Trouble Shooting for Rinions
The message of "NI Device is not Connected" appears in Kinect being connected.
- Please check USB connection and power adapter connection of Kinect.
- Please execute DEMO Programs of OpenNI. If DEMO Program is not executed, there are problems in OpenNI, NITE or avin2.
- DEMO Programs are at C:\[OpenNI Install Folder]\Samples\Bin\Release.
I can not login to server
- Check the name (or IP address) and port number of a server. Or the server may be downed.
- The head string (prefix) of a Group Key can be restricted by the server side. Please check whether the Prefix of a Group Key is correct.
When login, Rinions has been waiting.....
- Animation Relay Server is in trouble. Stop Rinions forced, and please retry after waiting for a while, or contact to administrator of the server.
Sometimes, camera image is not synchronized in Sensor Window.
- When Kinect driver of OpenNI is used on Win7 x64, we see this phenomenon. Probably it may be a 32bit driver's bug (I hope that ).
Rinions crashed!!
- If you use OpenNI and when you click Play icon on Sensor Window, Rinions crashed. Please check that you installed NITE or not.
When downloaded Imprudence-1.3.2 is executed, side-by-side Error is occurred
- please install VC8 runtime vcredist_x86.exe
Rinions recognized user, but avatar does not move in SL/OS
- Was UUID of the animation which the avatar is performing set to Rinions? (Setting of Animation Dialog)
- Is the Viewer currently used re-compiled Viewer with Rinions's patch?
- Please check "Quaternion" Check Box in "Data Output" Dialog from "Setting" Menu of Rinions
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最終更新: 2012-09-22 (土) 14:14:50 (JST) (4368d) by iseki