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About Animation Relay Server anchor.png

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Group Key anchor.png

  • Group Key is grouping key and identified communication group (within 16Byte).
  • Even if someone use the same Animation Relay Server, communication will be impossible if Group Key is different.
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Over the NAT (NAPT) anchor.png

  • Rinions is over the NAT using UDP Hole Punching. So, If you use external Animation Relay Server, there is no necessity that you are conscious of NAT at your home.
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Use Our Animation Relay Server anchor.png

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Setting of Our Aimation Relay Server anchor.png

  • Our Animation Relay Server is set up as an initial value of Rinions.
    • Server: silver-star.nsl.tuis.ac.jp
    • Port Num: 8200
    • Group Key: NSL_TEST or you can specify any string. If you set any string, please teach your friends that string.
  • Our Server is at Chiba City, Japan. If you are in outside of Japan, there is a time delay.
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Login anchor.png

  1. Check Setting of Network
  2. Select Login from File Menu.
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Logout anchor.png

  1. Select Logout from File Menu
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Demo anchor.png

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Use Local Animation Relay Server on your PC anchor.png

  • Rinions-3.0 includes anm_server.exe which is executable on Windows.
  • You can execute Animation Relay Server on your Windows PC.
    • You have to setup Windows Firewall of your PC.
  • If you want to communicate your friends, you have to open the ports on your Broad Band Router (or on Firewall of your enterprise).
    • You have to open the Incoming and Outgoing UDP Ports (default:8200-8299).
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Execution of Local Animation Relay Srver anchor.png

  • Double click anm_server icon on DeskTop.
  • anm_server displayed startup messages.
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Setting of Network of Renions anchor.png

  • Open the setting of Network Dialog
  • Setup Network Configration
    • You:
      • Animation Server: localhost or
      • Port Num: 8200
      • Group Key: Specify to any strings.
    • Your friends:
      • Animation Server: IP address of your PC or IP Address of your Broad Band Router
      • Port Num: 8200 or Opened Port on your Broad Band Router
      • Group Key: Please teach your friends string that you are set.
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Login anchor.png

  1. Check Setting of Network
  2. Select Login from File Menu.
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Logout anchor.png

  1. Select Logout from File Menu
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Demo anchor.png

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