors)
And can buy a land I have the error : Unable to authentificate :o(
投稿数: 1581

>> [NSL CERT VERIFY]: ValidateServerCertificate: Policy is (RemoteCertificateNameMismatch, RemoteCertificateChainErrors)
This is a Warning message, but not Error message.
When "CheckServerCert = false", OpenSim ignores this warning.
You should distinguish between the "Buy Land Error" or the "Buy Currency Error"
Is it the the "Buy Land Error" ?
This is a Warning message, but not Error message.
When "CheckServerCert = false", OpenSim ignores this warning.
You should distinguish between the "Buy Land Error" or the "Buy Currency Error"
Is it the the "Buy Land Error" ?
投稿数: 8

Ok I let CheckServerCert = false
Both errors :
Both errors :
投稿数: 8

I found the solution.
in the php soft for the error mess:
'errorMessage' => "Unable to Authenticate\n\nClick URL for more info.
the query is:
$rs=DB::Execute(sprintf('SELECT COUNT(uuid) FROM %s WHERE uuid=\'%s\' AND secureSessionID=\'%s\'',C_AGENTS_TBL,$agentid,$sessionid);
And "secureSessionID" is in robust db, but in the config.php (config and include) in helper, I had set the DB "money". So it can identify the avatar and session. Maybe I'm blind but I diddn't see anywhere it was this db to set at this place.
Anyway thank you for your help and your patience.
I found the solution.
in the php soft for the error mess:
'errorMessage' => "Unable to Authenticate\n\nClick URL for more info.
the query is:
$rs=DB::Execute(sprintf('SELECT COUNT(uuid) FROM %s WHERE uuid=\'%s\' AND secureSessionID=\'%s\'',C_AGENTS_TBL,$agentid,$sessionid);
And "secureSessionID" is in robust db, but in the config.php (config and include) in helper, I had set the DB "money". So it can identify the avatar and session. Maybe I'm blind but I diddn't see anywhere it was this db to set at this place.
Anyway thank you for your help and your patience.
投稿数: 7

Hi notremonde and Iseki San
I have the exact same problem
Money buying and selling is working fine
However when I try to see a parcel for any amount I get a Viewer error of 'Internal Server Error
notremonde I do not understand how you have resolved this in teh last post - could you explain which file and what I need to change?
Thank you in anticipation
I have the exact same problem
Money buying and selling is working fine
However when I try to see a parcel for any amount I get a Viewer error of 'Internal Server Error
notremonde I do not understand how you have resolved this in teh last post - could you explain which file and what I need to change?
Thank you in anticipation