Animation Relay Server
About Animation Relay Server
- Animation Relay Server takes the synchronization of Animation on the Network.
- If your friend want to only see your a dance, your friend do not need to buy Kinect.
Group Key
- Group Key is grouping key and identified communication group (within 16Byte).
- Even if someone use the same Animation Relay Server, communication will be impossible if Group Key is different.
Over the NAT (NAPT)
- Rinions is over the NAT using UDP Hole Punching. So, If you use external Animation Relay Server, there is no necessity that you are conscious of NAT at your home.
Setting of Our Aimation Relay Server
- Our Animation Relay Server is set up as an initial value of Rinions.
- Server: silver-star.nsl.tuis.ac.jp
- Port Num: 8200
- Group Key: NSL_TEST or you can specify any string. If you set any string, please teach your friends that string.
- Our Server is at Chiba City, Japan. If you are in outside of Japan, there is a time delay.
- Please see http://youtu.be/x942bCfTSso
Use Local Animation Relay Server on your PC
- Rinions-3.0 includes anm_server.exe which is executable on Windows.
- You can execute Animation Relay Server on your Windows PC.
- You have to setup Windows Firewall of your PC.
- If you want to communicate your friends, you have to open the ports on your Broad Band Router (or on Firewall of your enterprise).
- You have to open the Incoming and Outgoing UDP Ports (default:8200-8299).
- You have to open the Incoming and Outgoing UDP Ports (default:8200-8299).
Execution of Local Animation Relay Srver
- Double click anm_server icon on DeskTop.
- anm_server displayed startup messages.
Setting of Network of Renions
- Open the setting of Network Dialog
- Setup Network Configration
- You:
- Animation Server: localhost or
- Port Num: 8200
- Group Key: Specify to any strings.
- Your friends:
- Animation Server: IP address of your PC or IP Address of your Broad Band Router
- Port Num: 8200 or Opened Port on your Broad Band Router
- Group Key: Please teach your friends string that you are set.
- You:
- Please see http://youtu.be/aNCvDxzlGjA
Counter: 2267,
today: 1,
yesterday: 0
最終更新: 2012-09-22 (土) 14:26:47 (JST) (4376d) by iseki