flagflag  If you want to see English page, please click "English" Button at Left.
Page Top

Data Base anchor.png

  • DB は全面的に XMLDB に移行
  • $DB 変数必須
Page Top
XMLDB anchor.png
  • http://dev.moodle.org/mod/resource/view.​php?id=48
  • block にディレクトリを作成し,その中に dbディレクトリを作る.
  • 「サイト管理」→「開発」→「XMLDBエディタ」 でデータベース定義用の db/install.xml を作成する.
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global 変数 anchor.png

Page Top
$DB anchor.png
  • データベースにアクセスする場合は必ず必要
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$CFG anchor.png
  • $CFG->wwwroot : top url
  • $CFG->prefix
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$USER anchor.png
  • メンバ変数例
    • id => 2
    • username => admin
    • firstname => 管理
    • lastname => ユーザ
    • email => iseki@solar-system.tuis.ac.jp
    • emailstop => 0
    • city => 千葉市
    • country => JP
    • lang => ja_utf8
    • timezone => 9.0
    • firstaccess => 1259809008
    • lastaccess => 1273976520
    • lastlogin => 1273631570
    • currentlogin => 1273761631
Page Top
$_POST anchor.png
  • empty($_POST)
Page Top

POST, GET anchor.png

  • required_param('course', PARAM_INT);
  • optional_param('mode', default, PARAM_ALPHA);
Page Top

PAGE, OUTPUT anchor.png

Page Top
エラー: The theme has already been set up for this page ready for output. Therefore, you can no longer change the theme, or anything that might affect what the current theme is, for example, the course. anchor.png
  • 通常は require_login() を実行してから ヘッダーを書く.
  • ヘッダーを書いた後に require_login() を実行すると,上記のエラーが出る.
  • 対策: require_login() を実行してから ヘッダーを書く.
    $PAGE->set_cacheable($cache); // true
    $PAGE->set_button($button); // ' '
    echo $OUTPUT->header();
Page Top

権限 anchor.png

  • require_login($course->id)
Page Top
2.x で廃止になった関数 anchor.png
  • isadmin()
  • isguest()
  • isteacher($course->id)
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代替関数 anchor.png
  • see jbxl_moodle_tools.php
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メッセージ anchor.png

  • メッセージテーブルはローカルに持つ
  • ja_utf-8 → ja, en_utf-8 → en
  • get_string( , )
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DataBase anchor.png

  • lib/dml/moodle_database.php
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$DB->count_records anchor.png
$count = $DB->count_records('autoattend_sessions', array('courseid'=>$course->id, 'sessdate'=>$sdate, 'starttime'=>$starttime));
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$DB->get_record(s) anchor.png
  • $DB-> get_record($table, array $conditions, $fields='*', $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING)
    if ($user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$USER->id))) {
       $firstname = $user->firstname;
  • $DB->get_records($table, array $conditions=null, $sort='', $fields='*', $limitfrom=0, $limitnum=0)
    if (!$vars = $DB->get_records('autoattend_settings', array('courseid'=>$courseid), 'id ASC')) {
       $vars = $DB->get_records('autoattend_settings', array('courseid'=>0));      // use default
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$DB->get_records_sql anchor.png
  • $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array $params=null, $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING)
    $qey = "SELECT * FROM .......";
    if ($users = $DB->get_records_sql($qry)) {
       foreach($users as $key => $user) {
           $return['id']      = $user->id;
           $return['attsid'] = $user->attsid;
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$DB->update_record, $DB->insert_record anchor.png
$update = false;
if ($rec = $DB->get_record('autoattend_settings', array('courseid'=>$course->id, 'status'=>$status[$i]))) {
   $update = true;
$rec->courseid = $course->id;
if ($update) {
    $result = $DB->update_record('autoattend_settings', $rec);
else {
    $result = $DB->insert_record('autoattend_settings', $rec);
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$DB->delete_records anchor.png
$DB->delete_records('autoattend_settings', array('courseid'=>$course->id));
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ログ anchor.png

  • add_to_log($course->id, 'autoattend', 'restore settings', 'att_settings.php?course='.$course->id);​
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User Table anchor.png

  • [id] => 237
  • [auth] => email
  • [confirmed] => 1
  • [policyagreed] => 0
  • [deleted] => 0
  • [suspended] => 0
  • [mnethostid] => 1
  • [username] => alice
  • [password] => **************
  • [idnumber] =>
  • [firstname] => 電脳空間内アリス
  • [lastname] => alice
  • [email] => alice@edu.tuis.ac.jp
  • [emailstop] => 0
  • [icq] =>
  • [skype] =>
  • [yahoo] =>
  • [aim] =>
  • [msn] =>
  • [phone1] =>
  • [phone2] =>
  • [institution] =>
  • [department] =>
  • [address] =>
  • [city] => 電脳空間内
  • [country] => AQ
  • [lang] => ja
  • [theme] =>
  • [timezone] => 99
  • [firstaccess] => 1272419261
  • [lastaccess] => 1334212672
  • [lastlogin] => 1309493183
  • [currentlogin] => 1334212371
  • [lastip] =>
  • [secret] =>
  • [picture] => 0
  • [url] =>
  • [description] =>
  • [descriptionformat] => 1
  • [mailformat] => 1
  • [maildigest] => 0
  • [maildisplay] => 2
  • [htmleditor] => 1
  • [ajax] => 1
  • [autosubscribe] => 1
  • [trackforums] => 0
  • [timecreated] => 1272419261
  • [timemodified] => 1334212362
  • [trustbitmask] => 0
  • [imagealt] =>
  • [screenreader] => 0
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settings.php anchor.png

  • admin_setting_configtext
  • admin_setting_configcheckbox
  • admin_setting_configselect
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Moodle Data Cleaning Parameters anchor.png
  • PARAM_RAW: specifies a parameter that is not cleaned or processed in any way.
  • PARAM_CLEAN: Obsolete, please try to use a more specific type of parameter.
  • PARAM_INT: Integers only, use when expecting only numbers
  • PARAM_ALPHA: Contains only english letters.
  • PARAM_ACTION: Alias for PARAM_ALPHA, use for various actions in forms and URLs.
  • PARAM_FORMAT: Alias for PARAM_ALPHA, use for names of plugins, formats, etc.
  • PARAM_NOTAGS: All HTML tags are stripped from the text. Do not abuse this type.
  • PARAM_TEXT: General plain text compatible with multilang filter, no other html tags.
  • PARAM_FILE: Safe file name, all dangerous chars are stripped, protects against XSS, SQL injections and directory traversals.
  • PARAM_PATH: Safe relative path name, all dangerous chars are stripped, protects against XSS, SQL injections and directory traversals
    • note: The leading slash is not removed, window drive letter is not allowed
  • PARAM_HOST: expected fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or an IPv4 dotted quad (IP address)
  • PARAM_URL: expected properly formatted URL.
  • PARAM_LOCALURL: expected properly formatted URL as well as one that refers to the local server itself. NOT orthogonal to the others! Implies PARAM_URL!
  • PARAM_CLEANFILE: safe file name, all dangerous and regional chars are removed,
  • PARAM_ALPHANUM: expected numbers and letters only.
  • PARAM_BOOL: converts input into 0 or 1, use for switches in forms and urls.
  • PARAM_CLEANHTML: cleans submitted HTML code and removes slashes
    • note: do not forget to addslashes() before storing into database!
  • PARAM_ALPHAEXT: the same contents as PARAM_ALPHA plus the chars in quotes: "/-_" allowed, suitable for include() and require()
  • PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT: expected numbers, letters only and _-.
  • PARAM_SAFEDIR: safe directory name, suitable for include() and require()
  • PARAM_SEQUENCE: expects a sequence of numbers like 8 to 1, 5, 6, 4, 6, 8, 9. Numbers and commas only.

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