Yes, you can!! It is a easy!!
- If you are not using Imprudence Viewer 1.3.2 or Firestorm Viewer 4.2.2 or Singularity Viewer 1.7.2, download one of them and install it.
- Download Installer of Rinions, please install and execute it.
- Please ask your friend the information of Animation Relay Server and Group Key.
- Setup animation server and Group Key to Rininons. (Setting of Network Menu)
- Execute recompiled Viewer from Startup Menu -> NSL -> Rinions -> Rinions-Viewer
- Login to Second Life/OpenSim
- Teleport to the place in which a your friend is present.
- Select Login from File Menu on Rinions.
- You can see a dance of your friend.
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最終更新: 2012-09-22 (土) 14:48:15 (JST) (4376d) by iseki