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Transaction Codes, Event, Handler anchor.png

1002  GroupCreate                   AmountCovered, ApplyCharge
1004  GroupJoin
1100  TeleportCharge
1101  UploadCharge                  UploadCovered, ApplyUploadCharge
1102  LandAuction
1103  ClassifiedCharge

2900  ScheduledFee (Original)       ScheduledCurrencyTransferModule.Charge (Aurora-Sim) 

5000  ObjectSale
5001  Gift (OnTransferMoney)        MoneyTransferAction
5002  LandSale (OnLandBuy)          ValidateLandBuy, processLandBuy
5003  ReferBonus (SendMoneyBalance) SendMoneyBalanceHandler
5004  InventorySale
5005  RefundPurchase
5006  LandPassSale
5007  DwellBonus
5008  PayObject (OnObjectBuy)       OnObjectBuy
5009  ObjectPays (ObjectGiveMoney)  ObjectGiveMoney

5010  BuyMoney (AddBankerMoney)     AddBankerMoneyHandler
5011  MoveMoney                     llTransferLindenDollars (Aurora-Sim)
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Codes from Source anchor.png

# Codes 1000-1999 reserved for one-time charges
    ObjectClaim            = 1000
    LandClaim              = 1001
    GroupCreate            = 1002
    ObjectPublicClaim      = 1003
    GroupJoin              = 1004 # May be moved to group transactions eventually
    TeleportCharge         = 1100 # FF not sure why this jumps to 1100... 
    UploadCharge           = 1101
    LandAuction            = 1102
    ClassifiedCharge       = 1103

# Codes 2000-2999 reserved for recurrent charges
    ObjectTax              = 2000
    LandTax                = 2001
    LightTax               = 2002
    ParcelDirFee           = 2003
    GroupTax               = 2004 # Taxes incurred as part of group membership
    ClassifiedRenew        = 2005

# Codes 3000-3999 reserved for inventory transactions
    GiveInventory          = 3000

# Codes 5000-5999 reserved for transfers between users
    ObjectSale             = 5000
    Gift                   = 5001
    LandSale               = 5002
    ReferBonus             = 5003
    InventorySale          = 5004
    RefundPurchase         = 5005
    LandPassSale           = 5006
    DwellBonus             = 5007
    PayObject              = 5008
    ObjectPays             = 5009

# Codes 6000-6999 reserved for group transactions
#   GroupJoin              = 6000  # reserved for future use
    GroupLandDeed          = 6001
    GroupObjectDeed        = 6002
    GroupLiability         = 6003
    GroupDividend          = 6004
    MembershipDues         = 6005

# Codes 8000-8999 reserved for one-type credits
    ObjectRelease          = 8000
    LandRelease            = 8001
    ObjectDelete           = 8002
    ObjectPublicDecay      = 8003
    ObjectPublicDelete     = 8004

# Code 9000-9099 reserved for usertool transactions
    LindenAdjustment       = 9000
    LindenGrant            = 9001
    LindenPenalty          = 9002
    EventFee               = 9003
    EventPrize             = 9004

# Codes 10000-10999 reserved for stipend credits
    StipendBasic           = 10000
    StipendDeveloper       = 10001
    StipendAlways          = 10002
    StipendDaily           = 10003
    StipendRating          = 10004
    StipendDelta           = 10005

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