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24: 2010-12-09 (木) 17:21:37 admin ソース 25: 2010-12-13 (月) 21:40:13 admin ソース
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- Supported Moodle version is ''1.9.x'' - Supported Moodle version is ''1.9.x''
- Modlos is a Moodle Block for OpenSim DB Management - Modlos is a Moodle Block for OpenSim DB Management
-- Supported OpenSim's mode is ''Grid mode'', StandAlone mode of 0.6.x is not supported. But ''StandAlone mode of 0.7'' is supported.+- Supported OpenSim's mode is ''Grid mode'', StandAlone mode of 0.6.x is not supported. But ''StandAlone mode of 0.7.0/0.7.1Dev'' is supported.
- Based on [[opensimwi redux 0.32>http://forge.opensimulator.org/gf/p​roject/opensimwi/]].Currency, landtool and helper functionality works without any additional configuration. - Based on [[opensimwi redux 0.32>http://forge.opensimulator.org/gf/p​roject/opensimwi/]].Currency, landtool and helper functionality works without any additional configuration.
- ''Offline Message'' and ''Mute List'' are supported. - ''Offline Message'' and ''Mute List'' are supported.
- ''Login Screen'' is supported. - ''Login Screen'' is supported.
- Includes [[flotsam group function>/OpenSim/Config/Group]] , can use group functionality without any additional configuration. - Includes [[flotsam group function>/OpenSim/Config/Group]] , can use group functionality without any additional configuration.
-- Includes ''osprofile'' function for user profile of 0.7 +- Includes ''osprofile'' function for user profile of 0.7.0/0.7.1Dev 
-- Includes ''ossearch'' function for in world search of 0.7+- Includes ''ossearch'' function for in world search of 0.7.0/0.7.1Dev
- World map works for multiple regions. Position is not currently reset when you zoom. - World map works for multiple regions. Position is not currently reset when you zoom.
- Avatar list shows logged in avatars and which SIM they are in. - Avatar list shows logged in avatars and which SIM they are in.
- It is possible to change Region Owner and Voice Chat Mode (need to reboot of SIM). - It is possible to change Region Owner and Voice Chat Mode (need to reboot of SIM).
-- Supported OpenSim versions are 0.6.7, 0.6.8, 0.6.9 and 0.7. +- Supported OpenSim versions are 0.7.0 and 0.7.1Dev 
-- Migration of the DB from 0.6.9-> 0.7 is supported.+- Migration of the DB from 0.6.9-> 0.7.x is supported.
- Supports cooperation with ''[[Sloodle>http://sloodle.org/]]''. - Supports cooperation with ''[[Sloodle>http://sloodle.org/]]''.
- Auto synchronization with OpenSim DB and Sloodle DB. - Auto synchronization with OpenSim DB and Sloodle DB.
- Modlos is sister application of ''[[XoopenSim>XoopenSim (E)]]''. - Modlos is sister application of ''[[XoopenSim>XoopenSim (E)]]''.
-- If you can not show World Map icon at 0.7, this is OpenSim's bug. Please see [[here>#y6946567]].+- If you can not show World Map icon at 0.7.0, this is OpenSim's bug. Please see [[here>#y6946567]].
- [[Plan of Future Works>/XoopenSim (E)/Future Works]] - [[Plan of Future Works>/XoopenSim (E)/Future Works]]
#br #br
-*** New Functions of v1.5.0 [#ld338db2]+*** New Functions of v1.5.x [#ld338db2]
- Support display of Region Statistics (When click IP address of  region lists, region statistics is showed) - Support display of Region Statistics (When click IP address of  region lists, region statistics is showed)
- Support Profile Photo of Avatar  (Need Jasper or Imagemagick that supports JPEG2000. It does not work in MS Windows) - Support Profile Photo of Avatar  (Need Jasper or Imagemagick that supports JPEG2000. It does not work in MS Windows)
Line 33: Line 33:
- Include Binary Modules - Include Binary Modules
#br #br
*** Download [#b75c5ea6] *** Download [#b75c5ea6]
- Beta version (v1.4.1):http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&ci​d=5&lid=13 - Beta version (v1.4.1):http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&ci​d=5&lid=13

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