DTL/NSL Money Server for OpenSim
- Latest Stable Version is 0.9.1 (for OpenSim 0.9.1)
- Latest subversion repository is for 0.9.2Dev
- This Money Server is modified from DTL Currency and modified for Unix/Linux (It might work in MS Windows).
- Some bug fixes are done and some functions are extended from DTL currency.
- This can be operated by OpenSim 0.6.7, 0.7.x, 0.8.x, 0.9.x
- Web Monitor function (ASP.NET) is removed from original DTL Currency.
- Client Certification is available.
- This does not support that sell/buy the group shared object.
- Please use this at Your Own Risk!!
- Client (SIM: Region Server) certification causes an error in mono-5.16 and later. Please use mono-5.0 - mono-5.14, if you want to use client (SIM: Region Server) certification function.(at v0.9.1)
- About this project, Milo do a lot of advice and donation to us. Thank you very much!!
Supported Functions
- See Here
- Client Certification for 0.9.x
- latest dev version (for OpenSim-0.9.2Dev)
- svn co http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/opensim/opensim.currency/trunk opensim.currency
- Attention
- This uses HTTP/DAV, therefore your subversion needs to include Neon module.
- This uses HTTP/DAV, therefore your subversion needs to include Neon module.
for Release Version (OpenSim-X.Y.Z) [with No Client Certification]
cd (PREFIX)/opensim-X.Y.Z-source (or opensim-X.Y.Z-release) tar xzfv opensim.currency-X.Y.Z.tar.gz ./runprebuild.sh && xbuild cd opensim.currency-X.Y.Z ./build.sh cd ../bin vi MoneyServer.ini
No Client Certification or Money Module (OpenSim.Modules.Currency.dll) only
git clone git://opensimulator.org/git/opensim opensim cd opensim svn co http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/opensim/opensim.currency/trunk opensim.currency ./runprebuild.sh && xbuild cd opensim.currency ./build.sh cd ../bin vi MoneyServer.ini
Money Server (MoneyServer.exe) with Client Certification function
git clone git://opensimulator.org/git/opensim opensim cd opensim svn co http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/opensim/opensim.currency/trunk opensim.currency patch -p1 < opensim.currency/patch/ opensim.server.patch ./runprebuild.sh && xbuild cd opensim.currency ./build.sh cd ../bin vi MoneyServer.ini
- Since 0.9.1, HttpServer_OpenSim.dll is already fixed, so no patch is required.
- opensim-libs (unnecessary now)
git clone git://opensimulator.org/git/opensim-libscp -Rpd opensim-libs/HttpServer/trunk/HttpServer .cd HttpServer/patch -p1 < ../opensim.currency/patch/HttpServer.patchxbuild /p:Configuration=Release
for Region Server
- Regionサーバ毎に HG Avatar をどう取り扱うか指定できる.
- OpenSim.ini の [Economy] セクションの HGAvatarAs で指定する
- ForeignAvatar, HGAvatar, GuestAvatar, LocalAvatar が指定可能.デフォルトは HGAvatar
for MoneyServer
- Region毎に決めた HGAvatar の取り扱い(Avatar Class: HGAvatar, GuestAvatar)に対してのマネーサーバ側の挙動を指定できる
- マネーサーバの MoneyServer.ini で指定する.
- LocalAvatar に対しては何時でも true (マネーサーバの使用可)
- ForeignAvatar に対しては何時でも false (マネーサーバの使用不可)
; for HG/Guest Avatar. Foreign Avatar is always false ;EnableHGAvatar = false ;EnableGuestAvatar = false ;HGAvatarDefaultBalance = 0 ;GuestAvatarDefaultBalance = 0
Helper Scripts
- If you use functions that Buy Money from System, Buy Land and send_money, you should set up Helper Scripts.
- If you use
XoopenSim orModlos, you may not do setting Helper Script. Because XoopenSim/Modlos sets up it by automatically. - Helper Scripts work with PHP-7.x
- Setup Manual of Helper Scripts is here
- Execute MoneyServer after Robust.exe and before OpenSim.exe
# cd bin # mono Robust.exe # mono MoneyServer.exe # mono OpenSim.exe
- クライアント認証が可能 Client Certification
- クライアント認証機能付き MoneyServer.exe を生成する場合は,
HttpServer_OpenSim およびOpenSim 本体にパッチが必要 - OpenSim.exe 用モジュールにはパッチは不要
http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/opensim/opensim.currency/secure- http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/opensim/opensim.currency/trunk にマージ (10/26 2013)
- http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/opensim/opensim.currency/trunk にマージ (10/26 2013)
Client からのリクエスト情報を格納する HttpClientContext に Common Name を保存する SSLCommonName を追加IHttpClientContext.SSLCommonName
Client 認証時のコールバック関数 ClientCertificateValidationCallback() の仮想関数を定義
XMLRPC のリクエスト情報を格納するXmlRpcRequest の5番目のパラメータに Common Name を格納- XMLRPC のリクエスト情報からCommon Name を得るには GetSSLCommonName() を使用する.
Sample Program
- LSL: llGvieMony()
- PHP: send_money()
- Client (SIM: Region Server) certification causes an error in mono-5.16 and later. Please use mono-5.0 - mono-5.14, if you want to use client (SIM: Region Server) certification function.(at v0.9.1)
- 0.7.1 R2
- send_money() of helper script is failed, when the secretCode argument is omitted.
- 0.7.1 R1
- The script money() (money event) does not work. (It is corrected at R2)
Charge message of "Group Creation" displayed L$100 at any time.As it displayed normally at Hippo Viewer, this is the problem of Viewer.
- 0.7 R4
- Included include/opensim.mysql.php helper script of v0.7R4 has bugs. If you want to use included helper scripts, please download http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/SoftWare/PHP/WI-1.55/opensim.mysql , and rename to opensim.mysql.php and use it.
- 0.7 R3
- When object is set to sale original, no money is transferred. (collected at v0.7 R4)
- When object is set to sale original, no money is transferred. (collected at v0.7 R4)
- MoneyServer.ini と include/config.php (またはXoopenSim/Modlos) の Helper Script用のキーは必ず同じものを指定すること.
OpenSim.ini 中の UserServer, CurrencyServer のアドレスは localhost ( を使用しないこと ( [Network] セクションの user_server_url).これは,このIPアドレスが,Monet Server内でのユーザのアカウント識別に利用されるためである.アカウントの識別から,サーバのIPアドレスを削除しました.ハイパーグリッドであっても,アバターはUUIDのみで識別されます.0.6.9で,[Network] セクションの user_server_url が無くなったため,代わりに [Economy]セクションで UserServer を指定するように変更.UserServer は現在参照されません.
mono 4.4.0 にしたら,エラー続出 (0.9)
2016-03-31 17:02:39,845 ERROR (Threadpool worker) - OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.BaseHttpServer [BASE HTTP SERVER]: HttpServer.HttpListener had an exception System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Net.Security.SslStream' from assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. at HttpServer.HttpContextFactory.CreateNewContext (Boolean isSecured, System.Net.IPEndPoint endPoint, System.IO.Stream stream, System.Net.Sockets.Socket sock) <0x418d2540 + 0x00063> in <filename unknown>:0 at HttpServer.HttpContextFactory.CreateContext (Boolean isSecured, System.Net.IPEndPoint endPoint, System.IO.Stream stream, System.Net.Sockets.Socket sock) <0x418d2000 + 0x001f9> in <filename unknown>:0 at HttpServer.HttpContextFactory.CreateContext (System.Net.Sockets.Socket socket) <0x418d1e30 + 0x00093> in <filename unknown>:0 at HttpServer.HttpListenerBase.OnAccept (IAsyncResult ar) <0x418d0d10 + 0x0025b> in <filename unknown>:0
- 結局,古い Mono.Security.dll を使用しているせいだった.bin にあった Mono.Security.dll を削除
RunTime Error (0.8)
- Missing method .ctor in assembly /usr/local/opensim/bin/OpenSim.Framework.Console.dll, type System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute
- Please use --runtime=v4.0 option
mono --runtime=v4.0 MoneyServer.exe
- Please use --runtime=v4.0 option
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/Aurora-Sim
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/ChangeLog
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/Client Certification
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/DB
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/Devel
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/Devel/currency.php
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/Devel/function_call
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/Devel/function_call/AuroraSim
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/Devel/function_call/OpenSim
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/Devel/landtool.php
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/Devel/transaction_code
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/Diva-0.7.2
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/DTL Currency Processing
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/Functions
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/Helper Script
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/LSL
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/MoneyServer.ini
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/old_version
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/OpenSim.ini
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/send_money
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/SQL_Reconnect_Error
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/standalone_0.7
- OpenSim/MoneyServer/standalone_0.7.1
Counter: 224708,
today: 3,
yesterday: 5
最終更新: 2020-04-11 (土) 17:45:43 (JST) (1617d) by admin