flagflag  If you want to see English page, please click "English" Button at Left.
Page Top

global 変数 anchor.png

Page Top
$CFG anchor.png
  • $CFG->wwwroot : top url
  • $CFG->prefix
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$USER anchor.png
  • メンバ変数例
    • id => 2
    • username => admin
    • firstname => 管理
    • lastname => ユーザ
    • email => iseki@solar-system.tuis.ac.jp
    • emailstop => 0
    • city => 千葉市
    • country => JP
    • lang => ja_utf8
    • timezone => 9.0
    • firstaccess => 1259809008
    • lastaccess => 1273976520
    • lastlogin => 1273631570
    • currentlogin => 1273761631
Page Top
$_POST anchor.png
  • empty($_POST)
Page Top

POST, GET anchor.png

  • required_param('course', PARAM_INT);
  • optional_param('mode', default, PARAM_ALPHA);
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権限 anchor.png

  • isadmin()
  • isguest()
  • require_login($course->id);
  • isteacher($course->id)
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メッセージ anchor.png

  • get_string( , )
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DataBase anchor.png

  • lib/dmllib.php
Page Top
count_records anchor.png
$count = count_records('autoattend_sessions', 'courseid', $course->id, 'sessdate', $sdate, 'starttime', $starttime);
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get_record(s) anchor.png
  • get_record($table, $field1, $value1, $field2="", $value2="", $field3="", $value3="", $fields='*')
    if ($user = get_record('user', 'id', $USER->id)) {
       $firstname = $user->firstname;
  • get_records($table, $field="", $value="", $sort="", $fields='*', $limitfrom="", $limitnum="")
    if (!$vars = get_records('autoattend_settings', 'courseid', $courseid, 'id')) {
       $vars = get_records('autoattend_settings', 'courseid', 0);      // use default
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get_records_sql anchor.png
$qey = "SELECT * FROM .......";
if ($users = get_records_sql($qry)) {
   foreach($users as $key => $user) {
       $return['id']      = $user->id;
       $return['attsid'] = $user->attsid;
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update_record, insert_record anchor.png
$update = false;
if ($rec = get_record('autoattend_settings', 'courseid', $course->id, 'status', $status[$i])) {
   $update = true;
$rec->courseid = $course->id;
if ($update) {
    $result = update_record('autoattend_settings', $rec);
else {
    $result = insert_record('autoattend_settings', $rec);
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delete_records anchor.png
delete_records('autoattend_settings', 'courseid', $course->id);
Page Top
XMLDB anchor.png
  • http://dev.moodle.org/mod/resource/view.​php?id=48
  • block にディレクトリを作成し,その中に dbディレクトリを作る.
  • 「サイト管理」→「その他」→「XMLDBエディタ」 でデータベース定義用の db/install.xml を作成する.
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ログ anchor.png

  • add_to_log($course->id, 'autoattend', 'restore settings', 'att_settings.php?course='.$course->id);​
Page Top

Form anchor.png

Page Top

settings.php anchor.png

  • admin_setting_configtext
  • admin_setting_configcheckbox
  • admin_setting_configselect
Page Top
Moodle Data Cleaning Parameters anchor.png
  • PARAM_RAW: specifies a parameter that is not cleaned or processed in any way.
  • PARAM_CLEAN: Obsolete, please try to use a more specific type of parameter.
  • PARAM_INT: Integers only, use when expecting only numbers
  • PARAM_ALPHA: Contains only english letters.
  • PARAM_ACTION: Alias for PARAM_ALPHA, use for various actions in forms and URLs.
  • PARAM_FORMAT: Alias for PARAM_ALPHA, use for names of plugins, formats, etc.
  • PARAM_NOTAGS: All HTML tags are stripped from the text. Do not abuse this type.
  • PARAM_TEXT: General plain text compatible with multilang filter, no other html tags.
  • PARAM_FILE: Safe file name, all dangerous chars are stripped, protects against XSS, SQL injections and directory traversals.
  • PARAM_PATH: Safe relative path name, all dangerous chars are stripped, protects against XSS, SQL injections and directory traversals
    • note: The leading slash is not removed, window drive letter is not allowed
  • PARAM_HOST: expected fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or an IPv4 dotted quad (IP address)
  • PARAM_URL: expected properly formatted URL.
  • PARAM_LOCALURL: expected properly formatted URL as well as one that refers to the local server itself. NOT orthogonal to the others! Implies PARAM_URL!
  • PARAM_CLEANFILE: safe file name, all dangerous and regional chars are removed,
  • PARAM_ALPHANUM: expected numbers and letters only.
  • PARAM_BOOL: converts input into 0 or 1, use for switches in forms and urls.
  • PARAM_CLEANHTML: cleans submitted HTML code and removes slashes
    • note: do not forget to addslashes() before storing into database!
  • PARAM_ALPHAEXT: the same contents as PARAM_ALPHA plus the chars in quotes: "/-_" allowed, suitable for include() and require()
  • PARAM_SAFEDIR: safe directory name, suitable for include() and require()
  • PARAM_SEQUENCE: expects a sequence of numbers like 8 to 1, 5, 6, 4, 6, 8, 9. Numbers and commas only.

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