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Helper Scripts for OpenSimulator anchor.png

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Setup anchor.png

  • If you do not use XoopenSim or Modlos (Web Interface), you should setup helper scripts by manual.
  • If you use XoopenSim or Modlos, this function is setup by automatically.
    • XoopenSim is not maintained now.
  • You need Web Server (ex. Apache) and PHP (include PHP-XMLRPC, PHP-CURL)
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Download anchor.png
  • You can download helper scripts from http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/SoftW​are/OpenSim/helper_scripts-0.9.1.tgz directly.
    • Please copy extracted helper_scripts/* to any Web contents directory.
  • Or you can find helper scripts download tool (setup_scripts.sh) in helper_scripts directory
    • Please copy helper_scripts/* to any Web contents directory.
    • If you use Dev Version, please execute setup_scripts.sh shell scrupt
      • bash setup_scripts.sh
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edit config.php anchor.png
  • And edit include/config.php to set ENV_HELPER_URL, ENV_HELPER_PATH and DB information and more.
    • If you use PHP-5.5.x later, you need set true to OPENSIM_DB_MYSQLI
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command example anchor.png
  • Download directory
    cd (working Directory)
    wget http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/SoftW​are/OpenSim/helper_scripts-x.y.z.tgz
    zcat helper_scripts-x.y.z.tgz |tar xfv -
    mkdir (Document Root of WEB)/currency
    cp -Rpd helper_scripts/* (Document Root of Web)/currency
    cd (Document Root of Web)/currency
    chown -R apache.apache .
    vi include/config.php
  • use setup_scripts.sh
    cd (Money Server's Directory)
    mkdir (Document Root of WEB)/currency
    cp -Rpd helper_scripts/* (Document Root of Web)/currency
    cd (Document Root of Web)/currency
    ./setup_scripts.sh  -a
    chown -R apache.apache .
    vi include/config.php
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Configuration anchor.png

  • include/cpnfig.php:
    // Please set this hepler script URL and directory
    if (!defined('ENV_HELPER_URL'))  define('ENV_HELPER_URL',  'http://www.opensim.tuis.ac.jp/currency/helper/');
    if (!defined('ENV_HELPER_PATH')) define('ENV_HELPER_PATH', '/home/apache/htdocs/currency/helper/');
    // Valiables for OpenSim
    // Please set MySQL DB access information
    define('OPENSIM_DB_HOST', 'localhost');
    define('OPENSIM_DB_NAME', 'opensim');
    define('OPENSIM_DB_USER', 'opensim_user');
    define('OPENSIM_DB_PASS', 'opensim_pass');
    define('OPENSIM_DB_MYSQLI', false);     // if you use MySQLi interface, please set true
    // Money Server Access Key
    // Please set same key with MoneyScriptAccessKey in MoneyServer.ini
    define('CURRENCY_SCRIPT_KEY', '123456789'); 
    // Group Module Access Keys
    // Please set same keys with at [Groups] section in OpenSim.ini (case of Aurora-Sim, it is Groups.ini)
    define('XMLGROUP_RKEY', '1234');    // Read Key
    define('XMLGROUP_WKEY', '1234');    // Write key
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Support scripts for setup helper scripts anchor.png

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setup_scripts.sh anchor.png
  • Scripts that downloaded and be setup
    • jbxl (JunkBox Library)
    • opensim.helper
    • opensim.phplib
    • modified flotsam_XmlRpcGroup
# ./setup_scripts.sh -h

usage... ./setup_scripts.sh [-c/--copy] [-d/--download] [-a/--all] [-h/--help]
-c or --copy     : not symbolic link but copy files
-d or --download : download only
-a or --all      : treat all scripts include optional scripts
-h or --help     : show this help

# ./setup_scripts.sh --copy
  • Optional Scripts
    • NSL Mute Module support scripts
    • NSL OSProfile Module support scripts
    • NSL OSSearch Module support scripts
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delete_scripts.sh anchor.png
  • Delete all downloaded scripts.
# ./delete_scripts.sh

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