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1: 2012-03-29 (木) 10:32:01 iseki ソース
Line 1: Line 1:
 +** Animation Relay Server [#s6e98381]
 +*** Use Our Aimation Relay Server (default Animation Relay Server) [#h334f713]
 +- Our Animation Relay Server is set up as an initial value of Rinions.
 +-- Server: silver-star.nsl.tuis.ac.jp
 +-- Port Num: 8200
 +-- Group Key: NSL_TEST
 +- Our Server is at Chiba City, Japan. If you are in out of Japan, there is a time delay.
 +*** Group Key [#e52d3d1d]
 +- Group Key is grouping key and identified communication group.
 +- If someone Even if it is using the same server, communication will be impossible if Group Key is different.
 +*** Over the NAT (NAPT) [#f8e27fef]
 +- Rinions is over the NAT using UDP Hole Punching. So, there is no necessity that you are conscious of NAT.
 +** Use Our Animation Relay Server [#qfddbaf3]
 +*** Login [#ta369b62]
 ++ Check ''Setting of Network''
 ++ Select ''Login'' from File Menu.
 +*** Logout [#s468d670]
 ++ Select ''Logout'' from File Menu
 +*** Demo [#yf1d70b1]
 +- Please see http://youtu.be/x942bCfTSso

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