Setting Page
- Grid Name: Grid name of OpenSim Grid.
- OpenSim SQL Server Name: FQDN or IP adress of MySQL server for OpenSim.
- OpenSim SQL DB Name: MySQL DB name for OpenSim.
- OpenSim SQL DB User Name: User name of MySQL for OpenSim.
- OpenSim SQL DB Password: DB password of MySQL for OpenSim.
- World Map Start Point (X): Specify Initial X coordinates of World Map.
- World Map Start Point (Y): Specify Initial Y coordinates of World Map.
- Size of SIM icon on the World Map: Specify default size(px) of SIM icon on the World Map.
- Max Number of Avatars: Number in which one avatar can be owned. This setting is check new avatar creation. When number is 0, ordinary user can not create new avatar.And when number is negative number, infinitely can create new avatar.This setting is not applied to administrator. If you use Sloodle, set to 1.
- Last Name Activation: Select to last name limitation is active, or not. If it is not checked, user can set up last name freely.
- Default Home Region: Specify default home region (SIM) of avatar.
- Do you use HTTPS with POST: Do you use HTTPS, when you send important data (ex. password) to Modlos with POST method? It is not necessary to select it, when the whole of this site is already https.
- Moodle Block URL of HTTPS: Specify HTTPS URL (include /blocks) of Moodle Block. If this is blank (default), http: of $CFG->wwwroo/blocks was changed into https: is used.
- Display format of date(time): Specify display format of date and time.
- Link from Moodle user's name to user information page: It is specified whether to put the link form Moodle user's name to Moodle account information page, when Moodle user's name is displayed on the Modlos page. The teacher is included in the administrator.
- The teacher is included in the administrator: When it is checked, the authority of the manager of Modlos is given to the teacher in each course. However, it is It is necessary to attention of security.
- Cooperation with Sloodle: If Sloodle is installed, Modlos reads/writes the Sloodle user DB.
- Group Database Read Key: Specify same read key code with XmlRpcServiceReadKey in [Groups] section of OpenSim.ini
- Group Database Write Key: Specify same write key code with XmlRpcServiceWriteKey in [Groups] section of OpenSim.ini
- Home (Top) Page Content: Specify content of Modlos home (top) page
- Regions List Content: Specify content of regions list page
- Avatars List Content: Specify content of avatars list page
- Editable Avatas List Conten: Specify content of editable avatars list page
- Disclaimer Activation: Select to display of disclaimer is active or not
- Content of Disclaime: Specify content of Disclaimer of OpenSim
Auto DB Synchronization with OpenSim DB
- It automatically synchronizes with DB of Modlos and DB of OpenSim since v1.40.
- Synchronization of Avatar
- If there is data of avatar on the OpenSim side, the data of avatar on the Moodle side is copied from OpenSim side.
- If there is no data of avatar that corresponds to avatar on the OpenSim side, the data of avatar on the Modlos side is deleted.
Counter: 2592,
today: 1,
yesterday: 0
最終更新: 2011-06-18 (土) 11:28:40 (JST) (4923d) by iseki