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Modlos (Moodle OpenSim) : OpenSim Web site interface for Moolde anchor.png


  • Latest stable version is 3.3.x.
  • Modlos is a Moodle Block for OpenSim DB Management
  • Supported OpenSim's mode is Grid mode, StandAlone mode of 0.6.x is not supported.
  • Based on opensimwi redux 0.32.Currency, landtool and helper functionality works without any additional configuration.
  • Offline Message and Mute List are supported.
  • Login Screen is supported.
  • Includes flotsam group function , can use group functionality without any additional configuration.
  • Includes osprofile function for user profile of 0.7.x/0.8.x/0.9.x
  • Includes ossearch function for in world search of 0.7.x/0.8.x/0.9.x
  • World map works for multiple regions. Position is not currently reset when you zoom.
  • Avatar list shows logged in avatars and which SIM they are in.
  • It is possible to change Region Owner and Voice Chat Mode (need to reboot of SIM).
  • Supported OpenSim versions are 0.7.x/0.8.x/0.9.x
  • Migration of the DB from 0.6.9-> 0.7.x is supported.
  • Supports cooperation with Sloodle.
  • Auto synchronization with OpenSim DB and Sloodle DB.
  • Modlos is sister application of XoopenSim. XoopenSim is not maintained now.
  • If you can not show World Map icon at 0.7.0, this is OpenSim's bug. Please see here.
  • Plan of Future Works
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Download anchor.png

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Working Site anchor.png

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Attention!! anchor.png

  • Latest OpenSim 0.7Dev (-r/13094) has bug of World Map function. Therefore, XoopenSim can not display the World Map normally. Please patch to the source code with patch code. We fairly reported on this to Mantis ahead. However, it is not corrected. (6/21 '10)
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License. anchor.png

This Software's License conforms to Sloodle's License.

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Disclaimer anchor.png

This software is not guaranteed at all. The author makes no representations regarding the fitness of this software and does not assume responsibility for any problems that may occur with the use, remodeling, or re-distribution of this software under any circumstances. Use is entirely at your own risk.

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Acknowledgements anchor.png

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Gallery anchor.png

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Home Page anchor.png

Modlos_home.jpg, SIZE:986x458(101.8KB)

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World Map (multi region and zooming without position resetting are supported) anchor.png

Modlos_map.jpg, SIZE:984x866(150.5KB)

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Regions List anchor.png

Modlos_regions.jpg, SIZE:988x536(160.2KB)

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Avatars List anchor.png

Modlos_avatars.jpg, SIZE:963x559(175.7KB)

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Create Avatar anchor.png

Modlos_create.jpg, SIZE:982x484(108.0KB)

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Edit Avatar anchor.png

Modlos_edit.jpg, SIZE:984x469(107.3KB)

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Region Information anchor.png

Modlos_sim.jpg, SIZE:806x376(73.9KB)

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Avatar Information anchor.png

Modlos_agent.jpg, SIZE:805x368(83.8KB)

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Preferences anchor.png

Modlos_pref.jpg, SIZE:1242x783(243.5KB)

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Lastnames Management anchor.png

Modlos_lastnames.jpg, SIZE:984x640(100.6KB)

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