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Aditions for enabling viewer to buy currency

  • このフォーラムに新しいトピックを立てることはできません
  • このフォーラムではゲスト投稿が禁止されています
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 | 投稿日時 2010-9-8 13:14
chrisby  Not too shy to talk   投稿数: 23
Is it possible to change the php in helpers.php so that viewer can buy currency?
投票数:131 平均点:4.58
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iseki  Home away from home   投稿数: 1581
Do you buy currency by real money?

If it is so, it might be very difficult in security.
If you do not consider security at all, it seems that it is easy.
But, it has the problem very much. :)
投票数:119 平均点:4.12
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chrisby  Not too shy to talk   投稿数: 23
hi ieseki ,
i hope you are well :)

i am not woried about security , i have made it so viewer can buy currency and is updated in moneyserver database however i am unable to make inworld ballance update :)

balance gets up0dated inworld when user buys land or object or pays another user or object and but balance is not updated when buying currency inworld from viewer:)
投票数:167 平均点:5.39
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iseki  Home away from home   投稿数: 1581
Hi chrisby

I posted in other topic by mistake...... :(
I am perhaps tired.... :)

It might be interesting that only a specific avatar (ex. Banker avatar) can buy currency.

I'll think that function. But I cannot do immediately, because I am busy recently. :)
投票数:90 平均点:4.78
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master  Just can't stay away   投稿数: 138
Yah but thats kinda risky.. I agree it should be a choice but anytime you mix real money in.. well that asks for problems.

We can simulate it and be ok.

What deals users make is there own issue.
As a grid owner i think its best that its a chice of users to make there own deals

投票数:90 平均点:5.22
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master  Just can't stay away   投稿数: 138
Grid's sell a service via there cumputing power.. currency is a minor thing in that scope.
We can charge to rent space as we own it. We can carge for the service that offers a simulation.
Currency is a small part of the bigger view.

投票数:90 平均点:5.11
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master  Just can't stay away   投稿数: 138
Well on with the whats going on here
Ok i run a sep server for cube its sole use it to run xoopensim

The last module works fine, now i addin the new one but have a big problem.

1st if i dign out of admin menu when changing to the new MOD of this.. i can get locked out (whole web site is blank).
Sofar i havent been able to fix it, My admins tell me its one of 2 things.

#1 our PHP rev is now wong
#2 there are code errors

In debug the new PG part of php code seems to be the problem (Php debug says).

Now to the real problem. If i have to update PHP revs, other works will fail.

question is, what PHP rev was it ment to use and why when updating it takes down the whole cube?
(admins ask what was used when it was written)

Were shure it a php thing but cant guess at this as no one can access it and not a an option.
We contunue stuck at last mod for xoopensim and is working 100% well :)

投票数:118 平均点:4.49
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master  Just can't stay away   投稿数: 138
Subnote: If i update to it.. and loose the admin screen i cant gain access again. So debug is useless and risk's loosing it all! if i change php i have to restart it. and if i restart it there is no way to get back in. I had to roll it back 2x now.

投票数:87 平均点:5.06
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿なし | 投稿日時 2010-11-4 3:51
master  Just can't stay away   投稿数: 138
best as i can get from php logs is PG settings ..(locks us out after updating) a few minor ones but they dont lock us out (we know what they are and un-related)..
投票数:123 平均点:5.04


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