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Modlos_tabmenu.jpg, SIZE:951x50(29.6KB)

Page Top

Modlos Home anchor.png

  • OpenSim DB status is displayed.
Page Top

World Map anchor.png

  • OpenSim World Map is displayed. Multi Region is supported.
Page Top

Events anchor.png

Page Top

Management anchor.png

Page Top
Modlos Home anchor.png
Page Top
Preferencs anchor.png
  • Jump to Block Setting Page.
  • If you are not administrator, this tab is not displayed.
Page Top
Login Screen anchor.png
Page Top
Commands of Manage anchor.png
  • Convert OpenSim DB from 0.6.x to 0.7
    • If you are not administrator, this tab is not displayed.
    • If you are using 0.6.x, you do not need to use this function.
    • If you are using only 0.7, you do not need to use this function.
  • Clear Texture Cache
  • Clear Login Table
Page Top
Return to Course (Return to Site Top) anchor.png
  • Return to previous Course Page

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