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Outline anchor.png

  • sl_voice_relay relays the packets of the SIP system of the Vivox, and enables to use of the voice chat of Second Life for PC in the firewall.
  • The SIP forwarding part of sl_voice_relay is an independent program named sip_forwarder. But, it is automatically built in, when sl_voice_relay is compiled.
  • It is also possible to stop sip_forwarder function in sl_voice_relay, and to start only sip_forwarder with another machine (for debug).
  • sl_voice_relay is beta version in sl_proxy v1.7.x. It is not tested whether the voice can be forwarded under all situations.
  • now version is 1.1.0
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Explanation anchor.png

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Configuration anchor.png

  • V1.0.0 operates with zero configuration (auto configuration) by exchanging information with sl_relay.
  • Please return it based on the setting when you set the following to Viewer.
  • To make sl_voice_relay and sl_relay cooperate, it is necessary to execute sl_relay with -vs option.
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Viewer settings for 0.9.0b anchor.png
  1. display Advanced menu on Viewer by press Crtl+Alt+D keys. Ctrl+Alt+D is toggle.
  2. select Advanced --> Debug Setteings... menu.
  3. input voicehost, and replace to IP address of host that executing sl_voice_relay.
  4. input vivoxDegugLevel, and add -i IP:44124 behind -1. IP is IP address of PC that executing Viewer.
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Attension anchor.png
  1. if -i option is specified, SLVoice permits to receive packets from all other PC.
  2. The Viewer slows very much, when the above-mentioned setting is done and sl_voice_relay not started and the Viewer's voice chat function is effective. So, Viewer is waitting for the communication with SLVoice.
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Execute Options anchor.png

sl_voice_relay  [-p port] [-r sip_forwarder:port]
                [-f config_file] [-u user_name]
                [-i internal_ip_address] [-ii internal_ip_address] [-ie external_ip_address]
                [-pid pid_file] [-l [logfile]] [-v syslog_level]
                [-as] [-aca]
                [-d] [-x] [-xt] [-xu]
                [--version] [--help] [-h]

-p   : port number that sl_relay connects. default is 8088.
-r   : when external SIP relay server (sip_forwarder) is used, the address and the port number of the sip
       relay server are specified. if this option is specified, sip_forwarder built in sl_voice_relay stops.
       specify the address seen from SLVoice (it does not become 
       default is to use internal sip_forwarder.

-f   : configuration file. default is /usr/local/etc/sl_proxy/sl_voice_relay.conf
-u   : specify effective user.

-i   : if your server has two or more network interfaces, specify IP address of internal network.
-ii  : same as -i option.
-ie  : if your server has two or more network interfaces, specify IP address of external network.
              usually, it is detected automatically.

-pid : specify pid file.
-l   : specify log file. default is /var/sl_proxy/sl_voice_relay.log
-v   : level of syslog. default is LOG_INFO (7).

-as  : use HTTPS between sl_voice and Voice Relay Server.
-aca : confirms Vivox Server by using C:\Program Files\SecondLife\app_settings\CA.pem

-d   : debug mode. display debug information.
-x   : TCP packets are printed and saved part at working directory. SIP's UDP packets are printed.
-xt  : TCP packets are printed and saved part at working directory.
-xu  : SIP's UDP packet are printed.
--version  : display Version information.
--help, -h : display this Help messages.
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Mechanism anchor.png

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SLVoice (Normal Action) anchor.png

vivox_sip1.jpg, SIZE:720x540(47.1KB)
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sl_voice_relay (v1.0.0) anchor.png

sl_voice_relay.jpg, SIZE:720x540(60.0KB)
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sl_voice_relay (v0.9.0b) anchor.png

vivox_sip2.jpg, SIZE:720x540(63.9KB)

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