Can not buy money
- このフォーラムに新しいトピックを立てることはできません
- このフォーラムではゲスト投稿が禁止されています
投稿数: 2

First thank you for this product it is very kind of you to make this. I believe I almost have this working I am down to the purchase of money with the banking avatar.
Diva Distro diva-r25950 (OpenSim 0.8.1 post-fixes)
Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64
PHP Version 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.12
Being somewhat new to working with OpenSim it took me a little bit or work but here is where I am at. I have the money server installed. It work fine giving all avatars money. I can buy and sell items in world and pay and get money from other avatars.
What I can not figure out is how to make buying money work. I think the problem is with the helper scripts. I was unable to make the DTL/NSL Money Server v0.7.2 work with my version of Diva so I upgraded to the latest DTL/NSL server.
I am working from the instrcutions at
I copied the scripts to the webroot, I currently have the 0.8.1 in a folder called currency and the 0.7.2 in a folder called opensim_scripts.
I have tried running both sets of scripts by setting MyWorld.ini economy = [ipaddress]/opensim_scripts/helper/ for the 0.7.2 and economy = [ipaddress]/currency/helper/ for the 0.8.1
When I attempt to buy money, the urls are properly resolved. The problem is after the PHP scripts are hit. In the case of the 0.7.2 I get a status 200 which is great except every file under /helper/ is 0kb they are completely empty
In the case of 0.8.1 I get a status 500. When I looked in the log files I am getting this error message:
PHP Warning: require_once(/home/apache/htdocs/currency/helper//../include/tools.func.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/currency/config/env_interface.php on line 10
Call to undefined function xmlrpc_server_create() in /var/www/html/currency/opensim.helper/currency.php on line 63
I am thinking I am missing a step somewhere !
Hope you can help because this is really awesome stuff ...GOOD WORK!
First thank you for this product it is very kind of you to make this. I believe I almost have this working I am down to the purchase of money with the banking avatar.
Diva Distro diva-r25950 (OpenSim 0.8.1 post-fixes)
Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64
PHP Version 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.12
Being somewhat new to working with OpenSim it took me a little bit or work but here is where I am at. I have the money server installed. It work fine giving all avatars money. I can buy and sell items in world and pay and get money from other avatars.
What I can not figure out is how to make buying money work. I think the problem is with the helper scripts. I was unable to make the DTL/NSL Money Server v0.7.2 work with my version of Diva so I upgraded to the latest DTL/NSL server.
I am working from the instrcutions at
I copied the scripts to the webroot, I currently have the 0.8.1 in a folder called currency and the 0.7.2 in a folder called opensim_scripts.
I have tried running both sets of scripts by setting MyWorld.ini economy = [ipaddress]/opensim_scripts/helper/ for the 0.7.2 and economy = [ipaddress]/currency/helper/ for the 0.8.1
When I attempt to buy money, the urls are properly resolved. The problem is after the PHP scripts are hit. In the case of the 0.7.2 I get a status 200 which is great except every file under /helper/ is 0kb they are completely empty
In the case of 0.8.1 I get a status 500. When I looked in the log files I am getting this error message:
PHP Warning: require_once(/home/apache/htdocs/currency/helper//../include/tools.func.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/currency/config/env_interface.php on line 10
Call to undefined function xmlrpc_server_create() in /var/www/html/currency/opensim.helper/currency.php on line 63
I am thinking I am missing a step somewhere !
Hope you can help because this is really awesome stuff ...GOOD WORK!
投稿数: 2

Ok All Fixed Up!
#1 Don't be lazy, run the shell scripts they are your friend.
#2 Check and make sure you are running both XML-RPC and CURL
#3 If you are doing Diva Distro put economy=[uri of helper scripts on your webserver] in your MyWorld.ini [GRIDINFO] section
#1 Don't be lazy, run the shell scripts they are your friend.
#2 Check and make sure you are running both XML-RPC and CURL
#3 If you are doing Diva Distro put economy=[uri of helper scripts on your webserver] in your MyWorld.ini [GRIDINFO] section
投稿数: 1581

Have a fun
Have a fun
